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May 10 2016

iEnemY added a comment to T69663: Selected grenade reset, after entering and exiting vehicle.

Yeap, as in ArmA 2

May 10 2016, 4:43 AM · Arma 3
iEnemY added a comment to T69663: Selected grenade reset, after entering and exiting vehicle.

Good for us scope mode didn't resetting...

May 10 2016, 4:43 AM · Arma 3
iEnemY edited Steps To Reproduce on T69663: Selected grenade reset, after entering and exiting vehicle.
May 10 2016, 4:43 AM · Arma 3

May 9 2016

iEnemY added a comment to T59083: Low CPU/GPU Utilization.

rogerx, did you know what malloc arma use by default? I think sometimes in dev build arma devs changing malloc (that's why in same mission in different builids i have different fps right after spawn (and 60 seconds after)).
-malloc=system gives me best FPS, but its unstable (for me), default malloc is worst, and tbb4malloc_bi seems the best. I think people must choose malloc for self.
And, for me (arma on SSD) -nologs didn't give any FPS increase.

May 9 2016, 6:04 PM · Arma 3
iEnemY added a comment to T59083: Low CPU/GPU Utilization.

By the way, after wasting lot of time to optimize my mission, i found great way to increase perfomance. After scripting optimisations, fps in mission increased from 15-20 to 25-40. What I did? Its simply: i make all units&cars dynamic. So, after player approaching AI, they spawn. After leaving AI location - they saving theys positions, routes, etc and dispawning. So, now while i riding altis, which contain about (!!!) 2000 AI, and more then 3000 cars, i have 25-30 FPS. After i stopping, and walk outside car - i have 35-50 fps (same as clients). And, of course, dont forget about deleting dead enemies and cars. Yeap, writing this is not so easy for beginner, but it really work (i have insurgency-style mission).

For clients: malloc's sometimes can help you. For IntOl CPU "-malloc=tbb4malloc_bi" is useful, it making FPS more smooth, and decreasing shuttering. For AMD, you can try "-malloc=system", but beware: it can randomly crash the game (and DECREASING perfomance for Intel). Anyway, "-malloc=tbb4malloc_bi" also work for AMD too. Of course, if mission fakt'up by mission coder, its dont help you so much. And try "-hign", i read somewhere it can help, but...

My PC specs: AMD [email protected] GHz, 16GB [email protected], HD7970@1177MHz, Eyefinity 4096x0124, All setings on ultra + SweetFX, Arma on SSD.
My friends specs (they test mission with me): i3 550 @3.2 GHz, HD7770@1170MHz, 6GB [email protected], All ultra, 1600x900, SweetFX: About 20-25 FPS in car, 30-45 outside; i5 2550, GTX 550, 8GB DDR3, FullHD, All veryhigh: 18-22 FPS in car, 28-40 FPS outside.

While playing arma, GPU use never going over 50%, and over 30% for CPU... arma perfomance _NOT_ hardware related... its come from arma 1...

Sorry for my awful english :P

May 9 2016, 6:03 PM · Arma 3
iEnemY added a comment to T59083: Low CPU/GPU Utilization.

@rogerx: AMD hardware? No. My friend, playing with me as client, have: i7 3770K @4.5GHz, 32GB DDR 3 @ 2200 MHz, NVidia GTX 770. Same. 16-20 FPS. Its totally engine problem, related to extremely old game engine: i have same problems from... Arma 1!!! Maybe from OFP, but in these times i had not high-end PC.

Anyway, i'm think: writing game only for ATI/Nvidia/AMD/Intel is some sort of racism. Awful.

May 9 2016, 5:59 PM · Arma 3
iEnemY added a comment to T59083: Low CPU/GPU Utilization.

Last check: FX-9370, 4.7GHz, 16 GB DDR-3 2400MHz, 120 GB SSD, HD 7970 3GB 1200MHz: Arma 3, last dev build, MP, insurgency mission: 18-25 FPS.
Single player, clean island: 40-90 FPS. It's totally not good.

May 9 2016, 5:59 PM · Arma 3
iEnemY added a comment to T59083: Low CPU/GPU Utilization.

@Linkin: in past, i had dual HD 7850, with 2 gb RAM on each. Arma is always using all memory (3.5-4 gb), like all other games in which i playing. But, in arma, parameter -maxvram didn't work for me (i'm unsuccessfully tried limit VRAM to 2 or 3 gb).

May 9 2016, 5:48 PM · Arma 3
iEnemY added a comment to T59083: Low CPU/GPU Utilization.

@matt_gold: multiplayer - it's heart of arma. Without it - arma is nothing. I think, we all talking here only about MP.

With [email protected] GHz, HD [email protected], 16 GB 2400 MHz RAM, Win7x64 i have > 70 fps on ultra in empty map (with Eyefinity and 4072x1024 resolution), but in every MP mission i get 15-20 fps after some time (or simply in battle in city). And its totally bottleneck, because sometimes CPU&GPU utilization drop below 20% (with 10-20 fps).

May 9 2016, 5:48 PM · Arma 3
iEnemY added a comment to T59083: Low CPU/GPU Utilization.

@Chomp, that's actual for Arma 2. I'm HOPING arma 3 have new engine... but... its hard to belive.

May 9 2016, 5:44 PM · Arma 3
iEnemY added a comment to T59083: Low CPU/GPU Utilization.

@rogerx, maybe. But, after game exit free memory return to 14 gb.

May 9 2016, 5:43 PM · Arma 3
iEnemY added a comment to T59083: Low CPU/GPU Utilization.

@SuicideKing, my swap file/virtmemory/pagingfile/watewer is turned off. I have 16 gb of RAM. windows is using 2 gb. 14 gb if always free. -maxmem is 10000 mbytes. After 1-2 hours of playing - only 1-2 gb of ram is free.

May 9 2016, 5:42 PM · Arma 3
iEnemY added a comment to T59083: Low CPU/GPU Utilization.

@G4rr4-Br - yeap, arma 3 is 32bits, but it can easily allocate more then 4 GB. I give about 12gb to arma, and arma eat more then 6-8 GB's... but it doesn't increase perfomance.

May 9 2016, 5:41 PM · Arma 3
iEnemY added a comment to T59083: Low CPU/GPU Utilization.

@knister - Me. Almost smoothly: game on SSD, Ultra Settings, Eyefinity. FSP Near 35-45, and i have 1-3 sec freezes every 5-8 minutes. Btw, on some game versions i have 40-80 FPS on same settings w/o freezes.

May 9 2016, 5:38 PM · Arma 3
iEnemY added a comment to T59083: Low CPU/GPU Utilization.

@B00tsy: Yeah, 16 GLOPS (GS8300) VS 260 GFLOPS (GT620) - much better. But, minimum requirements for arma 3 - its near HD 7750 (800 GFLOPS). So, i don't think its arma 3 problem.

May 9 2016, 5:36 PM · Arma 3
iEnemY added a comment to T59083: Low CPU/GPU Utilization.

Acer aspire, and not notebook... my bad, sorry. Anyway, NVidia gaming cards starting from GTX*50, for example - GTX650, GTX550, etc. 620 series - not for gaming.
Arma - is cpu intensive game with lot of scripting bottleneck issues. I play arma from OFP times, and from game to game - same problem. Bad game engine. Some times my GPU utilizing near 40%, CPU - 30%. Game not using whole PC resources. Its main problem.

And, of course, remember: GPU memory count doesn't mean anything.

May 9 2016, 5:36 PM · Arma 3
iEnemY added a comment to T59083: Low CPU/GPU Utilization.

@B00tsy, sorry buddy, but notebooks - totally not for games.
You GT620 - its ultra low-end GPU, for office use.

Anyway, i have OC HD7970 3GB @ 1250MHz, AMD FX-8350 @ 4.7 GHz (8 cores), 16 GB 2400 MHz memory, and have 25-50 FPS on Altis in multiplayer missions with Ultra graphics settings and 4096x1024 display resolution. I spent about 3.000$ on my PC, and have almost same as you :)

May 9 2016, 5:36 PM · Arma 3
iEnemY added a comment to T59083: Low CPU/GPU Utilization.

Now, with 0.71.107360 (dev build) i have 40-80 FPS on Insurgency mission (and about 35-50 on DZS 0.9). All settings on ultra (SSAO on standard), GPU utilization between 80-90%, resolution - 4096x1024 (Eyefinity, with x2 AA). On 0.50 (Alpha) i have about 15-20 FPS on empty island, so, i think, after 02 july update BIS solved couple of perfomance problems. And now i happy ^_^
My specs: AMD FX-8350 @ 5.0 GHz, AMD RAM 2400 MHz 2x8=16 Gb, ATI HD 7850 x2 Crossfire @ 1000 MHz & 2+2=4Gb RAM, OCZ Agility 3 120GB SSD, Win 8 x64.

For example, on same (and lower) settings my A2 giving me about 22-28 fps.

May 9 2016, 5:29 PM · Arma 3