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- Apr 24 2013, 9:06 PM (619 w, 5 d)
May 10 2016
Models are excelent. No need any tweaking at all for me.
Agreed but i cant imagine this level of detail implemented even in final release. They already have huge work to do. Voted up anyway, of course.
Right. Ai seem not recognize environment for cover correctly. This fix would change the whole game ( for best! ).
Mhh, sounds good but i ask myself if it wouldn´t be high resource demanding...
Oldirty, exactlty.
In fact, in my case, i play without any icon except objetives. Two year playing and still have some orientation problems. But when i learn more, i will play whitout any icon of any kind.
So, Turmoil_OZ, I suggest you practice and patience ;)
Up voted!
In Arma 2 i used/use Sound of Anders mixed with some samples from AceSM.
I like JSRS but SOA sounds heavier for my ears. Anyway, asking to BIS for this feature in an alpha state, seems premature to me.
So, I´m totally agreed with mwnciboo :)
Yes, this is Alpha. Let´s wait until Final release.
If they didn't implement it since ArmA 2 until now it's because critical limitations.
That is for sure. But I see it was assigned anyway... well. If they fix this i will have to kiss the ass at everyone at Bis. period.
May 9 2016
Well, today i asked to my ATsoldier to engage an enemy vehicle but he never use his Nlaw, he only use riffle. I tried it all without results.
I suppouse this happens because is alpha.
everybody knows that women has been in war since 1940 or before.
The discussion centers on the front line, something very different.
Firtsly, I can´t understand how someone can say "There is basically no difference between female soldiers and male soldiers". Simply they are different, signed by nature!
Is nor good nor bad, is just a true.
They meet the standard from now? I guess you wrong.
Take a look
Standard are different for both, obviously.
And Take a look on this: ( written by a woman ) ( common sense )
But well, let´s talk about what matters :)
The game is still an alpha, we don´t know about full game contents.
I have no problem at all if women soldiers are included as an option, but jobs for team would be duplicated, I don´t want to see male body soldiers with females heads round there! So a lot of modeling work would be added, new animations ( for ex: woman and man don´t walk in the same way,... oh! maybe feminist could complaint about this too), new hitbox, new sounds, stamina, (endurance should be natural as reality), etc.
In the case BIS put women on campaign, i´m sure they do it with criteria based on real firefights events but fanatics with fanciful ideas.
So if BIS don´t include female models is not important.
For sure you´ll get a DLC with something like "The she army"(in the best of cases, if i were BIS i would release this DLC to earn more money)or somebody will make a mod.
My vote is "no".
This is my humble way of thinking.
Greetings, mates.-
Women are acepted in many contries at military positions but NOT ON THE FRONT. Just for support and maybe defenese position Please understand it, and please be realistic and get well informed. Don´t get impressed about woman soldiers footage on the internet.
I suggest to look for some real combat soldiers experience and investigate percents seriously before talking about.
Even more, read for some female soldiers interview about Irak/Afghanistan experience.
To be honest Im really tired too see feminist stupidity mixed on this topic. Machism and feminist discucsions are just a waste of time. Man and woman are NOT EQUAL but COMPLEMENTARY. Woman are better where man are not and viceversa. Stop the useless discusion.
I came to ArmA because i look for mayor realism possible. Its a game i take seriously so i enjoy it 100%.
I do prefer BIS get focused in realism factors ( and still they have a huge work to do ) than in a minority of man/woman that focus on a useless feminist defense.
Wait for some moder to make it. Arma´s engine is open enough to do whatever you want.
Lot of talking for something very simple.
Just need aiming dead zone working as in ArmA 2. That's all!
Same issue here. Trackir works only with deadzone off.