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- User Since
- Feb 26 2014, 9:48 AM (578 w, 1 d)
May 11 2016
I was saying about committed memory, not in use memory, there is a little difference.
May 10 2016
I confirm too.
Done. Also, any anit-aliasing setting has the same result. Disabled is disabled and any other setting looks the same doing the anti-aliasing job, but looks the same, no difference.
Ok, but 1:1 input means no acceleration. Different mouses with different DPI need different sensitivity adjustments. A mouse move unit is translated to ingame movement based on a sensitivity factor. All we need is to fix sensitivity scale.
As I said, current minimum is not minimum enough.
I agree. Because the zombies are unfinished features in game yet, adding another unfinished re-spawn mechanic (and/or speed increase) make the game worse. I know that it is an alpha, but this is a public payed alpha, not in-house testing. So human error is understandable, but this kind of zombie respawn should not be included to stable or tested on experimental only for development purpose.
The game itself is wonderful, it proves that people in general are "miserable".
Great game!
Yep, my bad.
You didn't see this, right? :)
I like your idea.
May I add something?
- The one who suffers from paranoia etc, could randomly see some one, this would be very stressful for him.
- The amount of guild/paranoia could increase based on what weapon you have used to kill someone and what distance.
Using an SKS would increase just a litle your guild.
Using MP4 increase a little more.
Using Mosin increase a lot more. But, firing a Mosing and killing someone just a few meters away, would increase your guild just as using the SKS because in most cases it would be self defense.
The most guilty action would be killing someone from hundreds of meters away.
And negative guilt is not good, someone could preapare himself for starting to kill.
This is still present in build 0.44
I had the same issue with build 35.
Me and my friend spawned at the same time in two locations. Me in Gorka and he near Polana. I started heading from Gorka to Polana following the road. I assume that some zombies spotted me near Gorka and followed me to Polana. I was able to see the zombies all this time, but my friend who was waiting for me there in Polana was not able to see any zombie even when the zombies were running for him. Finally I killed them. I hope maybe this helps.
Another note: It is possible that my fried had some desync before arriving zombies to Polana, but at the moment the zombies were near him he had no connection problems and still not able to see them.
And for those who say that Objects detail Low is a cheat because you can spot the player easier, I just tested something: Objects Details High, but Texture filtering Very Low (Anisotropic 2x). Try it and you will see that even using High objects detail, you can still "cheat" using another setting texture filtering to easily spot enemy at distance.
So, my conclusion: We should be able to set our detail level in order to make the game playable. Cheating is another problem and I agree that something must be done in this direction, but this should not cancel other settings that make the game playable on low end PCs and/or video cards.
Player render distance should be fixed.
Grass must be drawn even on low object/terrain details, but with fewer polygons.
I confirm this too. But I am surprised that this issue is not "acknowledged" yet.
Can any developer confirm that this is a defect and would be fixed some day?
Many of us want to play this game with Object Detail Very Low because we get 5 or more fps. I see that Object Detail translates to Scene Complexity in the configuration file. This is an important game setting, but cannot be used to improve performance due to this bug.
Very High is 1000000 (I am able to see players far enough)
High is 750000 (I am able to see players far enough)
Normal is 500000 (Acceptable, but cannot see player too far, or see one half)
Very Low is 200000 (Cannot see player at more than 300 meters)