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Apr 21 2021

JerryK added a comment to T157953: gamebreaking bug, that needs attention.

Is your steam also installed on the same drive (hopefully SSD) as the game? that's the only thing I heard somebody had to do to fix a very similar issue.

Apr 21 2021, 8:07 PM · DayZ
JerryK added a comment to T157949: Zombie aggro pathfinding bug, aggro is too "intelligent"..

I was about to post something like that. Closing door A, going to door B and zombies magically know that I'm on the other side of the building and they start gathering around the door B.
I know, I know, something like that would be hard to fix/change, but it's fair to suggest changes.

Apr 21 2021, 5:29 PM · DayZ
JerryK added a comment to T157927: New survival features .

"The absolute dream would be to have vultures circling above dead players."
Very interesting idea, I'm all for for birbs/wild life (rabid dogs in cities, birds scattering away after shooting)

Apr 21 2021, 3:09 AM · DayZ
JerryK added a comment to T157920: Allow us to make armbands out of flags.

Armbands out of bandanas would also be cool, in my opinion

Apr 21 2021, 2:49 AM · DayZ

Apr 19 2021

JerryK added a comment to T157846: Clipping through Industrial building ceiling..

Video evidence, from what I can see, only jumping with a gun somehow works... mysteries of DayZ

Apr 19 2021, 2:29 PM · DayZ
JerryK added a comment to T157852: Stairs being clunky.

Videos of stairs in castles and PDs being clunky, restricting movement while crouched or moving slower than usual run speeds.
Videos might still be processing on youtube side of things, they are freshly baked.

Apr 19 2021, 2:20 PM · DayZ

Apr 18 2021

JerryK added a comment to T157822: Misaligned sights, bug.

So I was planning on uploading some screenshots, but AMD Radeon tool decided that it didn't want to screenshot what I asked it to do, so I've got no evidence, it does that sometimes... (good job AMD, nice software).

Apr 18 2021, 11:35 PM · DayZ
JerryK added a comment to T149563: Hardware antialiasing foliace swoothing on 21: 9 monitor 2560x1080 with AMD card.

I guess you should use post processing AA for a while, as it took them a year and still no solution. I personally use low post processing AA with 80% image sharpening in Radeon software on 1080p. Your mileage may wary, but on 1080p it looks good enough for very minimal performance loss (ofc hardware AA looks better). I noticed similar (not sure if it's exact one, but seems to be a transparency issue just like in DayZ) issue in Forza Horizon 4 on my RX580 (, so I just assumed that it might be Radeon driver issue, or something. idk.

Apr 18 2021, 3:44 PM · DayZ
JerryK updated the task description for T157852: Stairs being clunky.
Apr 18 2021, 3:22 PM · DayZ
JerryK created T157852: Stairs being clunky.
Apr 18 2021, 1:00 AM · DayZ
JerryK created T157851: Beige house, one way window..
Apr 18 2021, 12:11 AM · DayZ

Apr 17 2021

JerryK created T157849: Fence at Tisy Military Base missing a fence post.
Apr 17 2021, 6:54 PM · DayZ
JerryK updated the task description for T157846: Clipping through Industrial building ceiling..
Apr 17 2021, 6:45 PM · DayZ
JerryK added a comment to T157772: Add ADS and dead zone to consoles .

I'm commenting just for the sake of exposure. Control settings could be improved on consoles AND PC (mainly fine tuning sensitivity, instead of having to go into config files to change it up myself). It's a must have feature for an FPS game.

Apr 17 2021, 4:58 PM · DayZ Xbox
JerryK created T157846: Clipping through Industrial building ceiling..
Apr 17 2021, 4:31 PM · DayZ
JerryK added a comment to T157841: DayZ Exp 1.12 Developers, stop destroying the game!.

"you can even nerf the damage up to 90" - WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAY too much for a pistol that spawns in cities.. 55 is better than 90. At most I would give it 60, nothing more.
"This weapon is most often used to kill fast zombies, because they are killed with one shot" - Using the highest caliber pistol for zombie killing isn't what it's intended to do, it's a pistol made for fighting players. If you want zombie killing pistol, find any other pistol and go for headshots. .22 should headshot zombies in 1.12.
"because zombies pass through the door" - So because of a bug you want an OP pistol that makes a lot of rifles useless? Old Deagle was literally better than SKS because it can have mags and a silencer. Not to mention the weight and size difference, and the fact that it could one shot people while SKS couldn't.
"if you kill with an M4 or AK, with one shot" - I don't have confirmed numbers, but M4 won't one shot anymore, maybe even the AK won't.
" due to the fact that the body is thrown away from any shot from rifles" - Nope, staggering is only from x54r and .308 win (maybe slugs too, not sure). And even if you do get hit by a Mosin or a Winnie, it doesn't matter if you stagger... you are going uncon either way (it's dumb that plate carrier makes you uncon... that's basically one shotting through plate).
"falls into unconsciousness, and then in 90% of cases, he will be finished off" - Shock values are a bit too high in 1.12 in my opinion. Lower the shock values, and reduce the speed (slower) at which shock decays by a lot. FAL is as rare as it should be, I have no issues with it being strong if it's rarer enough (which it is).

Apr 17 2021, 3:04 PM · DayZ
JerryK added a comment to T157841: DayZ Exp 1.12 Developers, stop destroying the game!.

.357 nerf was justified, repeater should have higher damage from what I know since it has a longer barrel. Still shouldn't be a one shot kill like the big dogs x54r and .308.
"If you were not happy with the Deagle, then why did you initially allow this pistol to use a pistol sight and a silencer?" - because mistakes in development happen, and some are oversights that you didn't plan initially. 1.12 addresses this issue, and now you are complaining.
"then shoot noisily" - agreed, pistol suppressors are too OP on the deagle.
"Second, this is a pistol sight that replaces a sniper rifle" - you mean the handgun scope? I agree it's a tad too strong of a zoom.
"the reapeater has completely lost its meaning." - IMO, repeater should be able to mount a handgun scope.
"why 5.56x45 and 7.62x39 have the same damage" - From what I know, 5.56 has 90 damage now, still, in my opinion 5.56 should be even lower, like 80-85. I assume they are doing this because of the Scout rifle and the CR rifle. Would be useless with 1.11 damage numbers.
"Why .308 win and 7.62x54 mm R have the same damage if the 2nd is stronger?" - They are practically the same IRL, 54r does have just a tiny bit more kinetic energy, but it's less aerodynamic than .308. In-game it would be 3 damage difference, with like 2% range diffference, it would still kill you in one shot either way.
"Zombies with the last micropatch in exp started going through doors" - can't argue with that, I had that too.
"where 1 often kills with 1 hit" - agreed, this was the issue with big melee weapons, along with putting them into jackets which is dumb, they shouldn't one shot zeds, but they should be better VS zeds. Small melee weapons are fine, in my opinion. Much smaller, much lighter, isn't that good VS zeds.
"annoying glasses that do not break" - agreed, and the annoying bush hitbox that tanks shots... even if it was realistic, it's bad for gameplay because it's so inconsistent.

Apr 17 2021, 11:59 AM · DayZ

Apr 16 2021

JerryK added a comment to T157832: Inventory balance.

One thing I would like to add, as this would nerf the usability of large melee weapons, they should get compensation in some way, either in damage values or by being able to block heavy attacks.

Apr 16 2021, 1:50 PM · DayZ
JerryK added a comment to T157822: Misaligned sights, bug.

I've seen some streamers experience this bug too, maybe they can find the footage if you guys need to see what happens. It's such a rare bug though, but when it happens, it totally ruins any kind of possibility to fight back, because your sights aren't pointing in the same spot that the bullet goes.

Apr 16 2021, 11:59 AM · DayZ
JerryK added a comment to T157822: Misaligned sights, bug.

Yeah, my gun was on the floor, if I recall correctly. It was an SKS.

Apr 16 2021, 11:54 AM · DayZ
JerryK updated the task description for T157824: Concrete walls with gaps under them.
Apr 16 2021, 12:14 AM · DayZ
JerryK updated the task description for T157824: Concrete walls with gaps under them.
Apr 16 2021, 12:09 AM · DayZ
JerryK created T157824: Concrete walls with gaps under them.
Apr 16 2021, 12:08 AM · DayZ

Apr 15 2021

JerryK created T157822: Misaligned sights, bug.
Apr 15 2021, 11:57 PM · DayZ
JerryK created T157821: Barn near Topolniki, having to vault to enter.
Apr 15 2021, 11:50 PM · DayZ

Apr 13 2021

JerryK added a comment to T157770: Ligths on the distance.

Check the last comment (the one I posted with 2 screenshots), that issue seems to have been reported many times already. All we can do is wait for the fix.

Apr 13 2021, 4:30 PM · DayZ

Apr 12 2021

JerryK added a comment to T146356: Light dissapear at 100m .

2 screenshots taken from a same place, one while looking at a glowstick on the ground normally, and the second one while "zooming in" with eyes.
While "zooming in", light seems to disappear, can affect gameplay a lot during night time (happens with scopes too, in general any kind of zooming should cause it).

Apr 12 2021, 2:53 PM · DayZ
JerryK created T157757: DayZ Lighting/reflective issue .
Apr 12 2021, 2:43 PM · DayZ