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- User Since
- Dec 20 2013, 8:45 AM (586 w, 6 d)
May 10 2016
Have you tried going to your video settings. There is a bug that clears the screen of blurriness when you edit the video settings.
Although some rubber banding has occurred for me it is a lot less than the last patch. If it sounds bitchy and negative it's because it is. We are here to help them and write bug reports explaining the conditions of the problem. There is no need to add any other info and certainly not accusing people of not doing their job.
A force push, Mr.Darkness, would be a good thing to have in the game. For example, force push a zed back and take a swinging headshot or push a handcuffed player off of a roof with a nice animation for the execution. Not to mention it may be handy for the Friday Night fight nights in a warehouse. :)
Pushing may be good for realism but not when it pushes you through a solid wall.
When you scroll on the gun you want the parts from you need to disconnect the parts first, this can be done through scroll.
Then to change the parts take the part into your inventory and then drag onto the gun. This works for me.
I can see how that is a problem - it was a great indicator on Dayz mod to show when someone was near. What if the zeds were set to spawn just slightly further than the view distance of the player? That way you would never know and maybe save a little on performance
A developed system as you have suggested above would be good. I would like to see no server restarts to replenish loot and zeds - loot and zeds spawns relative to vicinity of players would be way better.
I have been hit a lot, it does not cause bleeding every time, sometimes but not always. It is also possible to escape them, you do not have fight it if you do not have a weapon
I do not work for Dayz, I am only a player, just like you. I also have my own server. I received an email from my host explaining what I explained to you above.
I would assume that the DayZ crew would not supply servers for everyone as that would be too costly for a game in it's Alpha phase. Having lots of servers available will let the half a million players test the game and send their results here. It is absolute genius!
I am certain that once all the changes to the database have been made and have reached their final state server owners will then be allowed to have their own database allowing for a locked server.
I would suggest you play Arma2: Dayz Mod if you want to do discovery with an access controlled server. At the moment DayZ SA is using a central hive so your location and inventory are the same on every server.
So to prevent people abusing this system servers cannot be locked/passworded as players would be able to rent their own server, get loads of great gear without worrying about other players, get to a location for shooting bambies, log out of their server and join a busy public server in the same plave with all their good stuff.
Ra91111 - that sounds like a terrible idea. Example, user goes to Balota, goes into the barracks and finds great loot, starts getting shot at, user realises they are pinned, user logs out, logs back in to find them self in a field away from danger.
The combat log is simple. The user is bleeding, being fired at or has entered combat mode it starts the 30 second timer where the user has to wait to log out. The timer resets to 30 every time the user's combat mode is triggered. They had it in Dayz Mod and it worked well. I am certain they will use the same system. It was also used for preventing log out when being attacked by zeds, if there were zeds in the vicinity then you could not log out. They should keep that in as well to reduce loot farming.
As for sever hopping, this will be cleared up soon as they have already started implementing the structure for private hive giving each server it's own unique data. Different server, different save game.
The only thing to add is that a player can switch off their router during combat, this I have no solution for.
I am looking forward to having the combat timer switched on as it was in Dayz Mod. Twice today I had the upper hand in a fight (once I had a wrench and the other guy a rifle). Hit him twice and he started bleeding so he logged out. When he logs back in all he will do is bandage himself then carry on. What a twat. Combat loggers are twats and cowards.
I have a video of this:
It took me a while, it's very possible I just got lucky. As for thirst, I find if I drink from the pump around 15-20 times my thirst is quenched.
I also could not find the option but once I put the canteen in my hand it worked and I could fill it up.
All this crap above just to get 3 bucks off a game, you are just wasting everybody's time. Please stop.
I also got the grey screen but it is possible I found a quick fix. It has only happened once so if someone could confirm.
When it happens go to the Configure menu--->Video. That seemed to work for me. You can see it here in this video:
I rent a server. I set the time to what suits me and my work. Why not do the same? Server owners can also add the server time in the name.
Quote: "sure people can add the time in the name, but the developers are developing the game right now, it would be a better -more user friendly- experience if the time was visible at server selection by design. It is obviously an important factor to some people"
I completely agree, having it built in would be much more efficient :)