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User Since
Jun 6 2014, 9:41 PM (563 w, 4 d)

Recent Activity

Jul 20 2017

D3ADST1CK removed a watcher for DayZ: D3ADST1CK.
Jul 20 2017, 5:28 PM
D3ADST1CK added a watcher for DayZ: D3ADST1CK.
Jul 20 2017, 5:17 PM

Jun 10 2016

D3ADST1CK created T117589: [BUG][0.60 EXP] Hands become unusable.
Jun 10 2016, 6:53 PM · DayZ
D3ADST1CK removed a watcher for DayZ: D3ADST1CK.
Jun 10 2016, 6:48 PM
D3ADST1CK added a watcher for DayZ: D3ADST1CK.
Jun 10 2016, 6:48 PM

May 11 2016

D3ADST1CK added a comment to T111841: Servers going down constantly and extreme lag.

If the server is down, it won't show on history. I would keep track of the servers you are playing on next time - I think the loading screen shows the IP and name also?

I voted your issue up so hopefully someone sees it.

May 11 2016, 6:05 AM · DayZ
D3ADST1CK added a comment to T111841: Servers going down constantly and extreme lag.

You might need to provide some examples of servers. From my experience, stability has been top notch with this update - I've been able to play for 2 hours without the server restarting.

When you experience lag, is it rubberbanding or inability to interact with items? (pick up loot, open doors, etc...)

May 11 2016, 6:05 AM · DayZ
D3ADST1CK edited Steps To Reproduce on T111824: Incorrect Shadow Positions.
May 11 2016, 6:05 AM · DayZ
D3ADST1CK edited Steps To Reproduce on T102460: Stuck Under Apartment.
May 11 2016, 12:30 AM · DayZ

May 10 2016

D3ADST1CK added a comment to T100235: Bipod no longer attachable to Mosin.

This isn't a bug, its intended. The Mosin doesn't have a rail system, so you shouldn't be able to attach that bipod.

May 10 2016, 11:13 PM · DayZ
D3ADST1CK added a comment to T100069: [Suggestion] Cities on Road Map are not Cyrillic, Maps are not stackable.

All maps have the same zoom, and you can adjust with the scroll wheel.

May 10 2016, 11:08 PM · DayZ
D3ADST1CK added a comment to T100069: [Suggestion] Cities on Road Map are not Cyrillic, Maps are not stackable.

You should only need 2 map parts to create a full map at any time, so if you're carrying more than that you should combine and dump some until you get down to 2.

The wells are marked on the maps as a fountain symbol that looks like an upside down anchor.

May 10 2016, 11:08 PM · DayZ
D3ADST1CK added a comment to T100069: [Suggestion] Cities on Road Map are not Cyrillic, Maps are not stackable.

The maps are combinable, but only in certain combinations:

SE + NE = E Chernarus Map
SE + SW = S Chernarus Map
SW + NW = W Chernarus Map
NW + NE = N Chernarus Map
E + W = Chernarus Map
N + S = Chernarus Map

May 10 2016, 11:08 PM · DayZ
D3ADST1CK added a comment to T99120: Handcuffing while logging off causes to death.

No, I understood your point fine but it works this way for a reason. You can also be shot in the head and killed while logging off - same thing. This is the anti-combat-logging system at work.

Solution: Log off in a safe place

May 10 2016, 10:35 PM · DayZ
D3ADST1CK added a comment to T99120: Handcuffing while logging off causes to death.

This isn't a bug. If you log off while handcuffed, you die. If someone handcuffs you while your character is still in the game after you've logged off, you will die.

This is to prevent people from logging off while restrained.

May 10 2016, 10:35 PM · DayZ
D3ADST1CK added a comment to T98954: Character Keeps Resetting.

I had this happen to me for the first time last week. Is it possible that the server can't connect to hive, character isn't loaded, and then a respawn is forcefully done effectively wiping your character?

If the server has issues connecting with the Hive to load character data, it should prompt you to continue with the respawn or to disconnect.

May 10 2016, 10:30 PM · DayZ
D3ADST1CK added a comment to T98880: Character Reset after Logging In.

Also, might be worth mentioning that one of the servers I connected to while trying to "refresh" my character said (in red BattleEye client text) that it could not load a character, and that I should disconnect immediately. Not sure if the Hive server was/is having connection issues, or my character data got corrupted.

May 10 2016, 10:27 PM · DayZ
D3ADST1CK set Category to category:characters on T98880: Character Reset after Logging In.
May 10 2016, 10:27 PM · DayZ
D3ADST1CK added a comment to T98240: Atlas Bipod No Longer Attaches To Mosin.

Does the M4 have a rail or handgrip on it? Bipod should only attach to the rail. Mosin has no rail, so you can't attach it.

May 10 2016, 10:06 PM · DayZ
D3ADST1CK added a comment to T97818: After killing a player cannot use their weapon/aim down sights..

This can also happen to the binoculars. Relogging will allow you to use them properly.

May 10 2016, 9:52 PM · DayZ
D3ADST1CK added a comment to T95649: Sawn-off shotgun deleted from inventory upon logging in.

This video by WOBO explains how it happens and how you can avoid it until the DEVs can fix the issue:

May 10 2016, 8:38 PM · DayZ
D3ADST1CK added a comment to T94726: Inventory retains invisible 0% food items making slot unusable.

Just noting that I believe I ran into this yesterday, in a Green Mountain Backpack that I found at the airfield. It had items in it already, which makes me think someone dumped it previously. There was one slot that could not have items placed into it, and could not have anything dragged out of that slot. v0.44123800

May 10 2016, 8:05 PM · DayZ
D3ADST1CK added a comment to T93888: Maps needs cyrillic or road signs need english.

Keep the road signs in cyrillic, but add cyrillic to the maps in addition to the existing english. I'm not sure if the map names are localized to different languages or not, but the cyrillic should always be present so that you can match up road signs with the town names in the map.

May 10 2016, 7:34 PM · DayZ
D3ADST1CK added a comment to T87992: Increasing FOV reduces effectiveness of weapon scope's zooming capabilities.

Any game that has an adjustable FOV slider and the ability to aim down sights with different scopes generally has a fixed zoom ratio for the scope. This shouldn't changed with the FOV. Upvoted.

May 10 2016, 4:01 PM · DayZ
D3ADST1CK added a comment to T86496: Character save loss [PRIMARY REPORT].

I believe I had this happen to me today, issue reported here:

May 10 2016, 1:39 PM · DayZ