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- User Since
- Dec 18 2013, 12:47 PM (584 w, 5 d)
Aug 17 2021
Any one tried to remove all your Microsoft Visual C++ then reboot and then reinstall them ?? Had a similar issue with ARMA 3 years back and it turned out MVC++ 2012 was corrupt!!
Sep 18 2020
I can confirm this is an issue if the default gateway is removed, it appears the BattlEye = 0; does NOT turn off Battleye!???
Nov 8 2018
Appears to be a "combine" issue as cannot open tins of food or slice a pumkin either!
Cannot combine a lot of Items such as rope and burlap and Sticks as well as slice pumpkins This appears to be linked to the opening of tinned food, only on latest EXP build. Slightly game breaking
Jul 18 2018
Can officially say the only permanant Solution I have found is upgrade of CPU and motherboard .... This is an issue with ARMA3 and Surround Sound using USB emulation with AMD FX Processors.
Jul 6 2017
as mentioned in my original post, if I use a 7.1 surround speaker system connected to the onboard sound card setup for 7.1 it DOES NOT happen, for me it is something between the CPU and USB connections as I assume everyone here is using a USB type headset? This could be a CPU architecture issue or northbridge issue regarding bandwidth I assume.
Jun 26 2017
For me the game needs a 5.1/7.1 option on sound? would fix this for now then moving forwards could look at why it effects AMD CPU and boards!!!???
Jun 22 2017
Just tested the latest release of ARMA 3 ... appears now turning off the virtual surround no longer works!! Only by using the 32-bit Client is this game playable with a USB 7.1 Surround headset and AMD CPU.
May 18 2017
Attached in original post.
May 9 2017
it could well be the surround sound is stressing the CPU to much or is bottlenecking at RAM-CPU area! Need a dev to give us a definitive answer really?
May 8 2017
May 4 2017
Apr 19 2017
Will test now have the 64 Bit downloaded. Give me 10 mins
Apr 4 2017
Apr 1 2017
Mar 31 2017
I have found using the JEMalloc if you directly enter a vehicle it appears ok for me, but if I enter a building first it messes up again!?!
Mar 30 2017
Could you guys try changing the 64-bit memory allocator in preferences to the JEMalloc one and enable large page support ???
Guys this is pretty important, if your having this issue Can you try running the game with the JEMalloc Allocator - 64-Bit (parameters in launcher) ????
Mar 29 2017
Dwarden asked me to make a new thread on this:
Yes, 7.1 Surround on USB causes issue, 7.1 on 3.5mm Jack (onboard sound) works fine. Only effects 64-Bit ARMA - USB 7.1 headset and AMD CPU it appears!!??
Mar 21 2017
Identical issue here also:
AMD CPU ... FX8350 @ 4.8Ghz
16GB Ram 1666
SSD Drive SATA 3
AMD R9 290x
Corsair 2000 Gaming 7.1 Surround headset USB
Dec 12 2016
This is why the Bug tracker exists well played
Dec 7 2016
Appears Bit Defender is also identifying battleye as a Virus:
Dec 2 2016
Have seen this on several PC's running Endpoint Security (symantec and ESET) only fix i have found is to disable the software during initial installation or complete removal of the software during initial install.
Aug 23 2016
Cheers, i searched twice and could not find anything on it! maybe using the search function wrong!
Have confirmed it appears to be limited to certian items and certian conditions, ghillie hood ruined spray green fixes it., Damaged Mosin paint black goes prestine. Again tested on 1st person servers, private hives.
Aug 15 2016
Have posted on the offical facebook page for the server asking for others to try this as well, just got back and will give it a go!
This was on the UK Alliance 1st person Server:
Have managed so far to do this with a ruined ghillie hood (painted this green when to pristine) and with a damaged mosin, painted black went to pristine.
Have confirmed with 2 other players that this is the case, but we where on the above mentioned server. one did with an SKS and another with an AKSU (painted it green went from worn to pristine) also worked on the mag but this dissapeared for other users for at least a few mins before it became visable? Could this be a sync issue?