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Dec 18 2013, 1:00 AM (582 w, 5 d)

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May 10 2016

GA-Bulletproof set Category to category:environment on T97868: Tree's and bushes blocking bullets. Impossible to hit enemy sitting in tree!.
May 10 2016, 9:54 PM · DayZ
GA-Bulletproof edited Steps To Reproduce on T97378: [LAG] GOT SHOT AT POINT A WHILE ALREADY BEING AT POINT B.
May 10 2016, 9:37 PM · DayZ
GA-Bulletproof set Category to category:server on T97373: UPDATE 43.123800 f****ed everything up.
May 10 2016, 9:36 PM · DayZ
GA-Bulletproof added a comment to T97369: Waiting time too long.

Well Johnny it is simple. Don't punish normal players just because some do bullshit. Server hoppers are more likely of being killed than normal players. I think that kind of rules out the reasoning for the waiting time.
And concerning your last question about getting kicked of servers. The game should be smart enough to recognize when a player was kicked, session lost or simply got disconnected. Same with the ghosting and cloning. How do you punish players for flaws in the game that they aren't really exploiting on purpose but rather happen by accident? If I ever get banned for such a ridiculous reason I'll be pissed of to no end!

May 10 2016, 9:36 PM · DayZ
GA-Bulletproof set Category to category:server on T97369: Waiting time too long.
May 10 2016, 9:36 PM · DayZ
GA-Bulletproof added a comment to T96705: Performance is not good enough on DirectX9. Fragmentation while playing common!.

i uploaded the DxDiag. I read on reddit that the development is going away from DirectX. Does this mean we will soon be able to play on Linux?

May 10 2016, 9:13 PM · DayZ
GA-Bulletproof set Category to category:performance on T96705: Performance is not good enough on DirectX9. Fragmentation while playing common!.
May 10 2016, 9:13 PM · DayZ
GA-Bulletproof added a comment to T96704: Gamma switching while running..

Hi Roans, I am running 2x6970's. I did have frame pacing enabled at once but it doesn't seem to work correctly with DX9. At least after I switched from catalyst 14.1/2 beta to 3 beta it improved a bit. All I was really able to recognize in difference was the gpu load in cities. It went from 99% to approx. 50%. But this is definitely a game problem because they don't have no real driver implementation at all yet.

May 10 2016, 9:13 PM · DayZ
GA-Bulletproof added a comment to T96704: Gamma switching while running..

I hope so too. That radeon pro is a nice suggestion. Never heard of it.
My HDR setting is at very low just because (like you said) it solves some of the gamma issues. Can't wait for the game to look like Arma 3. They should have used it as bases for Dayz.

May 10 2016, 9:13 PM · DayZ
GA-Bulletproof edited Steps To Reproduce on T96704: Gamma switching while running..
May 10 2016, 9:13 PM · DayZ
GA-Bulletproof edited Steps To Reproduce on T96703: [CRITICAL] Bullet does not originate from Rifle.
May 10 2016, 9:13 PM · DayZ
GA-Bulletproof added a comment to T96075: [REPRODUCABLE] DayZ not responding.

Same thing happens in Berezino. But only in the north and south. It is almost like when you leave a certain barrier (E.g. The calculation bubble of the city) the game has no idea how to keep rendering, so it crashes.
Happened to my whole clan. Weird thing though is it more commonly happens when close to the water. It never happened to us when we were further away from the cost.

May 10 2016, 8:52 PM · DayZ
GA-Bulletproof added a comment to T96012: OVERLAY (FRAPS, DXTORY etc.) causes DayZ to crash sometimes. Battleeye is the Problem!.

Okay, the problem seems to be the same as everybody else is having with the city boundries that makes the game freeze. I did how ever notice that it happened more frequently with the overlay enabled.

May 10 2016, 8:50 PM · DayZ
GA-Bulletproof edited Steps To Reproduce on T96012: OVERLAY (FRAPS, DXTORY etc.) causes DayZ to crash sometimes. Battleeye is the Problem!.
May 10 2016, 8:50 PM · DayZ
GA-Bulletproof added a comment to T96007: randomly losing my gear after relogging to another server..

@iBane Does this message appear before the new charakter is created? Or where exactly is this message being displayed? It is not in the stable branch yet but i guess it will be tomorrow.

May 10 2016, 8:49 PM · DayZ
GA-Bulletproof added a comment to T95497: [VERY ANNOYING] Inaccuracsy is TOO damn high.

Omg my credibility, rofl. Dude no offense it's a freaking game. The game manufacturer is not just piggy backing on my money but your money too. So get over the fact that I insulted the game producer and just continue your life. And if your ingame = real life, I'm really sorry for you.

May 10 2016, 8:33 PM · DayZ
GA-Bulletproof added a comment to T95497: [VERY ANNOYING] Inaccuracsy is TOO damn high.

No one cares dude. This was ages ago! Look at the version number when this was reported. Someone should assume Bohemia could have improved the game drastically since then but they just took our money and literally fucked us. Never ever will i buy another Bohemia game.

May 10 2016, 8:33 PM · DayZ
GA-Bulletproof added a comment to T95497: [VERY ANNOYING] Inaccuracsy is TOO damn high.

@GungZA Indeed this isn't cod and yes learning to compensate for a guns inaccuracy is part of the game. But the game is a Simulator and as a simulator it simulates your health, broken bones and etc. So also the gun physics should be correctly simulated. Which it does NOT do!
If gravity and wind has an effect on the bullet it should drop by 9.81m/s on a 833m (in case of the 7.62 round) and the wind should (when coming from 90° side) should have also full effect on the bullets trajectory.
But if a zeroed scope that basically (in game) zeroes out the distance makes a bullet go over head or hits the ground before you hit your target. Something is wrong! Also missing your target by 2m on a 300m shot must be some strong as wind!

So just like @Screed mentioned the behavior of the gun is TOO random.

May 10 2016, 8:33 PM · DayZ
GA-Bulletproof set Category to category:weapons on T95497: [VERY ANNOYING] Inaccuracsy is TOO damn high.
May 10 2016, 8:33 PM · DayZ
GA-Bulletproof added a comment to T94622: [suggestion] burlap sack painting.

In addition it would be nice to paint any backpack black or green! Especially Mountain Backpack because that thing is like TOO obvious with it's colors!

May 10 2016, 8:00 PM · DayZ
GA-Bulletproof edited Steps To Reproduce on T93959: [VERY IMPORTANT] Prone shooting results in hitting ground instead of aimed target..
May 10 2016, 7:37 PM · DayZ
GA-Bulletproof set Category to category:server on T93914: Blowing up Gasstation results in major server lag..
May 10 2016, 7:35 PM · DayZ
GA-Bulletproof set Category to category:performance on T93763: Huge FPS drop since Update 22.January.
May 10 2016, 7:29 PM · DayZ
GA-Bulletproof set Category to category:weapons on T91591: T3N RDS Scope on M4 gives graphical glitches when prone.
May 10 2016, 6:11 PM · DayZ
GA-Bulletproof added a comment to T90674: Spawn point should be selectable!.

You wouldn't choose when you "survive" but what town you survived from. i don't want to run across the whole damn map just to meet up again with my possy...

EDIT: tell me where i can make suggestions then!

May 10 2016, 5:41 PM · DayZ
GA-Bulletproof set Category to category:server on T90674: Spawn point should be selectable!.
May 10 2016, 5:41 PM · DayZ
GA-Bulletproof set Category to category:inventory on T90672: 2 Rifles or 1 Rifle and Axt.
May 10 2016, 5:40 PM · DayZ
GA-Bulletproof added a comment to T90670: Unbreakable handcuffs.

This happened to me once. A buddy tried his hand cuffs on me and i wasn't able to get out of them.
Yet disconnecting from the server and reconnecting removed the cuffs!

May 10 2016, 5:40 PM · DayZ
GA-Bulletproof added a comment to T90662: Cheats already available !!!.

Dude if someone wants to use hacks, they will! But if the programmers know where the hacks are already showing up they can take a look at them and do something against the exploit!
What was i supposed to write to let them know about it, huh? Exactly the website!

May 10 2016, 5:40 PM · DayZ
GA-Bulletproof set Category to category:other on T90662: Cheats already available !!!.
May 10 2016, 5:40 PM · DayZ
GA-Bulletproof added a comment to T88264: Fullscreen not possible.

Because the screen resolution is not recognized and some monitors can not down sample you have to go into documents - dayz other profiles and define the resolution that you want to play with.

May 10 2016, 4:14 PM · DayZ
GA-Bulletproof edited Additional Information on T88264: Fullscreen not possible.
May 10 2016, 4:14 PM · DayZ
GA-Bulletproof added a comment to T86775: Game does not utilize both GPU:S on a Dual GPU graphics card.

I am also running 2x MSI6970 and have the same Problem.
I am also running a QHD screen and the game doesn't automatically recognize the resolution!

May 10 2016, 2:38 PM · DayZ
GA-Bulletproof added a comment to T86530: DayZ.exe crashes on startup - Cannot launch game.

I am running QHD screens and because they are not able to downsample they just turn black. Then i have to press ALT+ENTER to get the windows to appear! Also got the Crossfire bug with only one card running!

May 10 2016, 1:51 PM · DayZ