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- User Since
- Jul 8 2014, 7:30 PM (555 w, 23 h)
May 10 2016
I had a similar issue, when using A3 dedicated server and playing on the same PC, game would crash or server would crash. I started using 3rd party dedicated software to run as and I have had no problems since. I think it is just an issue with running Dedicated A3 and Client A3 at the same instance. Have you tried just running Dedicated server by itself and having a friend test stability? Try TADST for Dedicated setup, as it runs on A3 Client in the background [Alongside A3 Client] instead of running as Dedicated.
The newer model tanks require the engine to be running to use the turret rotation.. You can set your sights near a target and shut the engine down until needed. You can also fire without the engine being on. I agree, it is a bit sensitive how the engine turns on instantly when you try to rotate. Would you consider a feature that doesn't allow you to move the turret unless the engine was on, instead of the engine turning on when you move the turret?
Most likely, you have your camera setting to free-look, common mistake! It automatically forces you to free-look, instead of just enabling it. Check all Camera Settings and vehicle settings.
Happened to me also, it was definitley AGM in my case, AGM alters the armaments on the Helos! Works perfect without mods.
Vanilla means "Without any mods" not just the map. Addons may seriously affect FPS in any case.
Certain unassigned items are not present in the Virtual Arsenal.
The V_PlateCarrier2_rgr is an identical vest to the "3". I'm guessing that it is a prop for future addition, just like the Scientists suits were before the Karts release.
The server? Which Server, have you tried to connect to multiple servers? Sometimes it takes a bit longer to load onto any server, if you click everywhere while the game is loading, it may say (not responding). That does not mean that the game has crashed, that is just the loading process not being complete.
The system is as simple as it can get. If you are wanting to search items because you have multiple weapon addons installed, Bohemia cannot change the UI for just that, as there are unlimited items that can be present. This should be a feature request.
If you add an attachment to a weapon that has an attachment, it breaks the system, because it changes the classname... You can't save a loadout with a composite weapon and then change the attachment, it will essentially change the whole weapon. Thus breaking the system [script, init, etc]
"Composite" weapons break the system, that is why they were removed after the initial release of the Virtual Arsenal. I highly recommend creating gear loadouts from scratch, rather than using weaponry that is already equipped with sights and or other attachments.
This is not a bug, great video explanation though. I see exactly what you are talking about. The echo effect would be a simple fix. I will vote this up, even though I would never expect to see so many vehicles so close. Maybe the Devs could just use the "Louder" ambient rain for the inside of the vehicles only, or just at point blank range.
Great suggestion, I also thought that this should be implemented, but in actuality it is up to the mission creator to use proper lighting next to resupply locations. Everlasting Chem lights can be placed next to or even attached to ammo crates. Search for the "Attachto" command and see all of the awesome possibilities with light sources!
Are you meaning, to easily equip ammo for a different weapon other than your own, and not dropping all of your mags when you choose a different weapon? I think that issue is already being discussed and it may be an option to configure in your own settings.
This is already possible. You need to create an .SQF for the custom loadouts. Including all of the possible items.
Best to use addaction, unless you manually place into each init field. This is a duplicate issue.
[Solved] Something was changed with the format recently with the new UI update. To upload addons to Steam, you have to launch Arma 3 tools, then select publisher within the new window. Before, I could just click Arma 3 Tools-Launch Publisher, and it would work, but now you have to Arma3Tools-PlayArma3Tools-Publisher! If you launch Arma3Tools-Publisher, it will recognize a tool being published and the tag "Arma 3 tools will be under the addon in your Workshop items"...
So just to clarify, you need to launch Arma 3 Tools, Play Arma 3 Tools, then select Publisher within the next window.
I had the problem where the Subscribed addons wouldn't show in my launcher, I restarted Steam, and it was fixed.
This is not an issue, the Arsenal Module from the Zeus UI is not meant for items, only soldiers. You can however, create a script for certain containers [on a loop] to always have the Virtual Arsenal Available.
If you are talking about the boxes that allow you to change gear inside while they are on the ground, I think the items inside are only faction specific. So if you place a Katiba, a Blufor player cannot retrieve those items, unless you are using the correct container.