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- User Since
- Dec 17 2013, 6:48 PM (582 w, 3 d)
May 10 2016
This is not a bug. This is a designed feature.
Certain (sharp) items, though able to open canned goods, are items not intended for this use and will be damaged when used in this way. The only item that won't be damaged from opening them is a can opener.
Dean covered this in a devblog a long time ago. If you think the degradation rate for the bayonet is too quick then make a post in the suggestions thread of the forum. This however is not a bug.
Server lag is the cause. Does improve at times when lag is less.
Appears to just be server lag/desynch which is more of an issue since this patch.
This will also happen if the server you've joined cannot connect to the central hive for some reason. It is always best to log off immediately when this happens and wait 30 mins and try to re-log on. This will fix this issue most of the time.
The thing is that if you're logged on when that server is able to connect to the hive, your current session & character will overwrite your past character data on the central hive. So if this happens log off immediately and wait for a few minutes before trying again.
Experimental Branch currently has notification messages about this to tell you when the server isn't connecting to the central hive. Not sure these are rolled-out to stable yet.
This should go in the Suggestions thread in the forums not here on the bug reporting site.
Player body despawn is still being worked on.
Well that's true and I see what you're getting at, but idle/logging-out characters can be shot, axed, killed by a zed, etc as a legitimate part of the game to prevent combat logging. Hand-cuffing is just one of these several things that will kill/reset a character as a part of this system.
It's up to us to make sure no one is around to see us log out because whether they shoot us, ax us, or handcuff us the result is same...we end up on the coast with nothing.
Happy to help! Check those corners and wait before logging out ;)
What do you think should happen? This is a likely necessary side-effect of the response to combat logging.
Zombies are far from complete and the current zombies and zombie AI are placeholders.
These path-finding and clipping/collision issues are well known and have been acknowledged by the development team.
Zombies are incomplete and in the future will drop loot. That is why there is actually a "loot/search" option for zombie corpses.
However, they do not currently drop loot and disappear very quickly as a temporary aid to help prevent unnecessary drag on FPS.
You are very welcome, my good man.
This is a known issue for the devs. Rocket acknowledged it during the Eurogamer live stream. He said it's a clipping issue that needs to be resolved.
I had inventory space for this item. It was not in my hands because of lack of space. When I logged back on and found the item missing, the slots it had used in my backpack were empty and the item was not on the ground.
This happened to me again this weekend. I did not log out with weapon in hands though. The sawed-off shotgun was in my backpack and disappeared from my backpack when I logged on for my next session.
I can say from this morning that zombies do not make you bleed after one hit every time. Took 3-4 hits this morning. Seems to depend on the condition and layers of clothing being worn.
Also I meant to say there were no signs of lag on the server during this time. Food container opening, item acquisition/dropping, weapon switching, and door opening (usual signs of lag for me) were all happening real-time.