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- User Since
- Mar 11 2013, 7:38 AM (625 w, 17 h)
May 10 2016
More than that "takeDropMagazine" not even documented
Great to reed from you so soon, klamacz!
Maybe you'll check out this issue also:
AD2001, it is currently like this: if you'll place shooter and target both on the runway in the 1,1 km disstance - you'll hit the target having your CH on him.
But if you'll place shooter near 3 towers and target on the Camp Rogain on the 900 m disstance and elevation will be as small as 0.64 degrees - your bullet will drop too soon.
And "get up and walk" Jesus-style healing is also more realistic?
Despite other issue isn't so sever, voted instead.
Guys, one who become "infected" should restart ArmA3 to not distribute infection. After restart you become "clean" and can join passworded servers, play singleplayer games etc. without a problem.
Thanks pvpscene guys for explaining me that.
Thank you for your answer.
I tried to reproduce the issue in current dev build and it seems that the problem has gone.
RPG and NLAW still work on differrent disstances, but locking is no longer bugged.
Summary: Not actual anymore.
Just go to control options and do it yourself.
Negative. You do target your weapon. This feature is made to give a possibility to ajust your aim while moving. It is working not only with scoped weapons but with red dot/holo/ironsights as well.
Why don't you unbind it youself, mate?
BTW, you can bind any key combination on your naga including standard for this action LCTRL+RMouseClick as well.
try to use the 0 button on your numpad, mate.
Don't you kidding?
Was it really useful? Because when i do hear someone's step, i face that direction and if I see friendly unit i turn my sight back in a previous direction, and if i see foe i shoot.
If someone is walking right close to your back - he's friendly, because enemy will definetely shoot you.
Just come and get dev build. BTW you can easily switch between dev and stable builds anytime you want. Just make a few mouse clicks in steam app.
May 9 2016
Light is getting trough weapons as well.
It works as intended.
This feature let you adjust your aim while moving.
Don't you guys press C (for Combat pace) or don't you press W and S together (W+S toggles walk/run)?
MulleDK19, even now slowpokes can press the default W+S once and enjoy.
Speed is fine, the faster one moves - the sooner he'll get tired. And soldier get tired noticebly much sooner in comparsion with Arma2.
One can't sprint on large disstance, but everyone should get his chance to survive when getting to another side of the road.
You should join development build servers with development build client and opposite stable build servers with stable build client.
That's a shame a server hosts don't mark if their server needs deelopment build or not.
There were respawn protection scripts in Arma2. I strongly sure such scripts will be done in Arma3. That shouldn't be a developer's headache. Downvote.
All hands up for this feature. I even made up my wife and all of my brothers and sisters do so!
But this feature is needed to be normal, with small angles of aiming (due to deployed weapon hardpoint and shooter's body position), and rotating relative to the hardpoint, not the ACE-style "world rotation relative to shooter".