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Can not connect to LAN server without an internet connection.
Acknowledged, NormalPublic


We have our own very powerful server, it uses opensm on fibre nics and there is no router or gatway so it can NEVER connect to the internet, any patching for updates is done manually. We were planning on hosting our own PURE LAN game for 8 people 4 vs 4, followed by last man standing setup under the conditions that we wanted.

I have been working towards this goal and have put many hours into it ; however due to this BattleEye thing which I have no problems with if you are playing on a PIC game ( Public & Internet Connected ) as we HATE cheaters with a passion and we are running a solely LAN no router no gatway setup that can never connect to the internet for exactly that reason.

It should be that if I whitelist all the Bohemia ID's that this will allow my fellow players to connect and bypass battleEye as battleEye has no chance of ever getting an internet connection, but this is not the case BattleEye instead jumps in front of everything and causes problems, me as the server admin gets told my password is incorrect when I know damn well it's not.. I have even gone to the extent of copying and pasting my admin password into the client still to be told it's wrong. User passwords result in connect timeouts as again battleye jumps in the way on a purely LAN game.

You have 9 quite disgruntled people here and we want this fixed, we have all put in very little time online trying to get this stuff to work and are still within the window for a refund and we are at the point of talking about going back to steam and getting a refund on the game and the DLC, also the level of documentation for trying to get a LAN only non internet connected game going is attrocious. We know you are a small studio and thats fine but how about giving a group of users what we want for a change.

I have heard every argument from people about hosting your own private internet connected server blah blah blah but the point is we have paid for this game and we should be able to play the game on our own server without the internet involved and our systems are built for light speed - not copper, ping times for our server are les than 1ms not the <50ms people see on copper PIC games.

Please remove BattleEye for LAN non PIC games.


Operating System
Windows 10
Operating System Version
Dedicated Server
Steps To Reproduce

Set up and offline LAN only server where you have absolutely no form of internet connection available and try to connect to it, you can see it you can try to connect to it but no matter what it wont work.

Event Timeline

Geez changed the task status from New to Need More Info.Sep 17 2020, 9:32 AM
Geez added a subscriber: Geez.

Hello TheVaultboy.
Have you tried disabling BattlEye in the server configuration?
The parameter should be set like this

BattlEye = 0;

And if the problems persist even after disabling BattlEye in the configuration file, can you please provide examples of the errors that occur due to the BattlEye?


Obviously I have changed the passwords here but this is the serverDZ file.

hostname="MyPrivateServer"; Server name
Password to connect to the server
passwordAdmin="apassword"; Password to become a server admin
Disable battleye
enableWhitelist=1; Enable/disable whitelist (value 0-1)
Maximum amount of players
verifySignatures=2; Verifies .pbos against .bisign files. (only 2 is supported)
When enabled, the server will allow the connection only to clients with same the .exe revision as the server (value 0-1)
disableVoN=0; Enable/disable voice over network (value 0-1)
Voice over network codec quality, the higher the better (values 0-30)
disable3rdPerson=0; Toggles the 3rd person view for players (value 0-1)
Toggles the cross-hair (value 0-1)
disablePersonalLight=1; Disables personal light for all clients connected to server
0 for brighter night setup, 1 for darker night setup
serverTime="SystemTime"; Initial in-game time of the server. "SystemTime" means the local time of the machine. Another possibility is to set the time to some value in "YYYY/MM/DD/HH/MM" format, f.e. "2015/4/8/17/23" .
Accelerated Time (value 0-24) This is a time multiplier for in-game time. In this case, the time would move 24 times faster than normal, so an entire day would pass in one hour.
Accelerated Night Time - The numerical value being a multiplier (0.1-64) and also multiplied by serverTimeAcceleration value. Thus, in case it is set to 4 and serverTimeAcceleration is set to 2, night time would move 8 times faster than normal. An entire night would pass in 3 hours.
serverTimePersistent=0; Persistent Time (value 0-1) The actual server time is saved to storage, so when active, the next server start will use the saved time value.
guaranteedUpdates=1; Communication protocol used with game server (use only number 1)
The number of players concurrently processed during the login process. Should prevent massive performance drop during connection when a lot of people are connecting at the same time.
loginQueueMaxPlayers=500; The maximum number of players that can wait in login queue
DayZ server instance id, to identify the number of instances per box and their storage folders with persistence files
storeHouseStateDisabled=false; Disable houses/doors persistence (value true/false), usable in case of problems with persistence
Checks if the persistence files are corrupted and replaces corrupted ones with empty ones (value 0-1)

class Missions
    class DayZ
        template="dayzOffline.chernarusplus"; // Mission to load on server startup. <MissionName>.<TerrainName>

					      // Vanilla mission: dayzOffline.chernarusplus
					      // DLC mission: dayzOffline.enoch


The final lines of the log, I first tried to log in as the admin user, then as a user and in the end quit the client, I could see the server details under LAN but was told my password was incorrect for the admin user, told nothing for the general user and then I quit the client.

19:51:11 Failed to connect to Steam
19:51:29 Failed to connect to Steam
19:51:34 Failed to connect to Steam
19:51:51 Failed to connect to Steam
19:52:15 Failed to connect to Steam
19:52:32 Failed to connect to Steam
19:52:46 [Login]: Adding player Survivor (44725508) to login queue at position 0
19:52:46 [LoginMachine]: Add player Survivor (44725508)
19:52:46 [StateMachine]: Player Survivor (dpnid 44725508 uid ) Entering AuthPlayerLoginState
19:52:46 BattlEye Server: Player #0 Survivor ( connected
19:52:46 Player Survivor connecting.
19:52:46 [StateMachine]: Player Survivor (dpnid 44725508 uid ) Entering WaitAuthPlayerLoginState
19:52:46 BattlEye Server: Failed to resolve BE Master DNS name(s)
19:52:46 BattlEye Server: Disconnected from BE Master
19:52:49 [IdleMode] Leaving OUT
19:53:16 [Disconnect]: Client 44725508 disconnecting
19:53:16 [Disconnect]: Client 44725508 early disconnect
19:53:16 [Disconnect]: No identity -> remove player info 44725508
19:53:16 [LoginMachine]: Force remove player Survivor (44725508)
19:53:16 [Disconnect]: DisconnectPlayerFinish 44725508
19:53:16 [Disconnect]: Remove player info 44725508
19:53:16 [Disconnect]: Player destroy 44725508
19:53:16 Player Survivor disconnected.
19:53:16 BattlEye Server: Player #0 Survivor disconnected
19:53:27 Failed to connect to Steam

Geez added a comment.Sep 17 2020, 10:27 AM

Can you please describe the problems you are experiencing?
So if we understand correctly, the server does run without any issues and you are able to connect, but your admin password is not recognized? Or are there any other problems?


Sorry to take so long, I had to go to work for an hour.

I can see the server name in the client under LAN.
I click on the server and get a password prompt to login.
if I attempt to login as admin by entering the admin password it then returns me back to the LAN window with a message along the lines of "can't connect my password is incorrect."
If I then after the admin login attempt, attempt to connect as a user it will ask for a password which I enter and it returns to the lan screen and sits there...... unti i click on one of the other tabs and then select back.
I cant select back without clicking on another tab first.

I can send some pictures or possibly a video if it helps.

This might help to this is taken from the .ADM file, my suspicion is that even for PIC games battleye is still trying to check to see if players are on a banlist, obviously on a LAN they won't be and will be in the whitelist locally. The server part of the equation seems to be quite happily spawning things etc but even as admin I can't connect to it.

I am presuming that the GUID I was supplied for whitelisting is correct it is.

21:55:42 Failed to connect to Steam
21:56:06 Failed to connect to Steam
21:56:24 Failed to connect to Steam
21:56:53 Failed to connect to Steam
21:57:08 [Login]: Adding player Survivor (58071158) to login queue at position 0
21:57:08 [LoginMachine]: Add player Survivor (58071158)
21:57:08 [StateMachine]: Player Survivor (dpnid 58071158 uid ) Entering AuthPlayerLoginState
21:57:08 BattlEye Server: Player #0 Survivor ( connected
21:57:08 Player Survivor connecting.
21:57:08 [StateMachine]: Player Survivor (dpnid 58071158 uid ) Entering WaitAuthPlayerLoginState
21:57:08 BattlEye Server: Failed to resolve BE Master DNS name(s)
21:57:08 BattlEye Server: Disconnected from BE Master
21:57:09 [IdleMode] Leaving OUT
21:57:09 BattlEye Server: Player #0 Survivor - BE GUID: 1fd235d6de18d35fb799d88cf7d02320
21:57:10 Failed to connect to Steam
21:57:13 Failed to connect to Steam
21:57:15 Failed to connect to Steam
21:57:28 Failed to connect to Steam
21:57:34 BattlEye Server: Ban check timed out, no response from BE Master
21:57:37 Failed to connect to Steam
21:57:51 Failed to connect to Steam
21:57:58 Failed to connect to Steam
21:58:00 [CE][SpawnRandomLoot] (StaticPoliceCar) :: ChildType: Land_Wreck_sed01_aban2_police, lootmin: 3, lootmax: 5, wanted: 4
21:58:00 [CE][SpawnRandomLoot] (StaticPoliceCar) :: ChildType: Land_Wreck_sed01_aban2_police, lootmin: 3, lootmax: 5, wanted: 4
21:58:00 [CE][SpawnRandomLoot] (StaticPoliceCar) :: ChildType: Land_Wreck_sed01_aban1_police, lootmin: 3, lootmax: 5, wanted: 3
21:58:00 [CE][SpawnRandomLoot] (StaticPoliceCar) :: ChildType: Land_Wreck_sed01_aban1_police, lootmin: 3, lootmax: 5, wanted: 3
21:58:00 [CE][SpawnRandomLoot] (StaticPoliceCar) :: ChildType: Land_Wreck_sed01_aban1_police, lootmin: 3, lootmax: 5, wanted: 4
21:58:00 [CE][SpawnRandomLoot] (StaticPoliceCar) :: ChildType: Land_Wreck_sed01_aban2_police, lootmin: 3, lootmax: 5, wanted: 3
21:58:00 [CE][SpawnRandomLoot] (StaticPoliceCar) :: ChildType: Land_Wreck_sed01_aban2_police, lootmin: 3, lootmax: 5, wanted: 4
21:58:00 [CE][SpawnRandomLoot] (StaticPoliceCar) :: ChildType: Land_Wreck_sed01_aban2_police, lootmin: 3, lootmax: 5, wanted: 3
21:58:00 [CE][SpawnRandomLoot] (StaticPoliceCar) :: ChildType: Land_Wreck_sed01_aban1_police, lootmin: 3, lootmax: 5, wanted: 4
21:58:00 [CE][SpawnRandomLoot] (StaticPoliceCar) :: ChildType: Land_Wreck_sed01_aban1_police, lootmin: 3, lootmax: 5, wanted: 3

Geez added a comment.Sep 17 2020, 12:11 PM

Hello TheVaultboy.
Logging as administrator is not done through the server browser when first logging in to the server. Therefore if you are entering the admin password when entering the server then that is not going to work.
You need to log in using the password set for the server (password="bpassword"; Password to connect to the server) (or you can try removing the password completely by leaving it blank since the server is not connected to internet anyway).
To log as admin, you need to be connected to the server, press Enter (to toggle the in game chat) and type #login *password* (use the password you have set up yourself).


Geez added a comment.Sep 17 2020, 12:13 PM

Also make sure that Steam is running on the machine that is running the server, as running Steam is required in order for the server to work properly.


TheVaultboy added a comment.EditedSep 17 2020, 12:13 PM

O.K I'll give that a shot in about 10 mins, I'm just getting my little girl ready for bed. I'll try disabling the user password and just doing a connect from the client and see what happens that way I can elevate the level to admin if I manage to get in, thus far though - neither password has worked in either order, same results as above. Yes Steam is running in offline mode. Just to clarrify things at this point I am actually using my gaming PC running both the DayZ server and the DayZ client as it gets laborious tredding USB drives over to the BBFS. ( Big Boy F**** Server )

No still no go but this time I no longer get a password prompt and it just sits there and eventually says its timed out.

Copied from server log directly.
23:22:08 Dedicated host created.
23:22:08 [Inputs] Loading inputs default "bin/constants.xml"
23:22:08 [Inputs] Loading inputs default "bin/specific.xml"
23:22:08 !!! [Inputs] Invalid input name used "UAUIInspectItem" for context "ui" in "bin/specific.xml"
23:22:08 [Inputs] Loading inputs cfg "C:\Users\Chasse\Documents\DayZ Other Profiles\Server\Server.core.xml"
23:22:08 [Inputs] Exporting inputs cfg "C:\Users\Chasse\Documents\DayZ Other Profiles\Server\Server.core.xml"
23:22:10 BattlEye Server: Initialized (v1.218)
23:22:10 SUCCESS: SteamGameServer_Init(0,8766,2302,27016,3,1.09.153407)
23:22:10 Roles assigned.
23:22:10 Reading mission ...
23:22:19 [CE][Hive] :: Initializing OFFLINE
23:22:19 [CE][Hive] :: Loading core data ...
23:22:19 [CE][CoreData] :: 7 root classes, 18 defaults, 0 updaters...
23:22:20 [CE][TypeSetup] :: 423 classes setuped...
23:22:20 [CE][RegisterBind] :: 0 classes binded...
23:22:20 [CE][RegisterConfig] :: 2985 config classes registered, 1 sub-counters...
23:22:20 [CE][Hive] :: Loading map data ...
23:22:20 [CE][LoadPrototype] :: loaded 0 prototypes
23:22:20 0 containers, 0 points
23:22:20 0 dispatches, 0 proxies
23:22:20 [CE][LoadPrototype] :: last group name: Rail9...
23:22:20 !!! [CE] :: Unknown category: 'vehicleparts'.
23:22:20 !!! [CE] :: Unknown category: 'vehicleparts'.
23:22:20 !!! [CE] :: Unknown category: 'vehicleparts'.
23:22:20 !!! [CE] :: Unknown category: 'vehicleparts'.
23:22:20 !!! [CE] :: Unknown category: 'vehicleparts'.
23:22:20 !!! [CE] :: Unknown category: 'vehicleparts'.
23:22:20 !!! [CE] :: Unknown category: 'vehicleparts'.
23:22:20 !!! [CE] :: Unknown category: 'vehicleparts'.
23:22:20 !!! [CE] :: Unknown category: 'vehicleparts'.
23:22:20 !!! [CE] :: Unknown category: 'vehicleparts'.
23:22:20 !!! [CE] :: Unknown category: 'vehicleparts'.
23:22:20 !!! [CE] :: Unknown category: 'vehicleparts'.
23:22:20 !!! [CE] :: Unknown category: 'vehicleparts'.
23:22:20 !!! [CE] :: Unknown category: 'vehicleparts'.
23:22:20 !!! [CE] :: Unknown category: 'vehicleparts'.
23:22:20 !!! [CE] :: Unknown category: 'vehicleparts'.
23:22:20 !!! [CE] :: Unknown category: 'vehicleparts'.
23:22:20 !!! [CE] :: Unknown category: 'vehicleparts'.
23:22:20 !!! [CE] :: Unknown category: 'vehicleparts'.
23:22:20 !!! [CE] :: Unknown category: 'vehicleparts'.
23:22:20 [CE][LoadPrototype] :: loaded 338 prototypes
23:22:20 724 containers, 9437 points
23:22:20 24 dispatches, 90 proxies
23:22:20 !!! [CE][LoadPrototype] 6 groups have no points...
23:22:20 [CE][LoadPrototype] :: last group name: Land_Lunapark_Autodrome...
23:22:20 [CE][LoadPrototype] :: loaded 0 prototypes
23:22:20 0 containers, 0 points
23:22:20 0 dispatches, 0 proxies
23:22:20 [CE][LoadPrototype] :: last group name: Rail9...
23:22:21 [CE][LoadMap] "Group" :: loaded 11608 groups, largest group range: 34.2
23:22:21 [CE][LoadMap] "Dirt" :: loaded 0 groups, largest group range: 34.2
23:22:21 [CE][LoadClusters] "Cluster" :: Loading files...
23:22:21 [CE][LoadClusters] :: file: "mapgroupcluster.xml", 9 types, 50000 instances
23:22:21 [CE][LoadClusters] :: file: "mapgroupcluster01", 9 types, 50000 instances
23:22:22 [CE][LoadClusters] :: file: "mapgroupcluster02", 9 types, 50000 instances
23:22:22 [CE][LoadClusters] :: file: "mapgroupcluster03", 9 types, 50000 instances
23:22:22 [CE][LoadClusters] :: file: "mapgroupcluster04", 9 types, 17244 instances
23:22:22 [CE][Storage] ver:21 stamp:1377, valid:yes, name:"mpmissions\dayzoffline.chernarusplus\storage_1\data\types.bin"
23:22:22 [CE][Storage] ver:21 stamp:1374, valid:yes, name:"mpmissions\dayzoffline.chernarusplus\storage_1\data\types.001"
23:22:22 [CE][Storage] ver:21 stamp:1374, valid:yes, name:"mpmissions\dayzoffline.chernarusplus\storage_1\data\events.001"
23:22:22 [CE][Storage] ver:21 stamp:1375, valid:yes, name:"mpmissions\dayzoffline.chernarusplus\storage_1\data\events.002"
23:22:22 [CE][Storage] ver:25 stamp:1374, valid:yes, name:"mpmissions\dayzoffline.chernarusplus\storage_1\data\dynamic_000.001"
23:22:22 [CE][Storage] ver:25 stamp:1374, valid:yes, name:"mpmissions\dayzoffline.chernarusplus\storage_1\data\dynamic_000.001"
23:22:22 [CE][Storage] ver:25 stamp:1374, valid:yes, name:"mpmissions\dayzoffline.chernarusplus\storage_1\data\dynamic_000.001"
23:22:22 [CE][Storage] ver:25 stamp:1375, valid:yes, name:"mpmissions\dayzoffline.chernarusplus\storage_1\data\dynamic_000.002"
23:22:22 [CE][Storage] Restoring file "mpmissions\dayzoffline.chernarusplus\storage_1\data\dynamic_000.bin" 925 items.
23:22:22 [CE][DynamicEvent] Load Events:[37] Primary spawners: 37 Secondary spawners: 1
23:22:22 [CE][Storage] ver:25 stamp:1377, valid:yes, name:"mpmissions\dayzoffline.chernarusplus\storage_1\data\dynamic_000.bin"
23:22:22 [CE][Storage] ver:25 stamp:1374, valid:yes, name:"mpmissions\dayzoffline.chernarusplus\storage_1\data\dynamic_000.001"
23:22:22 [CE][Storage] ver:25 stamp:1375, valid:yes, name:"mpmissions\dayzoffline.chernarusplus\storage_1\data\dynamic_000.002"
23:22:22 [CE][Storage] Restoring file "mpmissions\dayzoffline.chernarusplus\storage_1\data\dynamic_000.bin" 925 items.
23:22:22 925 items loaded.
23:22:22 [CE][Storage] ver:25 stamp:1377, valid:yes, name:"mpmissions\dayzoffline.chernarusplus\storage_1\data\dynamic_001.bin"
23:22:22 [CE][Storage] Restoring file "mpmissions\dayzoffline.chernarusplus\storage_1\data\dynamic_001.bin" 1733 items.
23:22:22 [CE][Storage] ver:25 stamp:1375, valid:yes, name:"mpmissions\dayzoffline.chernarusplus\storage_1\data\dynamic_001.002"
23:22:22 [CE][Storage] Restoring file "mpmissions\dayzoffline.chernarusplus\storage_1\data\dynamic_001.bin" 1733 items.
23:22:23 [CE][Storage] ver:25 stamp:1374, valid:yes, name:"mpmissions\dayzoffline.chernarusplus\storage_1\data\dynamic_002.001"
23:22:23 [CE][Storage] ver:25 stamp:1375, valid:yes, name:"mpmissions\dayzoffline.chernarusplus\storage_1\data\dynamic_002.002"
23:22:23 [CE][Storage] ver:25 stamp:1374, valid:yes, name:"mpmissions\dayzoffline.chernarusplus\storage_1\data\dynamic_002.001"
23:22:23 [CE][Storage] ver:25 stamp:1375, valid:yes, name:"mpmissions\dayzoffline.chernarusplus\storage_1\data\dynamic_002.002"
23:22:23 [CE][Storage] Restoring file "mpmissions\dayzoffline.chernarusplus\storage_1\data\dynamic_002.bin" 2712 items.
23:22:23 2712 items loaded.
23:22:23 File not closed...
23:22:23 !!! [CE][Storage] Failed to read [Storage] data file "mpmissions\dayzoffline.chernarusplus\storage_1\data\dynamic_003.001".
23:22:23 File not closed...
23:22:23 [CE][Storage] ver:25 stamp:1377, valid:NO, name:"mpmissions\dayzoffline.chernarusplus\storage_1\data\dynamic_003.001"
23:22:23 [CE][Storage] ver:25 stamp:1375, valid:yes, name:"mpmissions\dayzoffline.chernarusplus\storage_1\data\dynamic_003.002"
23:22:23 [CE][Storage] Restoring file "mpmissions\dayzoffline.chernarusplus\storage_1\data\dynamic_003.bin" 2130 items.
23:22:24 [CE][Storage] ver:25 stamp:1377, valid:yes, name:"mpmissions\dayzoffline.chernarusplus\storage_1\data\dynamic_004.001"
23:22:24 [CE][Storage] ver:25 stamp:1375, valid:yes, name:"mpmissions\dayzoffline.chernarusplus\storage_1\data\dynamic_004.002"
23:22:24 [CE][Storage] ver:25 stamp:1377, valid:yes, name:"mpmissions\dayzoffline.chernarusplus\storage_1\data\dynamic_004.001"
23:22:24 [CE][Storage] ver:25 stamp:1375, valid:yes, name:"mpmissions\dayzoffline.chernarusplus\storage_1\data\dynamic_004.002"
23:22:24 [CE][Storage] Restoring file "mpmissions\dayzoffline.chernarusplus\storage_1\data\dynamic_004.bin" 2072 items.
23:22:24 [CE][Storage] ver:25 stamp:1375, valid:yes, name:"mpmissions\dayzoffline.chernarusplus\storage_1\data\dynamic_005.002"
23:22:24 [CE][Storage] Restoring file "mpmissions\dayzoffline.chernarusplus\storage_1\data\dynamic_005.bin" 2188 items.
23:22:24 [CE][Storage] ver:25 stamp:1377, valid:yes, name:"mpmissions\dayzoffline.chernarusplus\storage_1\data\dynamic_005.001"
23:22:24 [CE][Storage] ver:25 stamp:1375, valid:yes, name:"mpmissions\dayzoffline.chernarusplus\storage_1\data\dynamic_005.002"
23:22:24 [CE][Storage] Restoring file "mpmissions\dayzoffline.chernarusplus\storage_1\data\dynamic_005.bin" 2188 items.
23:22:25 2188 items loaded.
23:22:25 [CE][Storage] ver:25 stamp:1377, valid:yes, name:"mpmissions\dayzoffline.chernarusplus\storage_1\data\dynamic_006.bin"
23:22:25 [CE][Storage] ver:25 stamp:1377, valid:yes, name:"mpmissions\dayzoffline.chernarusplus\storage_1\data\dynamic_006.001"
23:22:25 [CE][Storage] ver:25 stamp:1375, valid:yes, name:"mpmissions\dayzoffline.chernarusplus\storage_1\data\dynamic_006.002"
23:22:25 [CE][Storage] Restoring file "mpmissions\dayzoffline.chernarusplus\storage_1\data\dynamic_006.bin" 1555 items.
23:22:25 [CE][Storage] ver:25 stamp:1375, valid:yes, name:"mpmissions\dayzoffline.chernarusplus\storage_1\data\dynamic_007.002"
23:22:25 [CE][Storage] Restoring file "mpmissions\dayzoffline.chernarusplus\storage_1\data\dynamic_007.bin" 1545 items.
23:22:25 [CE][Storage] ver:25 stamp:1377, valid:yes, name:"mpmissions\dayzoffline.chernarusplus\storage_1\data\dynamic_007.001"
23:22:25 [CE][Storage] ver:25 stamp:1375, valid:yes, name:"mpmissions\dayzoffline.chernarusplus\storage_1\data\dynamic_007.002"
23:22:25 [CE][Storage] Restoring file "mpmissions\dayzoffline.chernarusplus\storage_1\data\dynamic_007.bin" 1545 items.
23:22:25 [CE][Storage] ver:25 stamp:1377, valid:yes, name:"mpmissions\dayzoffline.chernarusplus\storage_1\data\dynamic_008.bin"
23:22:25 [CE][Storage] ver:25 stamp:1377, valid:yes, name:"mpmissions\dayzoffline.chernarusplus\storage_1\data\dynamic_008.bin"
23:22:25 [CE][Storage] ver:25 stamp:1377, valid:yes, name:"mpmissions\dayzoffline.chernarusplus\storage_1\data\dynamic_008.001"
23:22:25 [CE][Storage] ver:25 stamp:1375, valid:yes, name:"mpmissions\dayzoffline.chernarusplus\storage_1\data\dynamic_008.002"
23:22:25 [CE][Storage] Restoring file "mpmissions\dayzoffline.chernarusplus\storage_1\data\dynamic_008.bin" 2294 items.
23:22:26 2294 items loaded.
23:22:26 [CE][Storage] ver:25 stamp:1377, valid:yes, name:"mpmissions\dayzoffline.chernarusplus\storage_1\data\dynamic_009.bin"
23:22:26 [CE][Storage] ver:25 stamp:1377, valid:yes, name:"mpmissions\dayzoffline.chernarusplus\storage_1\data\dynamic_009.001"
23:22:26 [CE][Storage] ver:25 stamp:1375, valid:yes, name:"mpmissions\dayzoffline.chernarusplus\storage_1\data\dynamic_009.002"
23:22:26 [CE][Storage] Restoring file "mpmissions\dayzoffline.chernarusplus\storage_1\data\dynamic_009.bin" 2757 items.
23:22:26 [CE][Storage] ver:25 stamp:1375, valid:yes, name:"mpmissions\dayzoffline.chernarusplus\storage_1\data\dynamic_010.002"
23:22:26 [CE][Storage] Restoring file "mpmissions\dayzoffline.chernarusplus\storage_1\data\dynamic_010.bin" 1823 items.
23:22:26 [CE][Storage] ver:25 stamp:1377, valid:yes, name:"mpmissions\dayzoffline.chernarusplus\storage_1\data\dynamic_010.001"
23:22:26 [CE][Storage] ver:25 stamp:1375, valid:yes, name:"mpmissions\dayzoffline.chernarusplus\storage_1\data\dynamic_010.002"
23:22:26 [CE][Storage] Restoring file "mpmissions\dayzoffline.chernarusplus\storage_1\data\dynamic_010.bin" 1823 items.
23:22:27 [CE][Storage] ver:25 stamp:1377, valid:yes, name:"mpmissions\dayzoffline.chernarusplus\storage_1\data\dynamic_011.001"
23:22:27 [CE][Storage] ver:25 stamp:1375, valid:yes, name:"mpmissions\dayzoffline.chernarusplus\storage_1\data\dynamic_011.002"
23:22:27 [CE][Storage] ver:25 stamp:1377, valid:yes, name:"mpmissions\dayzoffline.chernarusplus\storage_1\data\dynamic_011.001"
23:22:27 [CE][Storage] ver:25 stamp:1375, valid:yes, name:"mpmissions\dayzoffline.chernarusplus\storage_1\data\dynamic_011.002"
23:22:27 [CE][Storage] Restoring file "mpmissions\dayzoffline.chernarusplus\storage_1\data\dynamic_011.bin" 167 items.
23:22:27 [CE][Storage] ver:25 stamp:1377, valid:yes, name:"mpmissions\dayzoffline.chernarusplus\storage_1\data\vehicles.bin"
23:22:27 [CE][Storage] ver:25 stamp:1377, valid:yes, name:"mpmissions\dayzoffline.chernarusplus\storage_1\data\vehicles.bin"
23:22:27 [CE][Storage] ver:25 stamp:1374, valid:yes, name:"mpmissions\dayzoffline.chernarusplus\storage_1\data\vehicles.001"
23:22:27 [CE][Storage] ver:25 stamp:1375, valid:yes, name:"mpmissions\dayzoffline.chernarusplus\storage_1\data\vehicles.002"
23:22:27 [CE][Storage] Restoring file "mpmissions\dayzoffline.chernarusplus\storage_1\data\vehicles.bin" 94 items.
23:22:27 94 items loaded.
23:22:27 [CE][Hive] :: Initializing ...
23:22:27 [CE][InitializeMap] :: initialized: 0
23:22:27 [CE][Hive] :: Initializing spawners ...
23:22:27 pathgraph's: 453
23:22:27 [CE][Hive] :: Initializing ...
23:22:27 [CE][InitializeMap] :: initialized: 0
23:22:27 [CE][Hive] :: Initializing spawners ...
23:22:28 [CE][LootRespawner] (PRIDummy) :: Initially (re)spawned:0, Nominal:21259, Total in Map: 22032 at 0 (sec)
23:22:28 tests:0, repeats:0 fails:0, overtime:0
23:22:28 [CE][DynEvent] :: 37 types
23:22:28 [00] AmbientHen
23:22:28 Primary Spawner: "Ambient", active: yes, repeat: 1
23:22:28 [01] AnimalBear
23:22:28 Primary Spawner: "Animal", active: yes, repeat: 1
23:22:28 [02] AnimalCow
23:22:28 Primary Spawner: "Animal", active: yes, repeat: 1
23:22:28 [03] AnimalDeer
23:22:28 Primary Spawner: "Animal", active: yes, repeat: 1
23:22:28 [04] AnimalGoat
23:22:28 Primary Spawner: "Animal", active: yes, repeat: 1
23:22:28 [05] AnimalPig
23:22:28 Primary Spawner: "Animal", active: yes, repeat: 1
23:22:28 [06] AnimalRoeDeer
23:22:28 Primary Spawner: "Animal", active: yes, repeat: 1
23:22:28 [07] AnimalSheep
23:22:28 Primary Spawner: "Animal", active: yes, repeat: 1
23:22:28 [08] AnimalWildBoar
23:22:28 Primary Spawner: "Animal", active: yes, repeat: 1
23:22:28 [09] AnimalWolf
23:22:28 Primary Spawner: "Animal", active: yes, repeat: 1
23:22:28 [10] InfectedArmy
23:22:28 Primary Spawner: "Infected", active: yes, repeat: 1
23:22:28 [11] InfectedCity
23:22:28 Primary Spawner: "Infected", active: yes, repeat: 1
23:22:28 [12] InfectedFirefighter
23:22:28 Primary Spawner: "Infected", active: yes, repeat: 1
23:22:28 [13] InfectedIndustrial
23:22:28 Primary Spawner: "Infected", active: yes, repeat: 1
23:22:28 [14] InfectedMedic
23:22:28 Primary Spawner: "Infected", active: yes, repeat: 1
23:22:28 [15] InfectedPolice
23:22:28 Primary Spawner: "Infected", active: yes, repeat: 1
23:22:28 [16] InfectedPrisoner
23:22:28 Primary Spawner: "Infected", active: yes, repeat: 1
23:22:28 [17] InfectedReligious
23:22:28 Primary Spawner: "Infected", active: yes, repeat: 1
23:22:28 [18] InfectedSolitude
23:22:28 Primary Spawner: "Infected", active: yes, repeat: 1
23:22:28 [19] InfectedVillage
23:22:28 Primary Spawner: "Infected", active: yes, repeat: 1
23:22:28 [20] ItemPlanks
23:22:28 Primary Spawner: "Item", active: yes, repeat: 1
23:22:28 [21] Loot
23:22:28 Primary Spawner: "Loot", active: yes, repeat: 2
23:22:28 [22] StaticHeliCrash
23:22:28 Primary Spawner: "Vehicle", active: yes, repeat: 1
23:22:28 Secondary Spawner: "Infected", active: yes, repeat: 1
23:22:28 [23] StaticPoliceCar
23:22:28 Primary Spawner: "Vehicle", active: yes, repeat: 1
23:22:28 [24] TrajectoryApple
23:22:28 Primary Spawner: "Trajectory", active: yes, repeat: 1
23:22:28 [25] TrajectoryCanina
23:22:28 Primary Spawner: "Trajectory", active: yes, repeat: 1
23:22:28 [26] TrajectoryConiferous
23:22:28 Primary Spawner: "Trajectory", active: yes, repeat: 1
23:22:28 [27] TrajectoryDeciduous
23:22:28 Primary Spawner: "Trajectory", active: yes, repeat: 1
23:22:28 [28] TrajectoryHumus
23:22:28 Primary Spawner: "Trajectory", active: yes, repeat: 1
23:22:28 [29] TrajectoryPear
23:22:28 Primary Spawner: "Trajectory", active: yes, repeat: 1
23:22:28 [30] TrajectoryPlum
23:22:28 Primary Spawner: "Trajectory", active: yes, repeat: 1
23:22:28 [31] TrajectorySambucus
23:22:28 Primary Spawner: "Trajectory", active: yes, repeat: 1
23:22:28 [32] TrajectoryStones
23:22:28 Primary Spawner: "Trajectory", active: yes, repeat: 1
23:22:28 [33] VehicleCivilianSedan
23:22:28 Primary Spawner: "Vehicle", active: yes, repeat: 1
23:22:28 [34] VehicleHatchback02
23:22:28 Primary Spawner: "Vehicle", active: yes, repeat: 1
23:22:28 [35] VehicleOffroadHatchback
23:22:28 Primary Spawner: "Vehicle", active: yes, repeat: 1
23:22:28 [36] VehicleSedan02
23:22:28 Primary Spawner: "Vehicle", active: yes, repeat: 1
23:22:28 [CE][Hive] :: Initializing of spawners done.
23:22:28 [CE][Hive] :: Init sequence finished.
23:22:29 [IdleMode] Entering IN - save processed
23:22:31 Failed to connect to Steam
23:22:39 Failed to connect to Steam
23:22:54 Failed to connect to Steam
23:23:04 Failed to connect to Steam
23:23:27 [Login]: Adding player Survivor (35665816) to login queue at position 0
23:23:27 [LoginMachine]: Add player Survivor (35665816)
23:23:27 [StateMachine]: Player Survivor (dpnid 35665816 uid ) Entering AuthPlayerLoginState
23:23:27 BattlEye Server: Player #0 Survivor ( connected
23:23:27 Player Survivor connecting.
23:23:27 [StateMachine]: Player Survivor (dpnid 35665816 uid ) Entering WaitAuthPlayerLoginState
23:23:27 BattlEye Server: Failed to resolve BE Master DNS name(s)
23:23:27 BattlEye Server: Disconnected from BE Master
23:23:29 BattlEye Server: Player #0 Survivor - BE GUID: 1fd235d6de18d35fb799d88cf7d02320
23:23:29 Failed to connect to Steam
23:23:29 [IdleMode] Leaving OUT
23:23:35 Failed to connect to Steam
23:23:38 Failed to connect to Steam
23:23:41 Failed to connect to Steam
23:23:50 Failed to connect to Steam
23:23:54 BattlEye Server: Ban check timed out, no response from BE Master
23:24:05 Failed to connect to Steam
23:24:10 [Disconnect]: Client 35665816 disconnecting
23:24:10 [Disconnect]: Client 35665816 early disconnect
23:24:10 [Disconnect]: No player -> remove player info 35665816
23:24:10 [LoginMachine]: Force remove player Survivor (35665816)
23:24:10 [Disconnect]: DisconnectPlayerFinish 35665816
23:24:10 [Disconnect]: Remove player info 35665816
23:24:10 [Disconnect]: Player destroy 35665816
23:24:10 Player Survivor disconnected.
23:24:10 BattlEye Server: Player #0 Survivor disconnected
23:24:12 Failed to connect to Steam
23:24:21 [CE][SpawnRandomLoot] (StaticPoliceCar) :: ChildType: Land_Wreck_sed01_aban2_police, lootmin: 3, lootmax: 5, wanted: 4
23:24:21 [CE][SpawnRandomLoot] (StaticPoliceCar) :: ChildType: Land_Wreck_sed01_aban1_police, lootmin: 3, lootmax: 5, wanted: 3
23:24:21 [CE][SpawnRandomLoot] (StaticPoliceCar) :: ChildType: Land_Wreck_sed01_aban1_police, lootmin: 3, lootmax: 5, wanted: 3
23:24:21 [CE][SpawnRandomLoot] (StaticPoliceCar) :: ChildType: Land_Wreck_sed01_aban1_police, lootmin: 3, lootmax: 5, wanted: 4
23:24:21 [CE][SpawnRandomLoot] (StaticPoliceCar) :: ChildType: Land_Wreck_sed01_aban2_police, lootmin: 3, lootmax: 5, wanted: 3
23:24:21 [CE][SpawnRandomLoot] (StaticPoliceCar) :: ChildType: Land_Wreck_sed01_aban2_police, lootmin: 3, lootmax: 5, wanted: 4
23:24:21 [CE][SpawnRandomLoot] (StaticPoliceCar) :: ChildType: Land_Wreck_sed01_aban2_police, lootmin: 3, lootmax: 5, wanted: 3
23:24:21 [CE][SpawnRandomLoot] (StaticPoliceCar) :: ChildType: Land_Wreck_sed01_aban2_police, lootmin: 3, lootmax: 5, wanted: 3
23:24:21 [CE][SpawnRandomLoot] (StaticPoliceCar) :: ChildType: Land_Wreck_sed01_aban1_police, lootmin: 3, lootmax: 5, wanted: 3
23:24:21 [CE][SpawnRandomLoot] (StaticPoliceCar) :: ChildType: Land_Wreck_sed01_aban1_police, lootmin: 3, lootmax: 5, wanted: 4
23:24:24 Failed to connect to Steam
23:24:42 Failed to connect to Steam
23:25:01 Failed to connect to Steam
23:25:16 [CE][SpawnRandomLoot] (StaticHeliCrash) :: ChildType: Wreck_Mi8, lootmin: 10, lootmax: 20, wanted: 12
23:25:16 [CE][SpawnRandomLoot] (StaticHeliCrash) :: ChildType: Wreck_UH1Y, lootmin: 10, lootmax: 20, wanted: 15
23:25:23 [IdleMode] Entering IN - save processed
23:25:28 Failed to connect to Steam
23:25:56 [Login]: Adding player Survivor (19681971) to login queue at position 0
23:25:56 [LoginMachine]: Add player Survivor (19681971)
23:25:56 [StateMachine]: Player Survivor (dpnid 19681971 uid ) Entering AuthPlayerLoginState
23:25:56 BattlEye Server: Player #0 Survivor ( connected
23:25:56 Player Survivor connecting.
23:25:56 [StateMachine]: Player Survivor (dpnid 19681971 uid ) Entering WaitAuthPlayerLoginState
23:25:56 BattlEye Server: Failed to resolve BE Master DNS name(s)
23:25:56 BattlEye Server: Disconnected from BE Master
23:25:57 BattlEye Server: Player #0 Survivor - BE GUID: 1fd235d6de18d35fb799d88cf7d02320
23:25:57 Failed to connect to Steam
23:25:59 [IdleMode] Leaving OUT
23:26:10 Failed to connect to Steam
23:26:15 Failed to connect to Steam
23:26:21 Failed to connect to Steam
23:26:22 BattlEye Server: Ban check timed out, no response from BE Master
23:26:31 Failed to connect to Steam
23:26:39 Failed to connect to Steam
23:26:45 Failed to connect to Steam
23:27:14 Failed to connect to Steam
23:27:18 [CE][SpawnRandomLoot] (StaticHeliCrash) :: ChildType: Wreck_Mi8, lootmin: 10, lootmax: 20, wanted: 17
23:27:26 [Disconnect]: Client 19681971 disconnecting
23:27:26 [Disconnect]: Client 19681971 early disconnect
23:27:26 [Disconnect]: No player -> remove player info 19681971
23:27:26 [LoginMachine]: Force remove player Survivor (19681971)
23:27:26 [Disconnect]: DisconnectPlayerFinish 19681971
23:27:26 [Disconnect]: Remove player info 19681971
23:27:26 [Disconnect]: Player destroy 19681971
23:27:26 Player Survivor disconnected.
23:27:26 BattlEye Server: Player #0 Survivor disconnected
23:27:36 Failed to connect to Steam
23:27:51 Failed to connect to Steam
23:28:09 [Login]: Adding player Survivor (16229496) to login queue at position 0
23:28:09 [LoginMachine]: Add player Survivor (16229496)
23:28:09 [StateMachine]: Player Survivor (dpnid 16229496 uid ) Entering AuthPlayerLoginState
23:28:09 BattlEye Server: Player #0 Survivor ( connected
23:28:09 Player Survivor connecting.
23:28:09 [StateMachine]: Player Survivor (dpnid 16229496 uid ) Entering WaitAuthPlayerLoginState
23:28:09 BattlEye Server: Failed to resolve BE Master DNS name(s)
23:28:09 BattlEye Server: Disconnected from BE Master
23:28:10 BattlEye Server: Player #0 Survivor - BE GUID: 1fd235d6de18d35fb799d88cf7d02320
23:28:10 Failed to connect to Steam
23:28:17 Failed to connect to Steam
23:28:20 Failed to connect to Steam
23:28:25 Failed to connect to Steam
23:28:27 [Disconnect]: Client 16229496 disconnecting
23:28:27 [Disconnect]: Client 16229496 early disconnect
23:28:27 [Disconnect]: No player -> remove player info 16229496
23:28:27 [LoginMachine]: Force remove player Survivor (16229496)
23:28:27 [Disconnect]: DisconnectPlayerFinish 16229496
23:28:27 [Disconnect]: Remove player info 16229496
23:28:27 [Disconnect]: Player destroy 16229496
23:28:27 Player Survivor disconnected.
23:28:27 BattlEye Server: Player #0 Survivor disconnected
23:28:37 Failed to connect to Steam
23:28:47 [IdleMode] Entering IN - save processed
23:28:52 Failed to connect to Steam
23:28:58 Failed to connect to Steam
23:29:27 Failed to connect to Steam
23:29:43 Failed to connect to Steam
23:30:05 Failed to connect to Steam
23:30:08 [Login]: Adding player Survivor (16507055) to login queue at position 0
23:30:08 [LoginMachine]: Add player Survivor (16507055)
23:30:08 [StateMachine]: Player Survivor (dpnid 16507055 uid ) Entering AuthPlayerLoginState
23:30:09 BattlEye Server: Player #0 Survivor ( connected
23:30:09 Player Survivor connecting.
23:30:09 [StateMachine]: Player Survivor (dpnid 16507055 uid ) Entering WaitAuthPlayerLoginState
23:30:09 BattlEye Server: Failed to resolve BE Master DNS name(s)
23:30:09 BattlEye Server: Disconnected from BE Master
23:30:10 BattlEye Server: Player #0 Survivor - BE GUID: 1fd235d6de18d35fb799d88cf7d02320
23:30:10 Failed to connect to Steam
23:30:11 [IdleMode] Leaving OUT
23:30:16 Failed to connect to Steam
23:30:23 [Disconnect]: Client 16507055 disconnecting
23:30:23 [Disconnect]: Client 16507055 early disconnect
23:30:23 [Disconnect]: No player -> remove player info 16507055
23:30:23 [LoginMachine]: Force remove player Survivor (16507055)
23:30:23 [Disconnect]: DisconnectPlayerFinish 16507055
23:30:23 [Disconnect]: Remove player info 16507055
23:30:23 [Disconnect]: Player destroy 16507055
23:30:23 Player Survivor disconnected.
23:30:23 BattlEye Server: Player #0 Survivor disconnected
23:30:28 Failed to connect to Steam
23:30:35 Failed to connect to Steam

Geez added a comment.Sep 17 2020, 2:27 PM

Hello again.
We have tested running a server with the Steam in offline mode and the network adapters being disabled through windows and did not have an issue connecting to the server through lan.
Can you try to disable the whitelist option in configuration?
Also, since you mention you do the server updates manually, can you please describe that process in more detail?

I am not actually using the server at the moment to do this testing I am using my gaming computer itself which is running both the DayZ server and DayZ client, after it's running successfully here with all networking disabled barring localhost, I would copy the root of \Program Files (x86)\Steam onto USB and copy it to the same location on the server along with any config files from the users area including users\appdata\chasse\local\dayz I believe it is. But as I said at the moment this isn't touching the server it's only on my client machine which is more than powerful enough to handle it.

I disabled the whitelist option and ran the server again, the following is the output from the server log which I copied before closing it when the client timed out trying to connect.

0:46:19 [CE][Hive] :: Initializing of spawners done.
0:46:19 [CE][Hive] :: Init sequence finished.
0:46:20 [IdleMode] Entering IN - save processed
0:46:32 Failed to connect to Steam
0:46:49 Failed to connect to Steam
0:47:00 Failed to connect to Steam
0:47:26 [Login]: Adding player Survivor (41949345) to login queue at position 0
0:47:26 [LoginMachine]: Add player Survivor (41949345)
0:47:26 [StateMachine]: Player Survivor (dpnid 41949345 uid ) Entering AuthPlayerLoginState
0:47:26 BattlEye Server: Player #0 Survivor ( connected
0:47:26 Player Survivor connecting.
0:47:26 [StateMachine]: Player Survivor (dpnid 41949345 uid ) Entering WaitAuthPlayerLoginState
0:47:26 BattlEye Server: Failed to resolve BE Master DNS name(s)
0:47:26 BattlEye Server: Disconnected from BE Master
0:47:27 Failed to connect to Steam
0:47:28 BattlEye Server: Player #0 Survivor - BE GUID: 1fd235d6de18d35fb799d88cf7d02320
0:47:28 Failed to connect to Steam
0:47:30 Failed to connect to Steam
0:47:30 [IdleMode] Leaving OUT
0:47:36 Failed to connect to Steam
0:47:41 Failed to connect to Steam
0:47:53 BattlEye Server: Ban check timed out, no response from BE Master
0:47:55 Failed to connect to Steam
0:48:04 Failed to connect to Steam
0:48:09 Failed to connect to Steam
0:48:22 [CE][SpawnRandomLoot] (StaticPoliceCar) :: ChildType: Land_Wreck_sed01_aban2_police, lootmin: 3, lootmax: 5, wanted: 4
0:48:22 [CE][SpawnRandomLoot] (StaticPoliceCar) :: ChildType: Land_Wreck_sed01_aban2_police, lootmin: 3, lootmax: 5, wanted: 4
0:48:22 [CE][SpawnRandomLoot] (StaticPoliceCar) :: ChildType: Land_Wreck_sed01_aban1_police, lootmin: 3, lootmax: 5, wanted: 4
0:48:22 [CE][SpawnRandomLoot] (StaticPoliceCar) :: ChildType: Land_Wreck_sed01_aban2_police, lootmin: 3, lootmax: 5, wanted: 4
0:48:22 [CE][SpawnRandomLoot] (StaticPoliceCar) :: ChildType: Land_Wreck_sed01_aban2_police, lootmin: 3, lootmax: 5, wanted: 3
0:48:22 [CE][SpawnRandomLoot] (StaticPoliceCar) :: ChildType: Land_Wreck_sed01_aban2_police, lootmin: 3, lootmax: 5, wanted: 4
0:48:22 [CE][SpawnRandomLoot] (StaticPoliceCar) :: ChildType: Land_Wreck_sed01_aban1_police, lootmin: 3, lootmax: 5, wanted: 4
0:48:22 [CE][SpawnRandomLoot] (StaticPoliceCar) :: ChildType: Land_Wreck_sed01_aban1_police, lootmin: 3, lootmax: 5, wanted: 4
0:48:22 [CE][SpawnRandomLoot] (StaticPoliceCar) :: ChildType: Land_Wreck_sed01_aban1_police, lootmin: 3, lootmax: 5, wanted: 3
0:48:22 [CE][SpawnRandomLoot] (StaticPoliceCar) :: ChildType: Land_Wreck_sed01_aban1_police, lootmin: 3, lootmax: 5, wanted: 4
0:48:34 Failed to connect to Steam
0:49:02 Failed to connect to Steam
0:49:15 Failed to connect to Steam
0:49:21 BattlEye Server: Failed to resolve BE Master DNS name(s)
0:49:21 BattlEye Server: Disconnected from BE Master
0:49:26 Player Survivor (41949345) kicked from server: 6 (Timeout)
0:49:26 [StateMachine]: Kick player Survivor (dpnid 41949345 uid ) State WaitAuthPlayerLoginState Error Timeout
0:49:26 [Disconnect]: Client 41949345 early disconnect
0:49:26 [Disconnect]: No player -> remove player info 41949345
0:49:26 [Disconnect]: DisconnectPlayerFinish 41949345
0:49:26 [Disconnect]: Remove player info 41949345
0:49:26 [Disconnect]: Player destroy 41949345
0:49:26 Player Survivor disconnected.
0:49:26 BattlEye Server: Player #0 Survivor disconnected
0:49:37 Failed to connect to Steam

I don't know if my system specs make any difference but this is what I am testing on at the moment, I can't see anything here which would cause a problem.

Windows 10 Pro 64 Bit build 2004
AMD Threadripper 2950X
ASUS Rampage Extreme Alpha motherboard (all onboard NICs and WiFi disabled for testing)
128Gb Corsair Vengence RGB DDR4 3200 RAM (16Gb x 8 ) modules
1Tb Samsung 970 Evo M.2 PCIe Gen 3 x4 PCIe SSD
3 WD 2TB Caviar black hard drives
1 Mellanox Connect X3 56 Gbit Fibre Nic (Disabled for testing)
Aorus GTX 1080 Ti Extreme edition with latest nVidia drivers.

I may have an answer, I am looking into it now, I noted when I started the game that battleye reported the message that it was blocking part of start 10 in the form of a DLL which modifies the Windows 10 Start menu to look like the Windows 7 start menu and according to the battleye site.

Googling the name of the blocked file can help find out what is actually behind it. Sometimes BE might block malware/adware/PUP files, which can cause problems such as being unable to find or connect to servers in-game. We recommend Malwarebytes Anti-Malware for removing such software from your system.
Ensure that you don’t use any tweaked/custom versions of system files (including DirectX). Reinstall DirectX, see the following page for details:

I am going to download the game onto my laptop along with the server and attempt to run it there as I don't have start 10 on my laptop ; if it is the cause I am going to be VERY ANNOYED and yet at the same time relieved that I have an answer.

No I've tested this as well and it makes no difference at all, I get the same results, now I am very evidence biased, you have claimed that you can run this on your PC's there and that it works with all network cards disabled and steam in offline mode, I would like to have you post a video of this as I don't wish to sound rude but at this point I don't believe you.

O.K I have now confirmed it for myself..

I setup everything on my Laptop. I left steam connected and the internet enabled, started the server and then connected via the client, this actually let me select and log in to my lan game. I then exited shutdown the server, put steam into offline mode, ran the server up again, ran up the client again, found my server in the LAN game section and double clicked on it, it waiting for a long time and then came up with an erro about "Not being able to connect to steam to authenticate user".

So in short you are not telling me the truth when you say you did it at your end. FIX IT.

TheVaultboy added a comment.EditedSep 18 2020, 10:31 AM

So what have you to say for yourself? You've lied to me and now you are just going to ignore me is that it?

I can confirm this is an issue if the default gateway is removed, it appears the BattlEye = 0; does NOT turn off Battleye!???

With the gateway removed the Server appears to still want to Query Battleye and when it fails kicks the player with the client seeing an unknown error, server just has a BE master could not be resolved. Even in the LAN list it always shows BE Enabled with both BattlEye = 0 and = 1 like the switch does nothing?

Should another command be used to disable BattlEye server side?

Geez added a comment.Sep 18 2020, 3:43 PM

O.K I have now confirmed it for myself..

I setup everything on my Laptop. I left steam connected and the internet enabled, started the server and then connected via the client, this actually let me select and log in to my lan game. I then exited shutdown the server, put steam into offline mode, ran the server up again, ran up the client again, found my server in the LAN game section and double clicked on it, it waiting for a long time and then came up with an erro about "Not being able to connect to steam to authenticate user".

So in short you are not telling me the truth when you say you did it at your end. FIX IT.

Have you just put the Steam into offline mode or have you also disabled the internet prior to the error occurring? also has the error appeared in the server console or in game after being disconnected?
Also, do you disconnect your computer from the internet any other way besides just disabling the network card in Windows?


Left everything online, including steam, could connect to the server from the client, I was in game. Exited, closed everything down.

Next I put steam into offline mode and then disabled the internet by disabling the Ethernet port under windows.
I started the server and then after the server had started, I started the client and attempted to connect via the LAN page. That is when I got the error "unable to connect to steam to authenticate user"
Thus the cable was connected but the Ethernet interface was completely disabled when the error occurred.

Geez added a comment.Sep 18 2020, 4:17 PM

We have tested this once again to be certain but we still did not have any issues connecting to our server.
The server and client are running on the same computer during our test, the Steam is in offline mode and network adapter is disabled through windows
(Open Settings.
Click on Network & Internet.
Click on Status.
Click the Change Adapter options item.
Right click on the adapter that is connected to the internet
Select Disable).

We can provide you with the server config the server is running, so you can try that one to see if it makes any difference -


Did exactly as you said, removed a blank lines from the server config file just to tidy up but that's it.

In the client when I tried to connect I waited...... and it told me I was disconnected due to timeout, no firewalls are running at all.

Here are the results... bit large sorry.

2:59:44 Dedicated host created.
2:59:44 [Inputs] Loading inputs default "bin/constants.xml"
2:59:44 [Inputs] Loading inputs default "bin/specific.xml"
2:59:44 !!! [Inputs] Invalid input name used "UAUIInspectItem" for context "ui" in "bin/specific.xml"
2:59:44 [Inputs] Loading inputs cfg "C:\Users\Chasse\Documents\DayZ Other Profiles\Server\Server.core.xml"
2:59:44 [Inputs] Exporting inputs cfg "C:\Users\Chasse\Documents\DayZ Other Profiles\Server\Server.core.xml"
2:59:46 BattlEye Server: Initialized (v1.218)
2:59:47 SUCCESS: SteamGameServer_Init(0,8766,2302,27016,3,1.09.153419)
2:59:47 Zombies: 0 in total
2:59:47 Roles assigned.
2:59:47 Reading mission ...
2:59:56 [CE][Hive] :: Initializing OFFLINE
2:59:56 [CE][Hive] :: Loading core data ...
2:59:56 [CE][CoreData] :: 7 root classes, 18 defaults, 0 updaters...
2:59:58 [CE][TypeSetup] :: 423 classes setuped...
2:59:58 [CE][RegisterBind] :: 0 classes binded...
2:59:58 [CE][RegisterConfig] :: 2985 config classes registered, 1 sub-counters...
2:59:58 [CE][Hive] :: Loading map data ...
2:59:58 !!! [CE] :: Unknown category: 'vehicleparts'.
2:59:58 !!! [CE] :: Unknown category: 'vehicleparts'.
2:59:58 !!! [CE] :: Unknown category: 'vehicleparts'.
2:59:58 !!! [CE] :: Unknown category: 'vehicleparts'.
2:59:58 !!! [CE] :: Unknown category: 'vehicleparts'.
2:59:58 !!! [CE] :: Unknown category: 'vehicleparts'.
2:59:58 !!! [CE] :: Unknown category: 'vehicleparts'.
2:59:58 !!! [CE] :: Unknown category: 'vehicleparts'.
2:59:58 !!! [CE] :: Unknown category: 'vehicleparts'.
2:59:58 !!! [CE] :: Unknown category: 'vehicleparts'.
2:59:58 !!! [CE] :: Unknown category: 'vehicleparts'.
2:59:58 !!! [CE] :: Unknown category: 'vehicleparts'.
2:59:58 !!! [CE] :: Unknown category: 'vehicleparts'.
2:59:58 !!! [CE] :: Unknown category: 'vehicleparts'.
2:59:58 !!! [CE] :: Unknown category: 'vehicleparts'.
2:59:58 !!! [CE] :: Unknown category: 'vehicleparts'.
2:59:58 !!! [CE] :: Unknown category: 'vehicleparts'.
2:59:58 !!! [CE] :: Unknown category: 'vehicleparts'.
2:59:58 !!! [CE] :: Unknown category: 'vehicleparts'.
2:59:58 !!! [CE] :: Unknown category: 'vehicleparts'.
2:59:58 !!! [CE] :: Unknown category: 'vehicleparts'.
2:59:58 !!! [CE] :: Unknown category: 'vehicleparts'.
2:59:58 !!! [CE] :: Unknown category: 'vehicleparts'.
2:59:58 !!! [CE] :: Unknown category: 'vehicleparts'.
2:59:58 [CE][LoadPrototype] :: loaded 338 prototypes
2:59:58 724 containers, 9437 points
2:59:58 24 dispatches, 90 proxies
2:59:58 !!! [CE][LoadPrototype] 6 groups have no points...
2:59:58 [CE][LoadPrototype] :: last group name: Land_Lunapark_Autodrome...
2:59:58 [CE][LoadPrototype] :: loaded 0 prototypes
2:59:58 0 containers, 0 points
2:59:58 0 dispatches, 0 proxies
2:59:58 [CE][LoadPrototype] :: last group name: Rail9...
2:59:58 [CE][LoadMap] "Group" :: loaded 11608 groups, largest group range: 34.2
2:59:58 [CE][LoadMap] "Dirt" :: loaded 0 groups, largest group range: 34.2
2:59:59 [CE][LoadClusters] "Cluster" :: Loading files...
2:59:59 [CE][LoadClusters] :: file: "mapgroupcluster.xml", 9 types, 50000 instances
2:59:59 [CE][LoadClusters] :: file: "mapgroupcluster01", 9 types, 50000 instances
2:59:59 [CE][LoadClusters] :: file: "mapgroupcluster02", 9 types, 50000 instances
2:59:59 [CE][LoadClusters] :: file: "mapgroupcluster03", 9 types, 50000 instances
2:59:59 [CE][Storage] ver:21 stamp:336, valid:yes, name:"mpmissions\dayzOffline.chernarusplus\storage_1\data\types.001"
2:59:59 [CE][Storage] ver:21 stamp:337, valid:yes, name:"mpmissions\dayzOffline.chernarusplus\storage_1\data\types.bin"
2:59:59 [CE][Storage] ver:21 stamp:336, valid:yes, name:"mpmissions\dayzOffline.chernarusplus\storage_1\data\types.001"
3:00:00 [CE][Storage] ver:21 stamp:334, valid:yes, name:"mpmissions\dayzOffline.chernarusplus\storage_1\data\types.002"
3:00:00 [CE][Storage] Restoring file "mpmissions\dayzOffline.chernarusplus\storage_1\data\types.bin".
3:00:00 [CE][Storage] ver:25 stamp:336, valid:yes, name:"mpmissions\dayzOffline.chernarusplus\storage_1\data\dynamic_000.001"
3:00:00 [CE][Storage] ver:25 stamp:336, valid:yes, name:"mpmissions\dayzOffline.chernarusplus\storage_1\data\dynamic_000.001"
3:00:00 [CE][Storage] ver:25 stamp:336, valid:yes, name:"mpmissions\dayzOffline.chernarusplus\storage_1\data\dynamic_000.001"
3:00:00 [CE][Storage] ver:25 stamp:334, valid:yes, name:"mpmissions\dayzOffline.chernarusplus\storage_1\data\dynamic_000.002"
3:00:00 [CE][Storage] Restoring file "mpmissions\dayzOffline.chernarusplus\storage_1\data\dynamic_000.bin" 943 items.
3:00:00 [CE][DynamicEvent] Load Events:[37] Primary spawners: 37 Secondary spawners: 1
3:00:00 [CE][Storage] ver:25 stamp:337, valid:yes, name:"mpmissions\dayzOffline.chernarusplus\storage_1\data\dynamic_000.bin"
3:00:00 [CE][Storage] ver:25 stamp:336, valid:yes, name:"mpmissions\dayzOffline.chernarusplus\storage_1\data\dynamic_000.001"
3:00:00 [CE][Storage] ver:25 stamp:334, valid:yes, name:"mpmissions\dayzOffline.chernarusplus\storage_1\data\dynamic_000.002"
3:00:00 [CE][Storage] Restoring file "mpmissions\dayzOffline.chernarusplus\storage_1\data\dynamic_000.bin" 943 items.
3:00:00 943 items loaded.
3:00:00 [CE][Storage] ver:25 stamp:337, valid:yes, name:"mpmissions\dayzOffline.chernarusplus\storage_1\data\dynamic_001.bin"
3:00:00 [CE][Storage] ver:25 stamp:336, valid:yes, name:"mpmissions\dayzOffline.chernarusplus\storage_1\data\dynamic_001.001"
3:00:00 [CE][Storage] ver:25 stamp:334, valid:yes, name:"mpmissions\dayzOffline.chernarusplus\storage_1\data\dynamic_001.002"
3:00:00 [CE][Storage] Restoring file "mpmissions\dayzOffline.chernarusplus\storage_1\data\dynamic_001.bin" 1709 items.
3:00:00 [CE][Storage] ver:25 stamp:337, valid:yes, name:"mpmissions\dayzOffline.chernarusplus\storage_1\data\dynamic_002.bin"
3:00:00 [CE][Storage] ver:25 stamp:337, valid:yes, name:"mpmissions\dayzOffline.chernarusplus\storage_1\data\dynamic_002.bin"
3:00:00 [CE][Storage] ver:25 stamp:336, valid:yes, name:"mpmissions\dayzOffline.chernarusplus\storage_1\data\dynamic_002.001"
3:00:00 [CE][Storage] ver:25 stamp:334, valid:yes, name:"mpmissions\dayzOffline.chernarusplus\storage_1\data\dynamic_002.002"
3:00:00 [CE][Storage] Restoring file "mpmissions\dayzOffline.chernarusplus\storage_1\data\dynamic_002.bin" 2635 items.
3:00:01 2635 items loaded.
3:00:01 [CE][Storage] ver:25 stamp:337, valid:yes, name:"mpmissions\dayzOffline.chernarusplus\storage_1\data\dynamic_003.bin"
3:00:01 [CE][Storage] ver:25 stamp:336, valid:yes, name:"mpmissions\dayzOffline.chernarusplus\storage_1\data\dynamic_003.001"
3:00:01 [CE][Storage] ver:25 stamp:334, valid:yes, name:"mpmissions\dayzOffline.chernarusplus\storage_1\data\dynamic_003.002"
3:00:01 [CE][Storage] Restoring file "mpmissions\dayzOffline.chernarusplus\storage_1\data\dynamic_003.bin" 2124 items.
3:00:01 [CE][Storage] ver:25 stamp:334, valid:yes, name:"mpmissions\dayzOffline.chernarusplus\storage_1\data\dynamic_004.002"
3:00:01 [CE][Storage] Restoring file "mpmissions\dayzOffline.chernarusplus\storage_1\data\dynamic_004.bin" 2018 items.
3:00:01 [CE][Storage] ver:25 stamp:336, valid:yes, name:"mpmissions\dayzOffline.chernarusplus\storage_1\data\dynamic_004.001"
3:00:01 [CE][Storage] ver:25 stamp:334, valid:yes, name:"mpmissions\dayzOffline.chernarusplus\storage_1\data\dynamic_004.002"
3:00:01 [CE][Storage] Restoring file "mpmissions\dayzOffline.chernarusplus\storage_1\data\dynamic_004.bin" 2018 items.
3:00:02 [CE][Storage] ver:25 stamp:337, valid:yes, name:"mpmissions\dayzOffline.chernarusplus\storage_1\data\dynamic_005.bin"
3:00:02 [CE][Storage] ver:25 stamp:337, valid:yes, name:"mpmissions\dayzOffline.chernarusplus\storage_1\data\dynamic_005.bin"
3:00:02 [CE][Storage] ver:25 stamp:336, valid:yes, name:"mpmissions\dayzOffline.chernarusplus\storage_1\data\dynamic_005.001"
3:00:02 [CE][Storage] ver:25 stamp:334, valid:yes, name:"mpmissions\dayzOffline.chernarusplus\storage_1\data\dynamic_005.002"
3:00:02 [CE][Storage] Restoring file "mpmissions\dayzOffline.chernarusplus\storage_1\data\dynamic_005.bin" 2152 items.
3:00:02 2152 items loaded.
3:00:02 [CE][Storage] ver:25 stamp:337, valid:yes, name:"mpmissions\dayzOffline.chernarusplus\storage_1\data\dynamic_006.bin"
3:00:02 [CE][Storage] ver:25 stamp:336, valid:yes, name:"mpmissions\dayzOffline.chernarusplus\storage_1\data\dynamic_006.001"
3:00:02 [CE][Storage] ver:25 stamp:337, valid:yes, name:"mpmissions\dayzOffline.chernarusplus\storage_1\data\dynamic_006.002"
3:00:02 [CE][Storage] Restoring file "mpmissions\dayzOffline.chernarusplus\storage_1\data\dynamic_006.bin" 1543 items.
3:00:02 1543 items loaded.
3:00:02 [CE][Storage] ver:25 stamp:337, valid:yes, name:"mpmissions\dayzOffline.chernarusplus\storage_1\data\dynamic_007.bin"
3:00:02 [CE][Storage] ver:25 stamp:336, valid:yes, name:"mpmissions\dayzOffline.chernarusplus\storage_1\data\dynamic_007.001"
3:00:02 [CE][Storage] ver:25 stamp:337, valid:yes, name:"mpmissions\dayzOffline.chernarusplus\storage_1\data\dynamic_007.002"
3:00:02 [CE][Storage] Restoring file "mpmissions\dayzOffline.chernarusplus\storage_1\data\dynamic_007.bin" 1541 items.
3:00:03 1541 items loaded.
3:00:03 [CE][Storage] ver:25 stamp:337, valid:yes, name:"mpmissions\dayzOffline.chernarusplus\storage_1\data\dynamic_008.bin"
3:00:03 [CE][Storage] ver:25 stamp:336, valid:yes, name:"mpmissions\dayzOffline.chernarusplus\storage_1\data\dynamic_008.001"
3:00:03 [CE][Storage] ver:25 stamp:337, valid:yes, name:"mpmissions\dayzOffline.chernarusplus\storage_1\data\dynamic_008.002"
3:00:03 [CE][Storage] Restoring file "mpmissions\dayzOffline.chernarusplus\storage_1\data\dynamic_008.bin" 2189 items.
3:00:03 [CE][Storage] ver:25 stamp:336, valid:yes, name:"mpmissions\dayzOffline.chernarusplus\storage_1\data\dynamic_009.001"
3:00:03 [CE][Storage] ver:25 stamp:337, valid:yes, name:"mpmissions\dayzOffline.chernarusplus\storage_1\data\dynamic_009.002"
3:00:03 [CE][Storage] ver:25 stamp:336, valid:yes, name:"mpmissions\dayzOffline.chernarusplus\storage_1\data\dynamic_009.001"
3:00:03 [CE][Storage] ver:25 stamp:337, valid:yes, name:"mpmissions\dayzOffline.chernarusplus\storage_1\data\dynamic_009.002"
3:00:03 [CE][Storage] Restoring file "mpmissions\dayzOffline.chernarusplus\storage_1\data\dynamic_009.bin" 2726 items.
3:00:04 [CE][Storage] ver:25 stamp:337, valid:yes, name:"mpmissions\dayzOffline.chernarusplus\storage_1\data\dynamic_010.bin"
3:00:04 [CE][Storage] ver:25 stamp:337, valid:yes, name:"mpmissions\dayzOffline.chernarusplus\storage_1\data\dynamic_010.bin"
3:00:04 [CE][Storage] ver:25 stamp:336, valid:yes, name:"mpmissions\dayzOffline.chernarusplus\storage_1\data\dynamic_010.001"
3:00:04 [CE][Storage] ver:25 stamp:337, valid:yes, name:"mpmissions\dayzOffline.chernarusplus\storage_1\data\dynamic_010.002"
3:00:04 [CE][Storage] Restoring file "mpmissions\dayzOffline.chernarusplus\storage_1\data\dynamic_010.bin" 1726 items.
3:00:04 167 items loaded.
3:00:04 167 items loaded.
3:00:04 [CE][Storage] ver:25 stamp:337, valid:yes, name:"mpmissions\dayzOffline.chernarusplus\storage_1\data\vehicles.bin"
3:00:04 [CE][Storage] ver:25 stamp:337, valid:yes, name:"mpmissions\dayzOffline.chernarusplus\storage_1\data\dynamic_011.002"
3:00:04 [CE][Storage] Restoring file "mpmissions\dayzOffline.chernarusplus\storage_1\data\dynamic_011.bin" 167 items.
3:00:04 [CE][Storage] ver:25 stamp:336, valid:yes, name:"mpmissions\dayzOffline.chernarusplus\storage_1\data\vehicles.001"
3:00:04 [CE][Storage] ver:25 stamp:334, valid:yes, name:"mpmissions\dayzOffline.chernarusplus\storage_1\data\vehicles.002"
3:00:04 [CE][Storage] ver:25 stamp:336, valid:yes, name:"mpmissions\dayzOffline.chernarusplus\storage_1\data\vehicles.001"
3:00:04 [CE][Storage] ver:25 stamp:334, valid:yes, name:"mpmissions\dayzOffline.chernarusplus\storage_1\data\vehicles.002"
3:00:04 [CE][Storage] Restoring file "mpmissions\dayzOffline.chernarusplus\storage_1\data\vehicles.bin" 94 items.
3:00:05 94 items loaded.
3:00:05 [CE][InitializeMap] :: initialized: 0
3:00:05 [CE][Hive] :: Initializing spawners ...
3:00:05 no lifetime: 40
3:00:05 pathgraph's: 453
3:00:05 [CE][Hive] :: Initializing ...
3:00:05 [CE][InitializeMap] :: initialized: 0
3:00:05 [CE][Hive] :: Initializing spawners ...
3:00:06 [CE][LootRespawner] (PRIDummy) :: Initially (re)spawned:0, Nominal:21259, Total in Map: 21604 at 0 (sec)
3:00:06 tests:0, repeats:0 fails:0, overtime:0
3:00:06 [CE][DynEvent] :: 37 types
3:00:06 [00] AmbientHen
3:00:06 Primary Spawner: "Ambient", active: yes, repeat: 1
3:00:06 [01] AnimalBear
3:00:06 Primary Spawner: "Animal", active: yes, repeat: 1
3:00:06 [02] AnimalCow
3:00:06 Primary Spawner: "Animal", active: yes, repeat: 1
3:00:06 [03] AnimalDeer
3:00:06 Primary Spawner: "Animal", active: yes, repeat: 1
3:00:06 [04] AnimalGoat
3:00:06 Primary Spawner: "Animal", active: yes, repeat: 1
3:00:06 [05] AnimalPig
3:00:06 Primary Spawner: "Animal", active: yes, repeat: 1
3:00:06 [06] AnimalRoeDeer
3:00:06 Primary Spawner: "Animal", active: yes, repeat: 1
3:00:06 [07] AnimalSheep
3:00:06 Primary Spawner: "Animal", active: yes, repeat: 1
3:00:06 [08] AnimalWildBoar
3:00:06 Primary Spawner: "Animal", active: yes, repeat: 1
3:00:06 [09] AnimalWolf
3:00:06 Primary Spawner: "Animal", active: yes, repeat: 1
3:00:06 [10] InfectedArmy
3:00:06 Primary Spawner: "Infected", active: yes, repeat: 1
3:00:06 [11] InfectedCity
3:00:06 Primary Spawner: "Infected", active: yes, repeat: 1
3:00:06 [12] InfectedFirefighter
3:00:06 Primary Spawner: "Infected", active: yes, repeat: 1
3:00:06 [13] InfectedIndustrial
3:00:06 Primary Spawner: "Infected", active: yes, repeat: 1
3:00:06 [14] InfectedMedic
3:00:06 Primary Spawner: "Infected", active: yes, repeat: 1
3:00:06 [15] InfectedPolice
3:00:06 Primary Spawner: "Infected", active: yes, repeat: 1
3:00:06 [16] InfectedPrisoner
3:00:06 Primary Spawner: "Infected", active: yes, repeat: 1
3:00:06 [17] InfectedReligious
3:00:06 Primary Spawner: "Infected", active: yes, repeat: 1
3:00:06 [18] InfectedSolitude
3:00:06 Primary Spawner: "Infected", active: yes, repeat: 1
3:00:06 [19] InfectedVillage
3:00:06 Primary Spawner: "Infected", active: yes, repeat: 1
3:00:06 [20] ItemPlanks
3:00:06 Primary Spawner: "Item", active: yes, repeat: 1
3:00:06 [21] Loot
3:00:06 Primary Spawner: "Loot", active: yes, repeat: 2
3:00:06 [22] StaticHeliCrash
3:00:06 Primary Spawner: "Vehicle", active: yes, repeat: 1
3:00:06 Secondary Spawner: "Infected", active: yes, repeat: 1
3:00:06 [23] StaticPoliceCar
3:00:06 Primary Spawner: "Vehicle", active: yes, repeat: 1
3:00:06 [24] TrajectoryApple
3:00:06 Primary Spawner: "Trajectory", active: yes, repeat: 1
3:00:06 [25] TrajectoryCanina
3:00:06 Primary Spawner: "Trajectory", active: yes, repeat: 1
3:00:06 [26] TrajectoryConiferous
3:00:06 Primary Spawner: "Trajectory", active: yes, repeat: 1
3:00:06 [27] TrajectoryDeciduous
3:00:06 Primary Spawner: "Trajectory", active: yes, repeat: 1
3:00:06 [28] TrajectoryHumus
3:00:06 Primary Spawner: "Trajectory", active: yes, repeat: 1
3:00:06 [29] TrajectoryPear
3:00:06 Primary Spawner: "Trajectory", active: yes, repeat: 1
3:00:06 [30] TrajectoryPlum
3:00:06 Primary Spawner: "Trajectory", active: yes, repeat: 1
3:00:06 [31] TrajectorySambucus
3:00:06 Primary Spawner: "Trajectory", active: yes, repeat: 1
3:00:06 [32] TrajectoryStones
3:00:06 Primary Spawner: "Trajectory", active: yes, repeat: 1
3:00:06 [33] VehicleCivilianSedan
3:00:06 Primary Spawner: "Vehicle", active: yes, repeat: 1
3:00:06 [34] VehicleHatchback02
3:00:06 Primary Spawner: "Vehicle", active: yes, repeat: 1
3:00:06 [35] VehicleOffroadHatchback
3:00:06 Primary Spawner: "Vehicle", active: yes, repeat: 1
3:00:06 [36] VehicleSedan02
3:00:06 Primary Spawner: "Vehicle", active: yes, repeat: 1
3:00:06 [CE][Hive] :: Initializing of spawners done.
3:00:06 [CE][Hive] :: Init sequence finished.
3:00:06 [IdleMode] Entering IN - save processed
3:00:11 Average server FPS: 4569.60 (measured interval: 5 s)
3:00:11 Used memory: 1778141 KB
3:00:11 Players: 0 in total
3:00:11 Zombies: 181 in total
3:00:14 Failed to connect to Steam
3:00:16 Average server FPS: 10243.60 (measured interval: 5 s)
3:00:16 Used memory: 1779951 KB
3:00:16 Players: 0 in total
3:00:16 Zombies: 0 in total
3:00:21 Average server FPS: 12450.60 (measured interval: 5 s)
3:00:21 Used memory: 1782875 KB
3:00:21 Players: 0 in total
3:00:21 Zombies: 0 in total
3:00:26 Average server FPS: 12309.40 (measured interval: 5 s)
3:00:26 Used memory: 1783366 KB
3:00:26 Players: 0 in total
3:00:26 Zombies: 0 in total
3:00:27 Failed to connect to Steam
3:00:31 Average server FPS: 12139.00 (measured interval: 5 s)
3:00:31 Used memory: 1785842 KB
3:00:31 Players: 0 in total
3:00:31 Zombies: 0 in total
3:00:32 Failed to connect to Steam
3:00:36 Average server FPS: 12163.80 (measured interval: 5 s)
3:00:36 Used memory: 1786526 KB
3:00:36 Players: 0 in total
3:00:36 Zombies: 0 in total
3:00:41 Average server FPS: 12040.20 (measured interval: 5 s)
3:00:41 Used memory: 1790880 KB
3:00:41 Players: 0 in total
3:00:41 Zombies: 0 in total
3:00:46 Average server FPS: 12042.80 (measured interval: 5 s)
3:00:46 Used memory: 1799263 KB
3:00:46 Players: 0 in total
3:00:46 Zombies: 0 in total
3:00:51 Average server FPS: 12034.80 (measured interval: 5 s)
3:00:51 Used memory: 1804662 KB
3:00:51 Players: 0 in total
3:00:51 Zombies: 0 in total
3:00:56 Average server FPS: 11612.80 (measured interval: 5 s)
3:00:56 Used memory: 1807826 KB
3:00:56 Players: 0 in total
3:00:56 Zombies: 0 in total
3:01:01 Average server FPS: 11829.80 (measured interval: 5 s)
3:01:01 Used memory: 1809349 KB
3:01:01 Players: 0 in total
3:01:01 Zombies: 0 in total
3:01:06 Average server FPS: 11774.40 (measured interval: 5 s)
3:01:06 Used memory: 1811893 KB
3:01:06 Players: 0 in total
3:01:06 Zombies: 0 in total
3:01:09 Failed to connect to Steam
3:01:11 Average server FPS: 11692.80 (measured interval: 5 s)
3:01:11 Used memory: 1815559 KB
3:01:11 Players: 0 in total
3:01:11 Zombies: 0 in total
3:01:14 [Login]: Adding player Survivor (48593017) to login queue at position 0
3:01:14 [LoginMachine]: Add player Survivor (48593017)
3:01:14 [StateMachine]: Player Survivor (dpnid 48593017 uid ) Entering AuthPlayerLoginState
3:01:14 BattlEye Server: Player #0 Survivor ( connected
3:01:14 Player Survivor connecting.
3:01:14 [StateMachine]: Player Survivor (dpnid 48593017 uid ) Entering WaitAuthPlayerLoginState
3:01:14 BattlEye Server: Failed to resolve BE Master DNS name(s)
3:01:14 BattlEye Server: Disconnected from BE Master
3:01:15 BattlEye Server: Player #0 Survivor - BE GUID: 1fd235d6de18d35fb799d88cf7d02320
3:01:15 Failed to connect to Steam
3:01:16 Average server FPS: 11758.40 (measured interval: 5 s)
3:01:16 Used memory: 1819284 KB
3:01:16 Players: 1 in total
3:01:16 Zombies: 0 in total
3:01:16 [IdleMode] Leaving OUT
3:01:18 Failed to connect to Steam
3:01:21 Average server FPS: 11483.80 (measured interval: 5 s)
3:01:21 Used memory: 1821585 KB
3:01:21 Players: 1 in total
3:01:21 Zombies: 0 in total
3:01:25 Failed to connect to Steam
3:01:26 Average server FPS: 11503.20 (measured interval: 5 s)
3:01:26 Used memory: 1823139 KB
3:01:26 Players: 1 in total
3:01:26 Zombies: 0 in total
3:01:30 Failed to connect to Steam
3:01:31 Average server FPS: 11354.80 (measured interval: 5 s)
3:01:31 Used memory: 1825874 KB
3:01:31 Players: 1 in total
3:01:31 Zombies: 0 in total
3:01:36 Average server FPS: 11378.80 (measured interval: 5 s)
3:01:36 Used memory: 1828304 KB
3:01:36 Players: 1 in total
3:01:36 Zombies: 0 in total
3:01:40 Failed to connect to Steam
3:01:40 BattlEye Server: Ban check timed out, no response from BE Master
3:01:41 Average server FPS: 11447.40 (measured interval: 5 s)
3:01:41 Used memory: 1832257 KB
3:01:41 Players: 1 in total
3:01:41 Zombies: 0 in total
3:01:46 Average server FPS: 11714.40 (measured interval: 5 s)
3:01:46 Used memory: 1833937 KB
3:01:46 Players: 1 in total
3:01:46 Zombies: 0 in total
3:01:51 Average server FPS: 11617.40 (measured interval: 5 s)
3:01:51 Used memory: 1835695 KB
3:01:51 Players: 1 in total
3:01:51 Zombies: 0 in total
3:01:53 Failed to connect to Steam
3:01:56 Average server FPS: 11367.60 (measured interval: 5 s)
3:01:56 Used memory: 1841772 KB
3:01:56 Players: 1 in total
3:01:56 Zombies: 0 in total
3:02:01 Average server FPS: 11213.00 (measured interval: 5 s)
3:02:01 Used memory: 1855275 KB
3:02:01 Players: 1 in total
3:02:01 Zombies: 0 in total
3:02:06 Average server FPS: 11389.20 (measured interval: 5 s)
3:02:06 Used memory: 1858323 KB
3:02:06 Players: 1 in total
3:02:06 Zombies: 0 in total
3:02:08 [CE][SpawnRandomLoot] (StaticPoliceCar) :: ChildType: Land_Wreck_sed01_aban2_police, lootmin: 3, lootmax: 5, wanted: 4
3:02:08 [CE][SpawnRandomLoot] (StaticPoliceCar) :: ChildType: Land_Wreck_sed01_aban2_police, lootmin: 3, lootmax: 5, wanted: 4
3:02:08 [CE][SpawnRandomLoot] (StaticPoliceCar) :: ChildType: Land_Wreck_sed01_aban1_police, lootmin: 3, lootmax: 5, wanted: 4
3:02:08 [CE][SpawnRandomLoot] (StaticPoliceCar) :: ChildType: Land_Wreck_sed01_aban2_police, lootmin: 3, lootmax: 5, wanted: 4
3:02:08 [CE][SpawnRandomLoot] (StaticPoliceCar) :: ChildType: Land_Wreck_sed01_aban2_police, lootmin: 3, lootmax: 5, wanted: 4
3:02:08 [CE][SpawnRandomLoot] (StaticPoliceCar) :: ChildType: Land_Wreck_sed01_aban1_police, lootmin: 3, lootmax: 5, wanted: 4
3:02:08 [CE][SpawnRandomLoot] (StaticPoliceCar) :: ChildType: Land_Wreck_sed01_aban2_police, lootmin: 3, lootmax: 5, wanted: 4
3:02:08 [CE][SpawnRandomLoot] (StaticPoliceCar) :: ChildType: Land_Wreck_sed01_aban1_police, lootmin: 3, lootmax: 5, wanted: 4
3:02:08 [CE][SpawnRandomLoot] (StaticPoliceCar) :: ChildType: Land_Wreck_sed01_aban1_police, lootmin: 3, lootmax: 5, wanted: 3
3:02:08 [CE][SpawnRandomLoot] (StaticPoliceCar) :: ChildType: Land_Wreck_sed01_aban1_police, lootmin: 3, lootmax: 5, wanted: 4
3:02:10 Failed to connect to Steam
3:02:11 Average server FPS: 11480.60 (measured interval: 5 s)
3:02:11 Used memory: 1861277 KB
3:02:11 Players: 1 in total
3:02:11 Zombies: 0 in total
3:02:16 Average server FPS: 11756.80 (measured interval: 5 s)
3:02:16 Used memory: 1862423 KB
3:02:16 Players: 1 in total
3:02:16 Zombies: 0 in total
3:02:20 Failed to connect to Steam
3:02:21 Average server FPS: 11523.20 (measured interval: 5 s)
3:02:21 Used memory: 1864756 KB
3:02:21 Players: 1 in total
3:02:21 Zombies: 0 in total
3:02:26 Average server FPS: 11426.40 (measured interval: 5 s)
3:02:26 Used memory: 1867492 KB
3:02:26 Players: 1 in total
3:02:26 Zombies: 0 in total
3:02:31 Average server FPS: 11621.40 (measured interval: 5 s)
3:02:31 Used memory: 1868577 KB
3:02:31 Players: 1 in total
3:02:31 Zombies: 0 in total
3:02:36 Average server FPS: 11456.60 (measured interval: 5 s)
3:02:36 Used memory: 1875284 KB
3:02:36 Players: 1 in total
3:02:36 Zombies: 0 in total
3:02:38 Failed to connect to Steam
3:02:41 Average server FPS: 11578.40 (measured interval: 5 s)
3:02:41 Used memory: 1878270 KB
3:02:41 Players: 1 in total
3:02:41 Zombies: 0 in total
3:02:46 Average server FPS: 11401.60 (measured interval: 5 s)
3:02:46 Used memory: 1882425 KB
3:02:46 Players: 1 in total
3:02:46 Zombies: 0 in total
3:02:51 Average server FPS: 11497.00 (measured interval: 5 s)
3:02:51 Used memory: 1884080 KB
3:02:51 Players: 1 in total
3:02:51 Zombies: 0 in total
3:02:56 Average server FPS: 11356.40 (measured interval: 5 s)
3:02:56 Used memory: 1885935 KB
3:02:56 Players: 1 in total
3:02:56 Zombies: 0 in total
3:03:01 Failed to connect to Steam
3:03:01 Average server FPS: 11607.60 (measured interval: 5 s)
3:03:01 Used memory: 1889114 KB
3:03:01 Players: 1 in total
3:03:01 Zombies: 0 in total
3:03:06 Average server FPS: 12217.20 (measured interval: 5 s)
3:03:06 Used memory: 1889118 KB
3:03:06 Players: 1 in total
3:03:06 Zombies: 0 in total
3:03:09 BattlEye Server: Failed to resolve BE Master DNS name(s)
3:03:09 BattlEye Server: Disconnected from BE Master
3:03:11 Average server FPS: 12141.60 (measured interval: 5 s)
3:03:11 Used memory: 1889108 KB
3:03:11 Players: 1 in total
3:03:11 Zombies: 0 in total
3:03:14 Player Survivor (48593017) kicked from server: 6 (Timeout)
3:03:14 [StateMachine]: Kick player Survivor (dpnid 48593017 uid ) State WaitAuthPlayerLoginState Error Timeout
3:03:14 [Disconnect]: Client 48593017 early disconnect
3:03:14 [Disconnect]: No player -> remove player info 48593017
3:03:14 [Disconnect]: DisconnectPlayerFinish 48593017
3:03:14 [Disconnect]: Remove player info 48593017
3:03:14 [Disconnect]: Player destroy 48593017
3:03:14 Player Survivor disconnected.
3:03:14 BattlEye Server: Player #0 Survivor disconnected
3:03:16 Average server FPS: 12135.60 (measured interval: 5 s)
3:03:16 Used memory: 1888930 KB
3:03:16 Players: 0 in total
3:03:16 Zombies: 0 in total
3:03:21 Average server FPS: 12262.80 (measured interval: 5 s)
3:03:21 Used memory: 1888930 KB
3:03:21 Players: 0 in total
3:03:21 Zombies: 0 in total
3:03:26 Average server FPS: 12327.00 (measured interval: 5 s)
3:03:26 Used memory: 1888931 KB
3:03:26 Players: 0 in total
3:03:26 Zombies: 0 in total
3:03:31 Average server FPS: 12475.80 (measured interval: 5 s)
3:03:31 Used memory: 1888931 KB
3:03:31 Players: 0 in total
3:03:31 Zombies: 0 in total
3:03:36 Average server FPS: 12392.00 (measured interval: 5 s)
3:03:36 Used memory: 1888925 KB
3:03:36 Players: 0 in total
3:03:36 Zombies: 0 in total
3:03:41 Failed to connect to Steam
3:03:41 Average server FPS: 12270.40 (measured interval: 5 s)
3:03:41 Used memory: 1888925 KB
3:03:41 Players: 0 in total
3:03:41 Zombies: 0 in total
3:03:46 Average server FPS: 12316.00 (measured interval: 5 s)
3:03:46 Used memory: 1888924 KB
3:03:46 Players: 0 in total
3:03:46 Zombies: 0 in total
3:03:51 Average server FPS: 12364.80 (measured interval: 5 s)
3:03:51 Used memory: 1888925 KB
3:03:51 Players: 0 in total
3:03:51 Zombies: 0 in total
3:03:56 Average server FPS: 12402.60 (measured interval: 5 s)
3:03:56 Used memory: 1888926 KB
3:03:56 Players: 0 in total
3:03:56 Zombies: 0 in total
3:04:01 Average server FPS: 12370.40 (measured interval: 5 s)
3:04:01 Used memory: 1888927 KB
3:04:01 Players: 0 in total
3:04:01 Zombies: 0 in total
3:04:06 Average server FPS: 12385.20 (measured interval: 5 s)
3:04:06 Used memory: 1888910 KB
3:04:06 Players: 0 in total
3:04:06 Zombies: 0 in total
3:04:11 Average server FPS: 12202.00 (measured interval: 5 s)
3:04:11 Used memory: 1888912 KB
3:04:11 Players: 0 in total
3:04:11 Zombies: 0 in total
3:04:16 Average server FPS: 12346.60 (measured interval: 5 s)
3:04:16 Used memory: 1888911 KB
3:04:16 Players: 0 in total
3:04:16 Zombies: 0 in total
3:04:20 Failed to connect to Steam
3:04:21 Average server FPS: 12327.00 (measured interval: 5 s)
3:04:21 Used memory: 1888912 KB
3:04:21 Players: 0 in total
3:04:21 Zombies: 0 in total
3:04:26 Average server FPS: 12445.60 (measured interval: 5 s)
3:04:26 Used memory: 1888911 KB
3:04:26 Players: 0 in total
3:04:26 Zombies: 0 in total
3:04:31 Average server FPS: 12715.60 (measured interval: 5 s)
3:04:31 Used memory: 1888904 KB
3:04:31 Players: 0 in total
3:04:31 Zombies: 0 in total
3:04:31 [IdleMode] Entering IN - save processed
3:04:36 Average server FPS: 12455.00 (measured interval: 5 s)
3:04:36 Used memory: 1888904 KB
3:04:36 Players: 0 in total
3:04:36 Zombies: 0 in total
3:04:41 Average server FPS: 12391.80 (measured interval: 5 s)
3:04:41 Used memory: 1888905 KB
3:04:41 Players: 0 in total
3:04:41 Zombies: 0 in total
3:04:46 Average server FPS: 12847.00 (measured interval: 5 s)
3:04:46 Used memory: 1888905 KB
3:04:46 Players: 0 in total
3:04:46 Zombies: 0 in total
3:04:51 Average server FPS: 12645.00 (measured interval: 5 s)
3:04:51 Used memory: 1888905 KB
3:04:51 Players: 0 in total
3:04:51 Zombies: 0 in total

I completely deleted DayZ and barring the serverDZ.cfg file DayZServer, downloaded both again, copied serverDZ.cfg back into the DayZServer directory.
Repeated the offline process, started the server, started the client, attempted to connect and got the same results as above.

Then I re enabled the ethernet connection put steam back into online mode started the server, started the client, logged in, at password prompt entered the user password and got the 15 second countdown and was in game.

I then disabled the ethernet connection and as soon as I did that I was disconnected from the server even though I was connected on

If you are doing it, I don't know how because it absolutely is not working for me.

TheVaultboy added a comment.EditedSep 19 2020, 4:56 PM

Okay, so you have everything in one place I have performed three tests.

Steam in online mode, ethernet enabled, player connects via LAN and is in game the zip file starting with 00.
Steam in online mode, ethernet disabled, connection timeout between client and host connecting via LAN. the zip file starting with 01.
Steam in offline mode, ethernet disabled, connection timeout between client and host connecting via LAN, the zip file starting with 02.

Tests installed on a brand new fresh fully patched version of Windows 10 Pro 64 Bit version 2004 build 19041.508 with
Steam client Built: Sep 3 2020 @ 14:22:48, Steam API v020
Steam Package version 1599174997.
DayZ server and Client version are fully updated.
This System:
ASUS X399 Prime A
AMD ThreadRipper 1900x
64G DDR4 3200
Gefore GTX1080 Ti.

Now my question is given the above message where people are striking the problem I am, the fact that you now have log files indicating it will not work unless you are connected and online which in one instance won't work for us because there is literally no ability to have internet at site, it's physically impossible to it's remoteness. Will you please say - yes this is a bug and we will fix it, because I am now 100% positive that it can't run a server without an internet connection - and we need that.

Geez added a comment.Sep 21 2020, 12:43 PM

Hello TheVaultboy.
If you launch the server with -noSteamAuth launch parameter, will that change anything about the behaviour you are experiencing? The documentation on how to add launch parameter to the server can be found here:


Yes I've seen the wiki, it's where I got my config information from initially and just so you know -noSteamAuth isn't mentioned there. Also it made no difference still times out if not connected to the internet.

Is there anything else to try?

Any updates on something else to try?

Geez changed the task status from Need More Info to Acknowledged.Sep 22 2020, 9:51 AM

Hello TheVaultboy.
We have been testing this thoroughly with various clients and it seems we have been able to produce the problem you are experiencing. We are going to take a look at what can be done about this.

Thank you, Nice to know I'm not going nuts ( well not completely anyway ) after testing on three separate high spec systems and a high spec laptop I did think I was losing it.

Not to be a pain in the ass but any idea of a prospective time frame. Spring has sprung and Lambing Season is just about done for Ron so it's a good time to get stuck into some gaming.

Any movement on this?

Geez added a comment.Oct 8 2020, 12:53 PM

Any movement on this?

Unfortunately there are no estimates I can share with you. Please keep in mind, that this might take some time to be fixed as there are currently more severe issues that will have to be tackled first.

inkihh added a subscriber: inkihh.Nov 15 2020, 4:50 PM

Is nobody talking about this?

19:52:46 BattlEye Server: Failed to resolve BE Master DNS name(s)
19:52:46 BattlEye Server: Disconnected from BE Master
Geez added a comment.Nov 16 2020, 9:36 AM

Is nobody talking about this?

19:52:46 BattlEye Server: Failed to resolve BE Master DNS name(s)
19:52:46 BattlEye Server: Disconnected from BE Master

Hello inkihh.
If you are having issues with BattlEye client, please contact BE support directly at

How about you guys fix the damned problem and then there will be no need to contact them.

I confirm the same problem.

Sometimes it works in the morning or all day. But today it is not working right from the morning.
I'm using work PC so it is behind the corporate proxy. But I can connect to external (Internet) servers without issues for a long time. Only my own LAN server sometimes tell "No Packets from" and I cannot connect.
Sometimes restarting computer helps. Sometimes just restart Steam. Steam Offline\Online, doesn't matter.

Maybe I will try setting a default gateway.

10:34:11 [IdleMode] Entering IN - save processed
10:43:01 [Login]: Adding player -=PA=-Mikhail (915883123) to login queue at position 0
10:43:01 [LoginMachine]: Add player -=PA=-Mikhail (915883123)
10:43:01 [StateMachine]: Player -=PA=-Mikhail (dpnid 915883123 uid ) Entering AuthPlayerLoginState
10:43:02 [IdleMode] Leaving OUT
10:43:02 BattlEye Server: Player #0 -=PA=-Mikhail ( connected
10:43:02 Игрок -=PA=-Mikhail соединяется.
10:43:02 [StateMachine]: Player -=PA=-Mikhail (dpnid 915883123 uid ) Entering WaitAuthPlayerLoginState
10:43:02 BattlEye Server: Connected to BE Master
10:43:12 [Disconnect]: No packets from 915883123
10:43:12 [Disconnect]: No identity -> remove player info 915883123
10:43:12 [LoginMachine]: Force remove player -=PA=-Mikhail (915883123)
10:43:12 [Disconnect]: DisconnectPlayerFinish 915883123
10:43:13 [Disconnect]: Remove player info 915883123
10:43:13 [Disconnect]: Player destroy 915883123
10:43:13 Игрок -=PA=-Mikhail отсоединился.
10:43:13 BattlEye Server: Player #0 -=PA=-Mikhail disconnected

zvukoper added a comment.EditedSep 7 2021, 7:49 AM

Even with BattlEye=0;
And removing the ""-BEpath=D:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\DayZServer\battleye"" from launch

BE seems to load anyway.

10:47:33 BattlEye server updated to version: 219
10:47:33 BattlEye Server: Initialized (v1.219, DayZ 1.13.154080)
10:47:34 SUCCESS: SteamGameServer_Init(0,8766,2302,27016,3,1.13.154080)

And the BE icon in the LAN server tab is on and says "The server is protected by BE"

10:51:11 [Login]: Adding player -=PA=-Mikhail (50847501) to login queue at position 0
10:51:11 [LoginMachine]: Add player -=PA=-Mikhail (50847501)
10:51:11 [StateMachine]: Player -=PA=-Mikhail (dpnid 50847501 uid ) Entering AuthPlayerLoginState
10:51:12 BattlEye Server: Player #0 -=PA=-Mikhail ( connected
10:51:12 Игрок -=PA=-Mikhail соединяется.
10:51:12 [StateMachine]: Player -=PA=-Mikhail (dpnid 50847501 uid ) Entering WaitAuthPlayerLoginState
10:51:12 BattlEye Server: Connected to BE Master
10:51:13 [IdleMode] Leaving OUT
10:51:22 [Disconnect]: No packets from 50847501
10:51:22 [Disconnect]: No identity -> remove player info 50847501
10:51:22 [LoginMachine]: Force remove player -=PA=-Mikhail (50847501)
10:51:22 [Disconnect]: DisconnectPlayerFinish 50847501
10:51:23 [Disconnect]: Remove player info 50847501
10:51:23 [Disconnect]: Player destroy 50847501
10:51:23 Игрок -=PA=-Mikhail отсоединился.
10:51:23 BattlEye Server: Player #0 -=PA=-Mikhail disconnected

Now it works for almost no reason.

11:00:21 [IdleMode] Entering IN - save processed
11:00:25 [Login]: Adding player -=PA=-Mikhail (51498122) to login queue at position 0
11:00:25 [LoginMachine]: Add player -=PA=-Mikhail (51498122)
11:00:25 [StateMachine]: Player -=PA=-Mikhail (dpnid 51498122 uid ) Entering AuthPlayerLoginState
11:00:26 BattlEye Server: Player #0 -=PA=-Mikhail ( connected
11:00:26 Игрок -=PA=-Mikhail соединяется.
11:00:26 [StateMachine]: Player -=PA=-Mikhail (dpnid 51498122 uid ) Entering WaitAuthPlayerLoginState
11:00:26 BattlEye Server: Connected to BE Master
11:00:27 [IdleMode] Leaving OUT
11:00:31 BattlEye Server: Player #0 -=PA=-Mikhail - BE GUID: 10ff4c144168f04941031e308187986a
11:00:32 BattlEye Server: Verified GUID (10ff4c144168f04941031e308187986a) of player #0 -=PA=-Mikhail
11:00:32 Игрок -=PA=-Mikhail присоединился (id=P_MdvgMSlO3A5Bz000tSfKqkD-2AXyefl7bSdLR8gFc=).
11:00:32 Player "-=PA=-Mikhail" is connected (steamID=76561198000801794)
11:00:33 [StateMachine]: Player -=PA=-Mikhail (dpnid 51498122 uid P_MdvgMSlO3A5Bz000tSfKqkD-2AXyefl7bSdLR8gFc=) Entering DBGetLoginTimeLoginState
11:00:33 [StateMachine]: Player -=PA=-Mikhail (dpnid 51498122 uid P_MdvgMSlO3A5Bz000tSfKqkD-2AXyefl7bSdLR8gFc=) Entering DBWaitLoginTimeLoginState
11:00:48 [StateMachine]: Player -=PA=-Mikhail (dpnid 51498122 uid P_MdvgMSlO3A5Bz000tSfKqkD-2AXyefl7bSdLR8gFc=) Entering DBGetCharacterLoginState
11:00:48 [StateMachine]: Player -=PA=-Mikhail (dpnid 51498122 uid P_MdvgMSlO3A5Bz000tSfKqkD-2AXyefl7bSdLR8gFc=) Entering CreateNetObjectsLoginState
11:00:48 Player -=PA=-Mikhail dpid=51498122 at pos (3400.5, 296.0, 11202.6)
11:00:48 [StateMachine]: Player -=PA=-Mikhail (dpnid 51498122 uid P_MdvgMSlO3A5Bz000tSfKqkD-2AXyefl7bSdLR8gFc=) Entering PreloadCamLoginState
11:00:48 [StateMachine]: Player -=PA=-Mikhail (dpnid 51498122 uid P_MdvgMSlO3A5Bz000tSfKqkD-2AXyefl7bSdLR8gFc=) Entering WaitPreloadCamLoginState

Stopped working again. So it is random for me.

It all seems like there are some disturbances on the network related to BE connections. It is the problem with either ISP or some router\proxy configuration. I have a different ISP at home, the same server, and never had such problems.

Done 6 complete restarts of the server and the client. And it works again. So strange.

Ok. Restarting + reconnecting both CLient and Server sometimes helps. No steam or launcher restarts.
Takes from 3 to 6 restarts. But at least it is a workaround.

Sometimes the login timer starts, all is fine and then I see an error "BattlEye not responding" and again cannot connect.

Your problem is a bit different to mine as I am using a LAN only to connect between 4 machines and when I say lan it's 56Gigabit per/sec via fibre and a switch, no internet connection so no ability to connect to steam servers and / or battleye at all.

I still can not believe however that i reported this nigh on a YEAR AGO and Bohemia still have not fixed it... NO ONE SHOULD BY GAMES FROM THESE SHEISTERS.

TheVaultboy added a comment.EditedOct 4 2021, 3:24 AM

Any movement on this?

Unfortunately there are no estimates I can share with you. Please keep in mind, that this might take some time to be fixed as there are currently more severe issues that will have to be tackled first.

It's been a year now, it should not take that long to fix this so where is the damned fix? also.... why is it showing as UNASSIGNED.

Sassar added a subscriber: Sassar.Oct 12 2021, 1:03 PM


I Habe the same Issue.

I have hat the dayz Server from Steam Tools, and have config like the online tutorial.
I Run the Server and the Client on the same machine. When I connect to my local server with internet. i can successfully login. After i switch Steam in the offline mode, i cant connect anymore to my server. I got the following Error in the Client: "Steam Authenticatin Failed".

the following stays in the Log from the Server:

12:52:26 Dedizierter Host erstellt.
12:52:26 [Inputs] Loading inputs default "bin/constants.xml"
12:52:26 [Inputs] Loading inputs default "bin/specific.xml"
12:52:26 [Inputs] Loading inputs cfg "config\Users\Survivor\Server.core.xml"
12:52:26 !!! [Inputs] Cannot read inputs cfg "config\Users\Survivor\Server.core.xml", parser error
12:52:26 [Inputs] Loading inputs cfg "bin/core.xml"
12:52:26 !!! [Inputs] Cannot load input preset "user", file does not exist
12:52:26 [Inputs] Exporting inputs cfg "config\Users\Survivor\Server.core.xml"
12:52:29 BattlEye Server: Initialized (v1.219, DayZ 1.14.154228)
12:52:29 SUCCESS: SteamGameServer_Init(0,8766,2302,27016,3,1.14.154228)
12:52:29 Rollen zugeteilt.
12:52:29 Lade Mission ...
12:52:36 [CE][Hive] :: Initializing OFFLINE
12:52:36 [CE][Hive] :: Loading core data ...
12:52:36 [CE][CoreData] :: 7 root classes, 18 defaults, 0 updaters...
12:52:38 [CE][TypeSetup] :: 447 classes setuped...
12:52:38 [CE][RegisterBind] :: 0 classes binded...
12:53:58 [Login]: Adding player Survivor (78684555) to login queue at position 0
12:53:58 [LoginMachine]: Add player Survivor (78684555)
12:53:58 [StateMachine]: Player Survivor (dpnid 78684555 uid ) Entering AuthPlayerLoginState
12:53:58 BattlEye Server: Player #0 Survivor ( connected
12:53:58 Spieler Survivor verbindet.
12:53:58 [StateMachine]: Player Survivor (dpnid 78684555 uid ) Entering WaitAuthPlayerLoginState
12:53:58 BattlEye Server: Connected to BE Master

12:53:59 BattlEye Server: Player #0 Survivor - BE GUID: 048956dad6fdffc62447e5a83eda0597
12:54:01 [IdleMode] Leaving OUT
12:54:23 [CE][LootRespawner] (PRIDummy) :: Item [0] causing search overtime: "Ammo_556x45"
12:54:23 [CE][LootRespawner] (PRIDummy) :: Item [1] causing search overtime: "Ammo_545x39"
12:54:23 [CE][LootRespawner] (PRIDummy) :: Item [2] causing search overtime: "Glock19"
12:54:23 [CE][LootRespawner] (PRIDummy) :: Item [3] causing search overtime: "TLRLight"
12:54:23 [CE][LootRespawner] (PRIDummy) :: Item [4] causing search overtime: "UniversalLight"
12:54:23 [CE][LootRespawner] (PRIDummy) :: Item [5] causing search overtime: "Ammo_308WinTracer"
12:54:23 [CE][LootRespawner] (PRIDummy) :: Item [6] causing search overtime: "Colt1911"
12:54:23 [CE][LootRespawner] (PRIDummy) :: Item [7] causing search overtime: "Mag_CZ61_20Rnd"
12:54:23 [CE][LootRespawner] (PRIDummy) :: Item [8] causing search overtime: "SKS"
12:54:24 [CE][LootRespawner] (PRIDummy) :: Item [9] causing search overtime: "AmmoBox_12gaRubberSlug_10Rnd"
12:54:24 [CE][LootRespawner] (PRIDummy) :: Item [10] causing search overtime: "Mp133Shotgun"
12:54:24 [CE][LootRespawner] (PRIDummy) :: Item [11] causing search overtime: "Mag_Glock_15Rnd"
12:54:24 [CE][LootRespawner] (PRIDummy) :: Item [12] causing search overtime: "AmmoBox_380_35rnd"
12:54:24 [CE][LootRespawner] (PRIDummy) :: Item [13] causing search overtime: "CZ61"
12:54:24 [CE][LootRespawner] (PRIDummy) :: Item [14] causing search overtime: "Mag_STANAG_30Rnd"
12:54:24 [CE][LootRespawner] (PRIDummy) :: Item [15] causing search overtime: "Ammo_762x39Tracer"
12:54:24 [CE][LootRespawner] (PRIDummy) :: Item [16] causing search overtime: "AmmoBox_9x19_25rnd"
12:54:24 [CE][LootRespawner] (PRIDummy) :: Item [17] causing search overtime: "MP5K"
12:54:24 [CE][LootRespawner] (PRIDummy) :: Item [18] causing search overtime: "Mag_1911_7Rnd"
12:54:25 [CE][LootRespawner] (PRIDummy) :: Item [19] causing search overtime: "Mag_MP5_15Rnd"
12:54:52 [CE][VehicleRespawner] (PRIContaminatedArea) :: Initial random enabled for "StaticContaminatedArea" - Chosen nominal: 3
12:54:53 [CE][SpawnRandomLoot] (StaticPoliceCar) :: ChildType: Land_Wreck_sed01_aban1_police, lootmin: 3, lootmax: 5, wanted: 3, containermaxsum: 6
12:54:53 [CE][SpawnRandomLoot] (StaticPoliceCar) :: ChildType: Land_Wreck_sed01_aban1_police, lootmin: 3, lootmax: 5, wanted: 3, containermaxsum: 6
12:54:53 [CE][SpawnRandomLoot] (StaticPoliceCar) :: ChildType: Land_Wreck_sed01_aban2_police, lootmin: 3, lootmax: 5, wanted: 4, containermaxsum: 6
12:54:53 [CE][SpawnRandomLoot] (StaticPoliceCar) :: ChildType: Land_Wreck_sed01_aban2_police, lootmin: 3, lootmax: 5, wanted: 3, containermaxsum: 6
12:54:53 [CE][SpawnRandomLoot] (StaticPoliceCar) :: ChildType: Land_Wreck_sed01_aban1_police, lootmin: 3, lootmax: 5, wanted: 3, containermaxsum: 6
12:54:53 [CE][SpawnRandomLoot] (StaticPoliceCar) :: ChildType: Land_Wreck_sed01_aban2_police, lootmin: 3, lootmax: 5, wanted: 3, containermaxsum: 6
12:54:53 [CE][SpawnRandomLoot] (StaticPoliceCar) :: ChildType: Land_Wreck_sed01_aban1_police, lootmin: 3, lootmax: 5, wanted: 4, containermaxsum: 6
12:54:53 [CE][SpawnRandomLoot] (StaticPoliceCar) :: ChildType: Land_Wreck_sed01_aban2_police, lootmin: 3, lootmax: 5, wanted: 3, containermaxsum: 6
12:54:53 [CE][SpawnRandomLoot] (StaticPoliceCar) :: ChildType: Land_Wreck_sed01_aban2_police, lootmin: 3, lootmax: 5, wanted: 3, containermaxsum: 6
12:54:53 [CE][SpawnRandomLoot] (StaticPoliceCar) :: ChildType: Land_Wreck_sed01_aban1_police, lootmin: 3, lootmax: 5, wanted: 3, containermaxsum: 6
12:55:30 Player Survivor (78684555) kicked from server: 193 (Der Nutzer ist nicht mit Steam verbunden.)
12:55:30 [Disconnect]: Client 78684555 early disconnect
12:55:30 [Disconnect]: No player -> remove player info 78684555
12:55:30 [LoginMachine]: Force remove player Survivor (78684555)
12:55:30 [Disconnect]: DisconnectPlayerFinish 78684555
12:55:30 [Disconnect]: Remove player info 78684555
12:55:30 [Disconnect]: Player destroy 78684555
12:55:30 Spieler Survivor getrennt.

I Will play on the weekend with my friends. We have buy all the game to can play DayZ Offline without internet connection, and now we cant play together ... please for help

Sassar added a subscriber: Echo.Oct 12 2021, 1:05 PM

I Start with the following ServerConfig:

hostname = "SLAN"; Server name
password = "";
Password to connect to the server
passwordAdmin = ""; // Password to become a server admin

enableWhitelist = 0; // Enable/disable whitelist (value 0-1)

maxPlayers = 60; // Maximum amount of players

verifySignatures = 0; Verifies .pbos against .bisign files. (only 2 is supported)
BattlEye = 0;
enviromentType = "internal";

forceSameBuild = 1; // When enabled, the server will allow the connection only to clients with same the .exe revision as the server (value 0-1)

disableVoN = 0; Enable/disable voice over network (value 0-1)
vonCodecQuality = 20;
Voice over network codec quality, the higher the better (values 0-30)

disable3rdPerson=0; Toggles the 3rd person view for players (value 0-1)
Toggles the cross-hair (value 0-1)

disablePersonalLight = 1; Disables personal light for all clients connected to server
lightingConfig = 0;
0 for brighter night setup, 1 for darker night setup

serverTime="2021/5/1/8/00"; Initial in-game time of the server. "SystemTime" means the local time of the machine. Another possibility is to set the time to some value in "YYYY/MM/DD/HH/MM" format, f.e. "2015/4/8/17/23" .
Accelerated Time (value 0-24) This is a time multiplier for in-game time. In this case, the time would move 24 times faster than normal, so an entire day would pass in one hour.
Accelerated Nigh Time - The numerical value being a multiplier (0.1-64) and also multiplied by serverTimeAcceleration value. Thus, in case it is set to 4 and serverTimeAcceleration is set to 2, night time would move 8 times faster than normal. An entire night would pass in 3 hours.
serverTimePersistent=0; Persistent Time (value 0-1) The actual server time is saved to storage, so when active, the next server start will use the saved time value.

guaranteedUpdates=1; // Communication protocol used with game server (use only number 1)

loginQueueConcurrentPlayers=5; The number of players concurrently processed during the login process. Should prevent massive performance drop during connection when a lot of people are connecting at the same time.
The maximum number of players that can wait in login queue

instanceId = 1; DayZ server instance id, to identify the number of instances per box and their storage folders with persistence files
respawnTime = 5;
Sets the respawn delay (in seconds) before the player is able to get a new character on the server, when the previous one is dead
disableBaseDamage = 1; set to 1 to disable damage/destruction of fence and watchtower
disableContainerDamage = 1;
set to 1 to disable damage/destruction of tents, barrels, wooden crate and seachest
disableRespawnDialog = 1; // set to 1 to disable the respawn dialog (new characters will be spawning as random)

storeHouseStateDisabled = false; Disable houses/doors persistence (value true/false), usable in case of problems with persistence
storageAutoFix = 1;
Checks if the persistence files are corrupted and replaces corrupted ones with empty ones (value 0-1)

class Missions

    class DayZ
        template="dayzOffline.chernarusplus"; // Mission to load on server startup. <MissionName>.<TerrainName>
					      // Vanilla mission: dayzOffline.chernarusplus
					      // DLC mission: dayzOffline.enoch


the the following start.bat

@Echo off
::Server name (This is just for the bat file)
set serverName=SLAN
::Server files location
set serverLocation="F:\steam\steamapps\common\DayZServer"
::Server Port
set serverPort=2302
::Server config
set serverConfig=serverDZ.cfg
::Logical CPU cores to use (Equal or less than available)
set serverCPU=4

::Sets title for terminal (DONT edit)
title %serverName% batch
::DayZServer location (DONT edit)
cd "%serverLocation%"
echo (%time%) %serverName% started.
::Launch parameters (edit end: -config=|-port=|-profiles=|-doLogs|-adminLog|-netLog|-freezeCheck|-filePatching|-BEpath=|-cpuCount=)
start "DayZ Server" /min "DayZServer_x64.exe" -noSteamAuth -config=%serverConfig% -port=%serverPort% "-profiles=config" -cpuCount=%serverCPU% -dologs -adminlog -netlog -freezecheck
::Time in seconds before kill server process (14400 = 4 hours)
timeout 28790
taskkill /im DayZServer_x64.exe /F
::Time in seconds to wait before..
timeout 10
::Go back to the top and repeat the whole cycle again
goto start


It has been a year now and we still have heard squat, WHEN WILL THIS BE FIXED!!!

Any movement on this?

Unfortunately there are no estimates I can share with you. Please keep in mind, that this might take some time to be fixed as there are currently more severe issues that will have to be tackled first.

Recently I had this issue again. I logged in to a classic Internet server, got in, and after that I could connect to my LAN server.
It may be a coincidence, but It seemed as if the normal server resolved some BE Master issues with the client and it worked for LAN.

I will be trying it again.

Okay I will try this solution to connect on a official server and then without internet to connect to my local server :)

thx @zvukoper

Gramps added a subscriber: Gramps.Feb 10 2022, 9:06 PM

I had this issue recently. I went up to the mountains and tried to work on modding in steam offline mode. I could not connect to my local pc test server without using my phone to tether internet. I tried for hours and getting online seemed to be the only solution. This means if I lose internet, I can only play DayZ in Community Offline mode, not ideal at all...