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- User Since
- Apr 24 2014, 1:18 AM (569 w, 1 d)
May 10 2016
Codea, what server does your clan play on? I'd like very much to meet other non-KoS players who actually help their fellow human beings. I think there are many who don't quite understand that the definition of survival does not include instant murder of anything that moves...
I love THE NEGATIVE VOTES! Ya know what that is? its little boys that aren't good enough to play ACTUAL combat games with their friends cause they get their asses kicked, so they find a game like this, full of people who aren't playing just to get their undies moist by murdering other players, and they can exploit that and actually get some kills. keep voting boys.
I was having this same issue, and it WAS caused by the bag in a bag bug. I had several small protector cases inside each other. When I took them all out, separated them and got rid of a few, problem solved.
I've figured out the problem, through investigation of a separate, but related, issue of always having extremely high bandwidth numbers, I found a post on that being caused by multiple "container" items in inventory. I had several small protector cases inside of each other, as well as an ammo box and first aid kits inside small protector cases. once I undid that inventory method, and kept just a couple boxes with the first aid kit and ammo box outside the boxes, the problem went away.
Yeah, I'm seeing the same issue, and it seems to stem form trying to use or eat/drink something when you already have an item, i.e a gun or ax in your hands. If you are careful (religiously) and put away whatever is in your hands before you use or eat something, you should be able to circumvent this. ATM Im about to lose a great character ive been playing for almost a week because of this and unrelated issues connecting to servers that wont allow me to do anything except walk around for a minute before losing my session.
There is also a bug right now creating horrible long wait times even if you lost your connection or got kicked from a server, I'm seeing 10 to 12 minute reconnect times.
I also have reproduced this on multiple servers today. I've tried multiple fully charged batteries, and detaching the sight and putting the battery in before and after attaching the sight to the pistol. On a side note, the silencer for the FNX45 no longer works either. It has the same discharge volume and zombie attraction/attention factor with or without the silencer.
I have found that single bolts CANNOT be reloaded into the quiver, nor can they be stacked together if you have more than one single one. AT ALL. I tried this numerous times, and in different ways, and could not combine bolts or reload a quiver with ANY bolts other than the ones I took out of it.
It would be REALLY great if this one hit kill thing could be fixed. It is totally unbalanced to take one single swat from a zombie and be instantly dead. This has happened to me a bunch of times now, and it happens as often standing fully erect, even with a helmet on as not. It's a huge downer to put days of play into a character and get really nice gear and then be killed from one lucky hit by a zombie. ALSO, and maybe this is a separate issue, but the damn zombies are glitching so badly that even ones you've put 3 rounds into are killing us. They NEED to be fixed. Its not fun to die from one hit by something that can run through walls to get at you, run through a hail of bullets to get at you, it turns the game into a completely unwinnable nonfun waste of time.
This has happened to me a few times. @Exstinguo: I have been head hit while standing erect (and running even) and killed instantly, so it can happen. Its much more likely though if you are prone or crouched, so if you crawl or kneel a lot, wear a helmet, if you go around in a beret or bonnie cause it looks cool, be aware of the consequences. Also, Zombies aren't very nimble, get in the habit of moving around quickly to dodge their swings and lunges. I've fought 3 zom's at once without taking a scratch just by staying in motion and running in circles.
I absolutely agree with this, there are SOOOOOO many issues right now with the game itself and with server stability. Its not uncommon to have to change servers every half an hour, and waiting 400 plus seconds, which if you check against a clock as it ticks off is WAAAAAY more, usually about double at least, is absolutely ludicrous. I understand the desire to stop server hopping, but when we have to constantly restart the game or reconnect to other servers for for any one of a hundred legitimate reasons, its just WRONG.
This is also a HUGE problem with damage from zombie hits. It is incredibly illogical that a zombie can ruin a pristine pistol INSIDE a pristine protector case in the pocket of your pristine jacket which he ruined with one hit... I mean c'mon, what is zombie damage based on? a frakin hand grenade? Its a human hand, undead or not... not a damn chainsaw or explosion. It should take AT LEAST two hits to downgrade the condition of clothing one step. And I can see a piece of fruit, or paper, or other similar item getting ruined, but the current system SUCKS! Also, the same damn thing is happening to stuff in the pocket of your pants if you break a leg from a 3' drop... I mean, seriously??? PLEASE CORRECT THIS.