we're sorry for the inconvenience. This issue is caused by the Windows update KB3078601 and there is nothing we can do to prevent the issue at this time. You can either uninstall the update or wait for Microsoft to release a fixed version of the update.
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May 10 2016
your system or graphic card can't render Launcher window. First thing you may want to try is to update your graphic card drivers.
If that doesn't work, try to run Launcher in safe-mode (press and hold Ctrl+Shift while you starting Launcher) and let it disable the hardware acceleration, or disable the hardware acceleration directly by using -nohwa command line parameter.
I'm afraid that Launcher can't corrupted the game, because it can't touch the core game files at all. It can only update files in folders that starts with @ sign.
It is possible that your problem with the main menu is caused by some of the mods that are active (as an unfortunate result of mod corrupted)? If you run the game without mods, is the menu still corrupted?
according to the file checks shows a 100% match for all mods subscribed from Steam Workshop, at least according the data your Steam client has provided on your PC.
Above that the only thing that changed then you run Launcher is that it installed Resist mod files.
Those are Launcher logs, not game logs so they won't show errors that happen in-game, but by the messages you've provided the cause is in the data. I'll have to create a special program to diagnose the issue.
could you please download and run a program that will create a detailed report on the Workshop data and the synchronization? It would be best to run it once, the start Launcher and wait for the synchronization to finish, and then let the program run again.
You can simply download the program from http://arma.jiripolasek.com/files/HeroesandvillainsOS_Diag.zip , run it and it will create a file on your desktop.
The synchronization logs shows that Kunduz mod files were transferred (all of them, and all of them successfully) on 2015-12-08 23:43:20 - 23:47:25. That was the last time the synchronization was necessary as the data was the same as one provided by Steam (the check for the update was done several times), until it was forced by resubscribing it on 2015-12-10 21:12:37.
So far the only explanation I can think of is that the data was corrupted while being saved on your drive, but it's virtually impossible for this to be unnoticed by both the operating system and Launcher synchronization.
could you please upload all the Launcher logs? If you open Launcher, in the top right corner of the window is Option menu and there's the menu item 'Export Launcher logs to desktop'. It will gather all the logs to single ZIP archive and put them on your desktop. The porting of the log you send doesn't show any error.
Launcher do the same synchronization procedure when start as well as when the mod is (re)subscribed. But unless you exited the Steam completely after subscribing the mod and before resubscribing it, the downloaded data were not affected.
Duplicate of 26972
Duplicate of 26972
Duplicate of 26972
Try to run verification of the game cache from Steam client, it should also verify all the mods (except the legacy ones).
I'm glad to be of service.
Those file are being downloaded on my machine just fine: http://imgur.com/4qWUcEo
By any chance you didn't cleared your Steam Workshop cache, did you?
I can see that the files are there. Could you tell me which of updates published them correctly?
- Update: 9 Dec @ 8:04pm
. Update: 7 Dec @ 8:38pm
- Update: 6 Dec @ 3:00pm
- Update: 6 Dec @ 2:57pm
Thank you. The publisher logs are stored together with other Arma 3 Tools logs. (...Steam Library\steamapps\common\Arma 3 Tools\Logs)
could anyone else very that the files are really missing? Steam may work differently on the machine where the mod was uploaded. If you don't have any logs (either Publisher logs or Steam logs), could you at least share the link to the mod, so we can ask Valve to investigate?
try to disable hardware acceleration of Launcher:
- Open Options menu.
- Click on the Launcher Options menu item.
- Check the option "Disable Launcher's UI hardware acceleration".
- Restart Launcher.
Hello longstrump,
thank you for reporting this. We'll fix that in the next update.
Thank you again.
please delete the file 'e:\steamlibrary\steamapps\common\arma 3\DXGI.DLL'. It doesn't belong to Arma 3 installation and it is most like the cause of your issue.
just pack the .DWI file into a ZIP archive and upload that.
one of file that are part of Microsoft .NET Framework and that Launcher needs to run are is corrupted. Could you please try to re-install latest version of .NET Framework: http://www.microsoft.com/en-us/download/details.aspx?id=49982 It should replace the corrupted file and make Launcher functional.
it seems that some files in your Arma 3 installation are misplaced and not up to date. Unfortunately verification of the game cache doesn't remove such files, so it can't fix that automatically.
You have to manually delete these files from Arma 3 root folder (if they are present, but at least 3 of the are):
- E:\STEAM\steamapps\common\Arma 3\log4net.dll
- E:\STEAM\steamapps\common\Arma 3\SharedResources.dll
- E:\STEAM\steamapps\common\Arma 3\Utils.dll
- E:\STEAM\steamapps\common\Arma 3\protobuf-net.dll
- E:\STEAM\steamapps\common\Arma 3\SteamLayer.dll
- E:\STEAM\steamapps\common\Arma 3\SteamLayerWrap.dll
- E:\STEAM\steamapps\common\Arma 3\Xceed.Wpf.Toolkit.dll
and folders:
- E:\STEAM\steamapps\common\Arma 3\en-US
- E:\STEAM\steamapps\common\Arma 3\de-DE
- and any other folder that has name in pattern xx-xx directly in E:\STEAM\steamapps\common\Arma 3\ folder
After that Launcher should be working again, if it does not verify the game cache again.
seems that the main configuration file of your .NET Framework is still corrupted. You can replace it by using a backup file (providing that it is not corrupted as well):
- Go to the folder C:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v4.0.30319\Config\
- There should be 3 files:
- machine.config
- machine.config.comments
- machine.config.default (note: you have to disable hiding extension to see the extensions)
- Move file 'machine.config' somewhere else (e.g. to desktop).
- Make a copy of 'machine.config.default'
- Rename that copy to 'machine.config'
- If you could pack the original 'machine.config' to ZIP and upload it here so we can investigate the way it is corrupted it will be helpful to us.
according to the log you're missing one of the files from Microsoft .NET Framework. You should be able to fix the issue by re-installing the .NET Framework, the latest version 4.6.1 can be downloaded from here: https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/download/details.aspx?id=49982
could you please generate Arma Troubleshooting Report from the Options menu in Launcher (it's a menu item next to the Export Launcher logs to desktop) and upload it?
Launcher minimal size is 690 px but it is also scaled up because your system DPI settings is more than 100 %. For now you can solve the issue by enabling the option "Disable display scaling on high DPI settings" in properties of Launcher executable on Compatibility tab.
thank you for reporting the issue, we'll fix that as soon as possible. I'm sorry any inconvenience it might cause you.
according to the log you're missing one of the game files. Please let Steam verify the game, it should restore any missing or corrupted files:
- Open Steam;
- From the Library section, right-click on the game and select Properties from the menu;
- Select the Local files tab and click the Verify integrity of game cache... button;
- Steam will verify the game's files - this process may take several minutes.
does this happens all the time?
thank you for reporting this, we'll fix the issue as soon as we hunt it down.
thank you. I also noticed these three items, but unfortunately I can't determine whether it is a cause or a consequence of your issue.
I will keep you updated on our investigation.
may I ask you to run the Steam with the console enabled once again?
- Log under your account.
- Enable logs by running the command in Steam console: log_ipc 1
- Start Launcher and let it run for a minute.
- Disable the logs: log_ipc 0
- Upload the ipc_SteamClient.log and workshop_log.txt file, or preferably the whole Steam logs folder if possible.
I'd also like to ask your for the permission to send the Steam logs to Valve engineers to see if they can provide any explanation.
Could you please run try to get the live information directly from Steam? If you exit the Steam and the start it again with -console parameter, there should be a new 'tab' CONSOLE on the top (in the row with STORE, LIBRARY, COMMUNITY, YOUR NICK). If you go to that tab and at the bottom enter this command:
workshop_status 107410
it should print out the status as is currently perceived by the Steam client. It would help us if you could copy it into text file and upload it.
could you please upload logs from Steam? It's possible that it contains some clues. They are stored in Logs folder in Steam installation directory (by default it's C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\logs).
we're going through the logs and at this moment we're trying to find out what is not in there. The only Workshop items that appeared in the new logs are scenarios, but there are no mod for some reason.
The message "Cannot retrieve current steam branch name" only means what is says - you have selected the main (default) game branch which doesn't have the name, so that is completely normal.
unfortunately logs doesn't contain any new information. But it is possible enable additional logs for Steam communication by editing the file "(arma 3 folder)\Launcher\logger.xml":
There are 4 loggers related to the Steam in that file
<logger name="SteamApi"> <level value="ERROR" /> <appender-ref ref="SteamFile" /> </logger> <logger name="SteamLayer" additive="False"> <level value="ERROR" /> <appender-ref ref="SteamFile" /> </logger> <logger name="SteamAPIWrap"> <level value="OFF" /> </logger> <logger name="SteamAPIWrapDump"> <level value="OFF" /> </logger>
and to enable additional information to be logger, you have to change the level setting to ALL for each of them:
<level value="ALL" />
But by enabling this option Launcher will generate a huge amount of logs so I'd advise you don't leave it enabled for too long.
Steam client downloads the mods and it sends information to Launcher. There are two separate pieces of information (list of the subscribed mods and their status, e.g. it's installed, it's being downloaded) but Launcher didn't received any of them (for at least a month, according to the logs)
Similar issue was reported a few days ago and if I'm not mistaken it was solved by switching to development branch, updating and then switching back to stable branch.
I'm sorry, we're unable to replicate the issue and there's no problem recorded in the logs. Could you please try to replicate the issue again and save a screenshot of the list before deleting the item and after that, upload them and upload the logs again?
Hello, could you please upload Launcher logs? You can generate an archive with logs by choosing 'Export Launcher logs to desktop...' from Options menu in the top right corner of the window.
your issue is slightly different, so it might not work for you.
the problem is caused by missing system component, or more precisely the registration of the component is missing from your PC.
I've upload registry files with component registration from my PC to http://arma.jiripolasek.com/files/TaskBarCommunicationComponentRegistration.zip Applying that might fix your issue, but I can't give you any guarantees that it would work for you.
thank you for reporting this, we'll fix this issue as soon as possible.
Yes, you can. It was released right now :)
we've decided to release a workaround for this issue as part of the 1.54 hotfix so Launcher won't use the corrupted system component and you will be able to use Launcher once again.
Could you check the registry for any other occurrences of key "{56FDF344-FD6D-11D0-958A-006097C9A090}" to see if there is any other instance of it with a wrong path?
Also, could you please pack and upload the "C:\Windows\SysWOW64\ExplorerFrame.dll" file? I'd like to check that it is the correct file and that it is not corrupted.
Yes, both of them.
Also I'd suggest you to run the antivirus scan on your PC as it might be infected by a virus.
oh and btw arma3 was running fine until i updated the game then this problem appeared
Before the update Launcher didn't use that particular system component at all.
ok so can i just change it?
Yes, you can.
May I ask you what are those values then?
Then, do you known anything about Windows registry editor? Would you be able to find the following registry keys and check the value named "(default)" in them?
it should be "%SystemRoot%\system32\explorerframe.dll" everywhere, so the first line is wrong, at that is the cause of the issue.
I've just updated my previous post with the link.
Could you please verify that you have this file on your system, it has to be in the SysWOW64 folder: "C:\Windows\SysWOW64\ExplorerFrame.dll".
this issue is most likely caused by missing system file for one of the components of the operating system or that component is misconfigured on your system.
Please run the Windows System File Check tool to repair corrupted system files: https://support.microsoft.com/en-us/kb/929833
Unfortunately the only option I know of is to move your Steam library on D: drive to a different folder, and it's a bit complicated:
- Exit Steam.
- In Windows Explorer create a new folder for your library, e.g. D:\Steam2
- Move all files from "D:\Steam " folder to the new "D:\Steam2"
- Delete the old folder "D:\Steam ". This is the tricky part, because Windows Explorer won't be able to delete it because of the issue with name. But other file managers, for example Total Command can do that.
- Start Steam again, log in. All you games that were in the "D:\Steam " folder won't be installed.
- Select Arma 3 in Steam, click on install and Steam will offer you install it. In that dialog choose to install it into a new Steam library on the drive D: and then select the new Steam folder you have create (D:\Steam2). Steam will recognize Arma and all other games as installed as soon as you confirm it.
the issue is with the installation path. The folder "Steam " on your D: drive contains a space at the end of the name. Steam allows to create a library with this name, but some system function doesn't support this.
I'd recommend you to run the System File Checker tool to check if all system files are in place and correct: https://support.microsoft.com/en-us/kb/929833
new Launcher is using a system component that is either missing or misconfigured and the .NET Framework that we use isn't handling this correctly. Apparently Microsoft has already fixed the issue, although I don't know whether the fix is available at the moment (https://twitter.com/rrelyea/status/667888929530474497).
We're investigating our options how to workaround this issue, but at this moment I'd recommend you to run the System File Checker tool to check if all system files are in place and correct: https://support.microsoft.com/en-us/kb/929833
we're sorry for the inconvenience. This issue is caused by the Windows update KB3078601 and there is nothing we can do to prevent the issue at this time. You can either uninstall the update or wait for Microsoft to release a fixed version of the update.
we're sorry for the inconvenience. This issue is caused by the Windows update KB3078601 and there is nothing we can do to prevent the issue at this time. You can either uninstall the update or wait for Microsoft to release a fixed version of the update.
we're sorry for the inconvenience. This issue is caused by the Windows update KB3078601 and there is nothing we can do to prevent the issue at this time. You can either uninstall the update or wait for Microsoft to release a fixed version of the update.
could you please delete the old text files from desktop, run Launcher again and check whether it contains a corrupted text "GetF)leVersionInfo" (note the closing parenthesis instead of the letter i) on the first line of the Exception block?
Anyway I'd suggest you to (re)install .NET Framework 4.6: https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/download/details.aspx?id=48130
you're probably missing a system file 'version.dll', or this file is corrupted. I'd suggest to run Windows System File Checker tool to fix your system: https://support.microsoft.com/en-us/kb/929833
Ouch, I just noticed that you have the game installed in the folder "Giochi " - there is a space at the end of the folder name and unfortunately some system functions that are used by Launcher doesn't support this, so it won't start as long as the game is installed in this folder.
it seems that Launcher can't load one of its files. Could you please check that the these files exists?
- E:\Giochi \Steam\steamapps\common\Arma 3\arma3launcher.exe.config
- E:\Giochi \Steam\steamapps\common\Arma 3\Launcher\SharedResources.dll
They might be either missing or corrupted, so the best course of action is to delete them both and then let Steam re-download them both by verifying integrity of the Arma 3 in Steam.
I'm glad I could help. Enjoy the game.
your DirectX libraries are corrupted. Could you please remove these files:
and then re-install DirectX by running "d:\steam\steamapps\common\arma 3\_CommonRedist\DirectX\Jun2010\dxsetup.exe"
Can you please manually replace those files inSysWOW64 folder with the files from: http://arma.jiripolasek.com/files/DirectX_SysWOW64.zip I've extracted two files from DirectX installer and placed them into the archive.
// duplicate of http://feedback.arma3.com/view.php?id=26647
Glad I could help. Enjoy the game and have a nice day.
it seems that your original issue was fixed; this issue is caused by the Windows update KB3078601 and there is nothing we can do to prevent the issue at this time. You can either uninstall the update or wait for Microsoft to release a fixed version of the update.
One more thing: please do change the EnableLog value in the registry to 0 to disable the logging as it might slow down some applications.
I've gone through the logs 3 times and I can't find anything related to the error you have reported at the beginning. Could you please delete those error logs on your desktop, start Launcher again and verify that the error message in the log didn't change.
- open registry editor:
- press Windows+R
- write regedit.exe into textbox
- press enter
- in the registry editor, navigate to the key HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Fusion
- once you have selected the Fusion key right click on the right side and choose either "New -> DWORD value" or "New -> String value", enter the name and then double click on it to change the it's value.
The files checks out and so the program should start. I'll have to ask you to turn on the .NET Framework diagnostics to see what is going on.
- Go to the registry key HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Fusion (create if it doesn't exist)
- Create the folder C:\FusionLog\
- Add:
- DWORD value ForceLog set to 1
- DWORD value LogFailures set to 1;
- DWORD value LogResourceBinds set to 1;
- DWORD value EnableLog set to 1;
- String value LogPath set to existing folder for logs (e.g. C:\FusionLog\); make sure that the folder exists and the path ends with the backslash.
- Attempt to start the game, the logs will be created in the folder you've specified, please compress them and upload them.
Could you please delete them both and then let Steam re-download them by verifying integrity of the game cache?
Could you please compress those two files into ZIP archive and upload them here so I can compare them to the original one?
OK, could you please check whether these files exists?
a) "C:\games\steamapps\common\Arma 3\Launcher\SharedResources.dll"
b) "C:\games\steamapps\common\Arma 3\arma3launcher.exe.config"
according to the log you're missing one of the game files. Please let Steam verify the game, it should restore any missing or corrupted files:
- Open Steam;
- From the Library section, right-click on the game and select Properties from the menu;
- Select the Local files tab and click the Verify integrity of game cache... button;
- Steam will verify the game's files - this process may take several minutes.
It would meter if you changed the connection permanently, so it doesn't matter if you only connected once. Although it might be good idea to try to update the list while on a different connection to see if that helps.
How to join Steam Client Beta:
- Go to Steam > Settings in the Steam client. The Beta Participation section will tell you if there are any beta programs available, or if you are currently running one of them.
- Click on the Change... button in the client participation section and select one of the choices available in the drop-list of beta programs.
- Click OK and restart Steam when you are prompted to do so.
- After the restart a window with Steam update has to appear. If it does not, restart the Steam again.
Good to hear you were able to solve the issue and thank you for sharing that solution with us.
These steps might help, but no guarantees:
- switch Steam client between off-line and on-line mode;
- switch to Steam beta client, restart the client, let it update to beta and then switch back;
- let Launcher run for some time, it might take some time for Steam to send the updated list.
Basically Steam should send the list of the subscribed mods every time you start Launcher and every time the list is changed. According to the logs, Steam send you corrupted list on 13th November and then it didn't send anything; before that it send you the list of subscribed items only on 24th,25th,26th October (that's the latest log there is). Is it possible that for example you internet connection changed in that time or anything that might be related to that?
we've seen this error before. Steam has updated the list of your subscribed items but didn't include tags that identify items as mods.
Only solution I can think of is go to Steam Workshop and subscribe and unsubscribe few items for Arma 3 while Launcher is running. That should force Steam to send the updated list, hopefully with correct tags.
could you please upload Launcher logs so we can investigate what happened? You can create a ZIP archive with logs from Launcher menu in top right corner.
please update game to the latest version.
This particular issue of Launcher with crash error reporting (basically Launcher crashed when it should display a window with information about the game crash) is solved there, so the latest version will be able to provide you with more information about your actual issue with the game.
it seems that you are missing one of the Launcher files. Could you please verify the game files through Steam to be sure that you have all the files?
Could you then please download x86 version of Dependency Walker from http://www.dependencywalker.com/ and open "C:\Games\Steam\steamapps\common\Arma 3\Arma3.exe" in it, then save the report (it will create a file with extension .dwi), compress it into zip archive and upload it here? That report will show which file is causing the issue.
the error code 0xC000007B usually means that you have one or more files corrupted and the game can't be started.
Please take a look at the error description at the following site and try the solutions from there: https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/Arma_3_Unusual_process_exit#0xC000007B_-_STATUS_INVALID_IMAGE_FORMAT
we're sorry for the inconvenience. This issue is caused by the Windows update KB3078601 and there is nothing we can do to prevent the issue at this time. You can either uninstall the update or wait for Microsoft to release a fixed version of the update.
I can see two issue there:
a) 2015-11-14 21:19:18 Launcher received list of subscribed workshop items from Steam, but all items were missing tags which means that Launcher didn't recognized them as mods any longer and removed them.
b) After you had restarted Launcher it received the updated list, this time with tags intact, and start restoring the mods. That's when it started to show corrupted mods because Launcher had some issue recognizing whether the mod folder exists or not.
Did you modified or removed any game, Steam or Workshop files or data in any way?
could you please upload Steam logs from "C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\logs" from your computer and update Launcher logs? It seems that Launcher didn't start synchronization on the mods and marked them corrupted because there were not data at that moment that could be synchronized.
The issue with missing characters is now fixed and the fix will be release into the development and RC branches with next update (most likely on Monday).
thank you for reporting this. Windows 10 November update has introduced some issue with fonts.
We fixed it on the dev branch and RC branch, but apparently not all of it.
thank you for the reply.
It seems that in the end Launcher was receiving list of subscribed items from Steam with some items duplicated in it and these duplicates were causing all kinds of weird behavior. I've put some filter to Launcher to remove the duplicates and also to remove duplicates from Launcher cache if the duplicate items were already persisted.
The fix should hit the dev-branch on Monday.
could you please confirm the behavior you observe for me: as Launcher starts it lists all Steam mods twice and after a second the duplicates disappear. Is that right?
I'm sorry, I've overlooked that you have Windows 10 and it have the latest version of .NET Framework integrated.
On Windows 10 you might be able to fix the issue by running System File Check tool: https://support.microsoft.com/en-us/kb/929833#bookmark-use%20the%20system%20file%20checker%20tool
according to the log you've attached you are missing a file that is part of .NET Framework (PresentationNative_v0400.dll). Try to re-install .NET Framework 4.6 https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/download/details.aspx?id=48130 , that should fix the issue.