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Mon, Sep 2

jaj22 added a comment to T182946: getLoadedModsInfo reports CDLC as non-official when loaded using ModLauncherList in Arma3.cfg.

Works on Windows at least:
stable: S.O.G. Prairie Fire | vn | false | false
profiling: S.O.G. Prairie Fire | vn | false | true

Mon, Sep 2, 6:03 AM · Arma 3

Jul 18 2024

jaj22 created T182946: getLoadedModsInfo reports CDLC as non-official when loaded using ModLauncherList in Arma3.cfg.
Jul 18 2024, 7:49 PM · Arma 3

Mar 14 2024

jaj22 added a comment to T168113: Unary random <SCALAR> can roll the input value..

The fix on dev seems to work, whatever it is. Tested with 1, 10, 1000 and 1e6. Also checked for bias in the last value, seems fine.

Mar 14 2024, 10:57 PM · Arma 3

Mar 8 2024

jaj22 added a comment to T168113: Unary random <SCALAR> can roll the input value..

Much faster repro by abusing isNil. Typically generates the fail case well within a minute:

[] spawn { 
    private _attempt = 0; 
    private _nohit = true;
    while {_noHit} do { 
        systemChat str _attempt;
        isNil {   
            for "_i" from 1 to 100000 do {
                if (floor random 1000 == 1000) exitWith { 
                    systemChat "hit";
                    _noHit = false;
        _attempt = _attempt + 100000;

The floor doesn't make a difference to the result (FP won't report a normalized value as equal unless the bits match) but was added on request.

Mar 8 2024, 10:30 PM · Arma 3

Nov 28 2023

jaj22 added a comment to T177534: [Feature Request] not InAreaArray.

Maybe wouldn't be necessary if there was a reasonably fast way to subtract large arrays. But there isn't. Would like a bulk hashmap deletion method at least.

Nov 28 2023, 7:04 PM · Arma 3

Jul 29 2023

jaj22 created T174379: Poor exitWith behaviour for getOrDefaultCall.
Jul 29 2023, 5:10 PM · Arma 3

Nov 27 2022

jaj22 added a comment to T167056: Setting "Completion Radius" inside any waypoint not will work for AI-groups.

@mickeymen Is this a language problem? "non-zero" means "not zero". The behaviour for zero completion radius is fine. The behaviour for non-zero completion radius is not.

Nov 27 2022, 3:03 AM · Arma 3

Nov 24 2022

jaj22 added a comment to T167056: Setting "Completion Radius" inside any waypoint not will work for AI-groups.

TL;DR: Setting a small non-zero completion radius massively increases the completion radius for air vehicles.

Nov 24 2022, 7:43 PM · Arma 3

Nov 23 2022

jaj22 added a comment to T167056: Setting "Completion Radius" inside any waypoint not will work for AI-groups.

Created a test mission to demonstrate the new bug with aircraft/heli completion radius. Instructions: Run it, hit zeus and map. Watch.

Nov 23 2022, 9:02 PM · Arma 3

Sep 26 2022

jaj22 added a comment to T167056: Setting "Completion Radius" inside any waypoint not will work for AI-groups.

@BIS_fnc_KK I'm watching the results in Zeus, although the waypoints were editor-placed. The shorter radii are... very approximate as these helis are quick, but the 1km/500m distances should be pretty accurate. I used a two-waypoint route to make sure that it's not just a visual waypoint removal.

Sep 26 2022, 3:57 PM · Arma 3

Sep 24 2022

jaj22 added a comment to T167056: Setting "Completion Radius" inside any waypoint not will work for AI-groups.

Replicated this in the editor. It looks like when you give vehicles non-zero completion radius values, it caps them to a type-dependent minimum. However, this minimum seems to be 10x higher than the normal type completion radius for air vehicles. Tested cases:

Sep 24 2022, 5:22 PM · Arma 3

Sep 5 2022

jaj22 added a comment to T167056: Setting "Completion Radius" inside any waypoint not will work for AI-groups.

Fine with the fleeing restriction personally, and I look forward to testing the update. I would have thought that allowFleeing 0 was appropriate for any use case where you wanted to be stricter about following waypoints.

Sep 5 2022, 5:54 PM · Arma 3

Sep 3 2022

jaj22 added a comment to T167056: Setting "Completion Radius" inside any waypoint not will work for AI-groups.

Doesn't work with AI land or air vehicles either, IME. They just use their default type-dependent completion radius (which they don't always reach, separate issue) and ignore the command.

Sep 3 2022, 11:01 PM · Arma 3

Jul 29 2022

jaj22 added a comment to T158653: AI in Heli wont fire at infantry enemies.

Same issue: Mi-2 AI crew won't fire any weapons except the door guns, and seem to have trouble flying in general. Armed UH-1s are fine.

Jul 29 2022, 11:13 PM · Arma 3 Creator DLC - S.O.G. Prairie Fire

Jul 20 2022

jaj22 added a comment to T166502: Some AI-driven vehicles cannot cross bridges.

Added a couple of trivial example missions with Altis and CamLaoNam bridges. Just start the mission and watch. Quad bike swerves violently to the right, about 2/3 of the way across each bridge.

Jul 20 2022, 4:13 PM · Arma 3

Jul 10 2022

jaj22 created T166502: Some AI-driven vehicles cannot cross bridges.
Jul 10 2022, 2:13 AM · Arma 3

Mar 10 2022

jaj22 created T163682: Profiling branch: High command mode no longer working.
Mar 10 2022, 7:06 PM · Arma 3
jaj22 added a comment to T163658: 2.08 access violations with 32-bit server exe only.

@Tenshi Initial testing with the 32-bit version on the profiling branch suggests that the resolution was successful.

Mar 10 2022, 11:26 AM · Arma 3

Mar 9 2022

jaj22 added a comment to T163658: 2.08 access violations with 32-bit server exe only.

Managed to get a couple more mdmp files from the 32-bit client:

Mar 9 2022, 11:32 AM · Arma 3
jaj22 added a comment to T163658: 2.08 access violations with 32-bit server exe only.

Apparently I need an .mdmp file but it's not generating them locally for some reason. Will try to get one from another machine.

Mar 9 2022, 10:46 AM · Arma 3
jaj22 created T163658: 2.08 access violations with 32-bit server exe only.
Mar 9 2022, 10:28 AM · Arma 3