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Mar 15 2013, 3:58 PM (622 w, 6 d)

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Jun 8 2018

Krycek added a comment to T124664: Macers can't lock on to laser designated targets..

Yup, Oukej said it wasn't intended to use laser designator with this missile. Still would be a good feature considering the wonky target acquiring with this missile. Not to mention for targets in cities.

Jun 8 2018, 9:53 PM · Arma 3

Jun 4 2018

Krycek added a comment to T127171: Problem with MACER AG missiles.

Oukej, I posted&made two vids here:

Jun 4 2018, 10:30 PM · Arma 3
Krycek added a comment to T127171: Problem with MACER AG missiles.

This missile is pure junk, I get even shorter lock-on distances than wiki, 1km-500m. Either extend it's lock-on range or scrap it, it's junk in player hands,it's even more junk in AI hands be it UCAV or F\A-181 and so on. Do you know what happens with an AI drone or plane that gets so close to an enemy? It gets blasted to pieces before it manages to lock-on with Macers.
Not to mention it can't lock-on even now on laser designated targets.

Jun 4 2018, 3:39 PM · Arma 3
Krycek added a comment to T124664: Macers can't lock on to laser designated targets..

So it seems this was assigned since May 2017 but I don't see any fix for this. Still won't lock on with laser designator to this date.

Jun 4 2018, 3:25 PM · Arma 3

Apr 19 2018

Krycek added a comment to T128103: Helicopter gunners do not use Anti Ground Missiles.

My findings with this issue is that removing cannon ammo will make the gunner use the AT missiles. I also noticed that switching the AT missile control from gunner to pilot will make chopper use them. I noticed this on Greyhawk/Ababil too where gunner won't target ground units but switching the guided missiles to the "pilot" will make the drone engaging targets.

Apr 19 2018, 10:56 PM · Arma 3

Feb 21 2018

Krycek added a comment to T126333: AI abandoning vehicles after group switch.

Same in 1.80.143869, not even gonna bother to make another video since no one cares anyway.

Feb 21 2018, 2:42 PM · Arma 3

Sep 19 2017

Krycek added a comment to T126333: AI abandoning vehicles after group switch.

No change in 1.76.

Sep 19 2017, 9:11 PM · Arma 3

Jul 30 2017

Krycek created T126333: AI abandoning vehicles after group switch.
Jul 30 2017, 8:26 PM · Arma 3

May 20 2017

Krycek created T124906: Previous playable AI squad forgets its last order!.
May 20 2017, 4:15 PM · Arma 3

May 10 2016

Krycek added a comment to T73223: Quad Tiltrotor Heavy Transport Aircraft and other vehicles..

Voted this because Vtol is the future.By 2035 Vtol solutions would be pretty mature,transport,gunship etc.

May 10 2016, 6:32 AM · Arma 3
Krycek added a comment to T71018: Make A3 engine backwards compatibility to A2/OA content a top priority post release..

Fully agree with this,I also hope ToH content will get attention too.There is some neat content in there that most won't use it in that game.The flight model will probably be introduced in A3 but I'm talking about quite a nice selection of vehicles that are in that game like firetruck,ambulance,cop car,more diverse civ vehicles(pickups,Suvs etc) and even some nice units like the Swat ones and civvies.

May 10 2016, 5:32 AM · Arma 3
Krycek added a comment to T70124: IF female civilians are included in A3 as they were in A2 then they should be able to operate weapons and vehicles..

Saw this ticket now,voted up.BI did a great job adding female civs in A2 but they were good only for immersion(not to have only men around towns).A3 really needs female civs and this time not only for scenery,driving and be able to use at least small arms(maybe pistols or smgs) would be a great addition.
Having female civs is a must-have for people like me that aren't only designing classic battle missions.
They have a role as ambience in towns just like the males maybe drive vehicles,or they could be used in rainbow six/swat scenarios,hostage rescue,vip escorting and so on.To people that can't find uses for them and think they're a waste of time it's not my fault your creativity is on the low level.

May 10 2016, 5:00 AM · Arma 3
Krycek added a comment to T65047: Option to override AI pathing.

It's a great idea,throught the Arma games missions inside towns are mostly static in my case.You can't have a convoy speeding up through town if its getting attacked or a car running away when shooting starts because AI gets bonkers.
For the amount of game complexity the AI does a good job most of the time,sadly pathfinding and maneuvering in towns it's still in 2001 stage.

May 10 2016, 1:45 AM · Arma 3
Krycek added a comment to T63313: Separate the Civilian options.

The problem with Farm Module is that it spawns only 2-3 npcs even with a radius of 500m in Agia Marina while the Village module simulates a small town better with plenty more npcs around.
Having them separated should allow us more control over npc&vehicles spawning.Besides let's face it the vehicles will always spawn in weird positions with this module.

Another benefit is that in the future if mods will add more civvie vehicles we could avoid situations like it was in A2.
The Vehicle module in A2 spawned every car under civ class so you had scenarios where a village had 3-4 firetrucks.:D

May 10 2016, 12:36 AM · Arma 3
Krycek edited Steps To Reproduce on T63313: Separate the Civilian options.
May 10 2016, 12:36 AM · Arma 3
Krycek edited Steps To Reproduce on T63291: AI running over others.
May 10 2016, 12:36 AM · Arma 3

May 9 2016

Krycek added a comment to T61600: Horrible convoy driving of AI vehicles.

That is why AI driving is actually worse in A3.In A2 they crashed or get stuck but they had a chance to reach their destination,right now in A3 they crash or get stuck and they also break their wheels so easily resulting in disabled vehicles.
Next time you ask your AI why he didn't bring his vehicle he'll answer "I broke my wheels man". :P

May 9 2016, 11:14 PM · Arma 3
Krycek added a comment to T61600: Horrible convoy driving of AI vehicles.


May 9 2016, 11:14 PM · Arma 3
Krycek added a comment to T61600: Horrible convoy driving of AI vehicles.

That's quite an improvement Dwarden,really glad you guys decided to "take on" this old issue.Convoy seems to move seamless.
Still there are a few issues with moving through Agia Marina.I can't repro every time but this happens:

Sorry for the jerky framerate,it's because of the stupid recording program.

May 9 2016, 11:14 PM · Arma 3
Krycek added a comment to T61600: Horrible convoy driving of AI vehicles.

Punkatux,I doubt it's about ranking,why in a straight road without any obstacles they drive ok-ish most of the time,but when they need to corner or pass through a town(or God forbids passing and cornering in a town) everything goes to hell??
Should I mention again the rock climbing and getting stuck?
And I'm not even talking about convoy with enemy contacts,just simple driving.
If you indeed managed to get a convoy running why not upload a video?

The only improvements I indeed saw with the latest builds is that they cross bridges better,but I truly hope the devs won't believe that bridges were the only problem.
Look at their video presentations(E3 etc) and you'll notice it's either some AI infantry action or an AI chopper flying around.If it wasn't something wrong with their driving AI why they won't show it on a bigger scale(more than one vehicle)??

May 9 2016, 11:14 PM · Arma 3
Krycek added a comment to T61600: Horrible convoy driving of AI vehicles.

I hope the devs take a good look at those 2 videos,great job much better than my 3 missions.AI driving it's not barely working it's pure and simple broken at this stage.

May 9 2016, 11:13 PM · Arma 3
Krycek added a comment to T61600: Horrible convoy driving of AI vehicles.

Yeah I haven't made a mission specifically about the stuck on rocks problem but I assume 99,9% of the players met that already with AI drivers.

Now I'm currently working on a mission to repro everytime the AI running over teammates.The results are baffling to say the least.
Sometimes they stop when meeting npcs in front while other times they stop,then going backwards to find a different route or they return to the first route and run over everything in sight.

May 9 2016, 11:13 PM · Arma 3
Krycek added a comment to T61600: Horrible convoy driving of AI vehicles.

I've made some missions to repro.AI set on Safe and Column formation,normal speed.A few Notes:

"Fubar AI" mission:slow cornering,brake/move,bridge not crossable,lead vehicle going in different direction when at bridge,second vehicle crashing into first vehicle and so on.Restart the mission a few times and you'll also notice the lead vehicle or second one hitting the house at ID 5977.

"Convoy in town" mission:Braking a lot,slow cornering,lead vehicle hitting electricity pole or fence,second vehicle sometimes miss the cornering.

"Convoy on open roads" mission:AI hits the brakes too much.When it arrives at junction lead vehicle slows too much but takes the cornering in the end,second vehicle has problem making a right turn halting the rest of the convoy.

@MadDogX,you'll never find any pathfinding issues by putting a single vehicle on the map and make it drive from A to B on open roads.Even in convoy they'll drive ok-ish if the road doesn't have junctions and AI doesn't have to make right&left turns or driving through towns.

EDIT:Had to put the missions in a Rar archive since the bugtracker doesn't let me upload the mission pbo.

May 9 2016, 11:13 PM · Arma 3
Krycek added a comment to T61600: Horrible convoy driving of AI vehicles.

Fully agree with the guys above,this problem is ancient and I'm 200% certain that BI is very aware of it.Please try to respect us a bit and don't act like this is something that popped yesterday in A3 Alpha.
Either you're a new dev on board which I fully understand if you aren't aware of the problem or either you've been long enough with BI but you actually never played your own games if you ask for more repro steps at this stage.

The vehicle pathfinding and especially the braking/move on safe mode in convoy,crossing the bridges issue,teammates run over by friendly vehicles or cornering issues in towns is something known from A2 1.0 release and even A1 if my memory still serves right.

May 9 2016, 11:13 PM · Arma 3
Krycek added a comment to T61600: Horrible convoy driving of AI vehicles.

It's the old A1&A2 bug,even on safe mode if they're in convoy they stop/move and 100m later they do the same.I wouldn't even suggest trying to cross a town with 3 vehicles after you(or even one).I can also confirm the rock hopping,if one of them gets on a rock it's stuck.It's like they copy-pasted the AI driving from A2.
Forgot to add they still can't cross bridges like the one in Agia Marina.

May 9 2016, 11:13 PM · Arma 3
Krycek added a comment to T61286: AI Drivers run over friendlies.

The funny stuff in all of this is I've seen the AI drivers trying to avoid the friendly units or simply stop when a soldier is in front.After awhile though they turn into maniacs(it's like they enter in rage mode) and don't care at all who's in front,back or near them.:)

May 9 2016, 10:57 PM · Arma 3
Krycek added a comment to T61286: AI Drivers run over friendlies.

A workaround could be to make the friendlies not to take damage only from friendly vehicles when run over.It wouldn't be ideal but at least you can have a squad in one piece and not worry that the friendly vehicle just run over 2-3 teammates.

May 9 2016, 10:57 PM · Arma 3
Krycek added a comment to T61028: AI convoy suffer poor pathing when moved as a group.

I know it's alpha and all but this problem is ancient and still not fixed,I do hope this time BI actually bothers to fix the AI driving in convoy.You don't have any excuse anymore with the AI limitation in the 2013.
Wish I could vote this 100 times over.

May 9 2016, 10:39 PM · Arma 3
Krycek added a comment to T60688: AI Vehicles dodges mines and other explosives.

Indeed I was wrong,tested your method I didn't set them up in V,but I set up a SLAM minefield.Me as a passenger in the third vehicle with units on full skill.Tested a couple of times,sometimes they detect 3-4 mines,other times only one.I would say the detection is just fine and don't see where the problem is.Also when they detected more mines was when a vehicle was already hit so it's pretty logical they would become even more alerted.

So basically you need to put more than 3 mines.I also made a video about this that should conclude the AI detection:

May 9 2016, 9:54 PM · Arma 3
Krycek added a comment to T60688: AI Vehicles dodges mines and other explosives.

I agree with you about tanks,but I was referring to the vehicles.If you look at the mines there aren't only anti-tank mines,the anti-armor mine is for everything else that's not a tank.Convoys usually don't drive in woods or ravines or into open fields.They use those things called roads.

May 9 2016, 9:54 PM · Arma 3
Krycek added a comment to T60688: AI Vehicles dodges mines and other explosives.

It may be unrealistic to put a mine on the road but where else would you put it?If it's an anti-armor mine you're gonna put it where vehicles pass unlike a explosive charge that you can detonate it and hide it better.What will be the point of anti-armor mines if AI detects them every time?

May 9 2016, 9:54 PM · Arma 3