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- User Since
- Dec 4 2014, 5:18 PM (537 w, 5 h)
May 11 2016
I've encountered this bug as well. I also managed to drive a truck that said it was without fuel for an insanely long time causing me to believe that it wasn't ever going to react as though it ran out of fuel.
I agree; the more difficult to obtain and prepare foods should be more rewarding than the easily collected food. As it is there aren't many good reasons for hunting and cooking as opposed to collecting canned goods. In my opinion, food is already too easy to come by so I'd rather see not that they improve the cooked meat, but that the nourishment received from cans be much less.
I agree. I just want to see it improved a little bit though, not a lot. Something like what Mow suggested sounds decent to me.
Hello JStewart,
I uploaded those screenshots you asked for. Should I try reinstalling the game because I have not done that yet?
Thank you for your help,
Neither, I don't use a microphone but I have friends that do and when they talk to me it doesn't play their audio through the speakers while I can hear all other in game sounds. Also using / to chat they can read my chats but theirs won't show up on my screen.
I don't think they necessarily need to change when you can take blood on this one, but making blood take a lot long to regain naturally would be cool because I think it would make more of an incentive for getting blood.
I definitely agree with this. I must say it is really assuring to find someone else in this game that also wants good gear that's not military. I'm not trying to sound like a hipster here, though I probably so, but it would be really cool if not everybody was trying to look the same. I like the idea of having good civilian gear being as hard to come by as military gear and only spawning inland or something like that but lets add some variety. I think even just adding more color customization would be an awesome improvement. For example adding more spraypaint colors and making more items paintable, or just having different colored military gear spawn (but it may be unrealistic if people could find a purple tactical vest).
Yeah! And can we add golf clubs while we're at it too?!
I agree with evil minion about not being able to find functional firearms, but in general, this is a really great idea! Even if they didn't necessarily add a museum but added more special locations I think it would add excitement to the game in terms of exploring and finding unique items.
Absolutely brilliant! I Love it, and I think it would be relatively easy to implement! They should definitely look into adding that!
I definitely agree with this. I think an easy solution would be to make the wells essentially like the apple trees were sometimes you can get something out of them but a lot of times you can't. But everything that's being suggested here I think would help because currently it's too easy to stay hydrated.
I agree with keraudo; I kinda like the idea, but implementing that specifically would be too awkward and difficult I think. I think the biggest reason people KOS is because it's too easy to make it on your own, so people get set up with plenty of gear, get bored and decide to fix their boredom by killing other players. If they made the player v. environment aspect much harder, people would be more concerned with trying to keep themselves alive. Additionally, it would provide incentive to make friends since they could help you survive where as now you never need anyone's help to survive the environment because you can do it just fine on your own.
Good idea man! I like it
This is a great idea! Your idea is very similar to what I have been wanting the developers to implement for a while now: some kind of aesthetic, viewable player statistic, or other recognition that adds value to the life of a character. As others have mentioned, all the value of a character is in their gear which, if you know how to play the game well, you can get pretty decent gear in a short amount of time. I believe this is part of the reason there is so much killing on sight
If player don't attach much value to their characters lives, they don't mind getting in fights because they're more than willing to risk their characters lives, and probably feel less bad for killing other players. If there was some recognition that you could only get from keeping a specific character alive, it would add value to the character's lives. Even if it was just statistics stating that with a given character a player lived for x amount of hours, killed so many zombies, killed so many other players, survived so many injuries and whatever else, then it would give more meaning to their lives, especially if it was viewable by other players. For example, you could see other player's stats by clicking on their name when you bring up the list of players on a server, and you can whether players on a given server are likely to be hostile or not by comparing the amount of people they've killed to the amount of time spent alive
Though I agree with most of what ventrue said, I up-voted this because I do think something should be done to curb server hopping.
I actually wouldn't mind the disappearing items idea IF (big if there) they improved the rate of server crashes/restarts first.
Idea number 2 is not bad but maybe could be improved upon.
Idea number 1, hell yeah that's a great idea!