We have been hunting for the so called "3FPS Bug" for some time without any clean success. We managed to squash several issues on the way, be it potential memory leaks, scripting issues and security concerns, but there are still many reported occurrences of this behaviour:
- After some time of playing (usually 45-60 minutes) the game goes instantly to roughly 3FPS
- Game doesn't recover until it is restarted
- This doesn't only depend on modding of the game, even game without mods may encounter this issue
- It usually takes place in MP environment
As we are yet unable to reproduce said behaviour on our internal machines, we need your help to crush this issue. There is a Feedback Tracker Ticket about this issue, we would like to ask anyone experiencing said behaviour to collect their dxdiag data (simply by typing "dxdiag" in their start menu and saving the profile, removing the Machine Name and Machine ID parts) and trying to get minidumps of their memory prior and after the issue using ProcDump (thanks to the guys from Microsoft for recommending this software to us). That could possibly help us to localize the issue better and to address it in the future.
Thanks a lot for your participation, lets make Arma better together.
We would like to use this ticket to gather all the files mentioned in pettka's that you are able to provide.
As mentioned above, we are looking for the minidumps, dumps made with the ProcDump and DxDiag files.
When providing these, please try to upload at least one RPT file as well.
Here are some links you might find usefull when in doubt about what to do or where to find the files
MDMP, RPT - "How to report crash" guide
ProcDump - Download & instructions
Capture Frame
When it comes to the 3FPS bug, a captureFrame will come in handy, so if possible, please try to provide it as well
How To:
- Switch to latest Arma 3 "profiling branch" - Steam Branches
- Go into "Arma 3" directory in Steam and rename "arma3profiling.exe" to "arma3.exe" (Launcher and BattlEye are expecting that one).
- Launch game and start playing.
- Once the 3FPS bug strikes, press together {L SHIFT} + {NUM -} (NUM Minus) and release them - Help
- Type "frame" (as with any other cheat mentioned in the Help)
- Should a dialogue stating it was successful appear, select "COPY ALL" (third button at the bottom row).
- Data should be copied to clip board so paste them (CTRL+V) anywhere you want (e.g. create a new txt file on desktop and paste the info there).
Once you have that file, please upload it here (or, if you encounter any trouble with that, to some free file sharing service and post the link here) along with the RPT of the session where you made the captureFrame.