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- User Since
- May 20 2018, 3:27 AM (357 w, 2 d)
Aug 14 2020
@Geez Sorry for the ping, but this is something that the would be extremely useful for us, it's a blocker for a current feature I'm working on. Do you think it's possible to get someone to look into it? Something in script that allows you to insert/remove slots, so that multiple mods can add slots to an item.
Jun 24 2020
Apr 14 2020
Feb 23 2020
You can use IsInventoryVisible to hide stuff that is already being detected as within vicinity, but you cant show things that aren't already showing. Making it so it's always true for example on an item will not make it always show, it still cuts off at the limit of however the game is automatically determining the range.
Feb 19 2020
Aug 29 2019
Really hoping a fix for this makes it to 1.05 before stable update.
Aug 27 2019
Jul 5 2019
Apr 27 2019
This right here does the trick. Problem solved!
Apr 26 2019
Apr 3 2019
"Is localizing mods commonly requested/desired thing?" Yes. I would love to have my mods localized, and have received quite a few requests for it to be done.
Mar 27 2019
Feb 25 2019
Will this change? How are modders supposed to do weapon animation?
Feb 23 2019
This can be closed, it has been fixed.