Because of the update that allows us to give arsenal loadouts to AI, it would be very helpful to be able to add custom randomisation to these.
I envision it as this: upon creating an loadout (as normal) you are then able to add alternative items in each section that will be randomly chosen when placing the loadout on AI (or when players select it) in the form of perhaps a ctrl-click that places a question mark next to the alternative items.
So for instance, i could pick multiple faces to choose from so that when i give AI a pre-made loadout in zeus they don't end up looking like the worlds most dangerous family business. I would also like to be able to do this with headgear and clothing, as the current method for a group having similar but varied loadouts is by making multiple loadouts that only vary slightly (having things like 'Terrorist/MK20/Beret/Blackshirt' followed by 'Terrorist/MK20/Beret/Checkershirt' and so on)
I think this addition would improve the speed with which one can place down custom AI and also cut a lot of clutter from the saved loadouts list
Note: I have been made aware that this could be done with a script file, but for ease of use (and to make it more widespread) this would be much simpler without having to leave virtual arsenal
Further Clarification: This is in regards to the use of virtual arsenal in Zeus missions (specifically, being able to use them in vanilla, dev-made zeus missions)