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Feb 4 2014, 5:25 PM (578 w, 6 d)

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May 10 2016

dan00087 added a comment to T94663: Remove login timer when logging back in to same server.

It is a pain to have to wait five minutes but I think this happens to you because you left the server to quick once joining it and it is in place because you get people that used to log out when they see someone or have an encounter with them, then they would log in to the same server and more than likely be at a advantage because the people they encountered had carried on so they are unaware of person behind

May 10 2016, 8:01 PM · DayZ
dan00087 added a comment to T94663: Remove login timer when logging back in to same server.

It is a pain when that happens used to suffer with that alot the build before the one you are playing on, this bug has the issue #0006147 but mine seems to have stopped it with the 144926 stable build,

I try joining servers with the lowest ping on, could give that a try and see if that helps you :)

May 10 2016, 8:01 PM · DayZ
dan00087 added a comment to T94662: Burlap Sack on Head.

lol epic fail :) if you watch this video on this, when the person takes the burlap sack off his hostage, the says he still can't see so he kills him lol

May 10 2016, 8:01 PM · DayZ
dan00087 added a comment to T94647: Jiggeling - Waggeling - Firehouse clash - NWAF.

I can confirm this is happening in build 114926, laid side ways right next to low wall that quantum has pictured and was in third person view, adjusted my field of view to minimum and looked at the the furthest edge (as if you was trying to look at floor in front of fire station) and could see the wall slightly moving up and down

May 10 2016, 8:01 PM · DayZ
dan00087 added a comment to T94647: Jiggeling - Waggeling - Firehouse clash - NWAF.

This is present in experimental build 0.34.115077

May 10 2016, 8:01 PM · DayZ
dan00087 added a comment to T94646: New fall damage too severe..

This may be to do with the ragdoll system not being implemented properly yet, say you go walking off a roof with the ragdoll system in place and working, it would more then likely cause you to flip or spin or rotate as you fall maybe all depends on how heavy the backpack you have and projection etc (like in real life) what we could be seeing as just landing on our feet on our screen maybe in the code it is reading it as character has just landed on his face or head equaling instant death.

It may or may not be this (depends if it is in the code and not animated properly yet)

May 10 2016, 8:01 PM · DayZ
dan00087 added a comment to T94638: Will not join Servers, Red X, "Bad Version, Server rejected connection".

I have this experimental build 0.34.115077 and can confirm this is not an issue as when you first go on change server it shows all servers for the stable build, by clicking on any on the arranging tabs above the server (Host/Hive/Friends/Players/Ping) it will then show you the servers for the experiment build that is being used

Basically what the red X's mean is the build you are on is not the same as that server hence the response you get when trying to join them. reinstalling will not change that issue, if you are using steam right click dayz and go properties and go to 4th tab betas it will either say NONE or Experimental in the 1st tab box and this will let you know what build you are using.

I have uploaded pics so you can see this, if you look at it the little white arrow on ping tab on first pic then on second pic where I have clicked host tab the little white arrow has move there :)

It is a easy mistake to make happens to the best of us at times, my response is not to offend you or insult you at all, just to let you know why you are having this issue hope it helps :)

May 10 2016, 8:01 PM · DayZ
dan00087 added a comment to T94638: Will not join Servers, Red X, "Bad Version, Server rejected connection".

if you don't know how to close the issue, above relationships and notes, underneath the pics I attached there are 3 boxes click the close one and just type something like resolved into it

May 10 2016, 8:00 PM · DayZ
dan00087 added a comment to T94628: Cannot load material file \dz\weapons\firearms\b95\data\b95.rvmat.

I have had this aswell in the experimental build 115077, I think its just a file not being loaded in properly

May 10 2016, 8:00 PM · DayZ
dan00087 edited Steps To Reproduce on T94557: moisin gun tip has no collision with wall when prone in third person view.
May 10 2016, 7:58 PM · DayZ
dan00087 added a comment to T94555: Characters feet no collision with wall when prone in third person view.

This is present in experimental build 0.34.115077

May 10 2016, 7:58 PM · DayZ
dan00087 edited Steps To Reproduce on T94555: Characters feet no collision with wall when prone in third person view.
May 10 2016, 7:58 PM · DayZ
dan00087 added a comment to T94500: dead bodies still stand up and move the head.

I have come across this quite a few times on last build, mostly when I am the one killed or unconscious as I have had people run up and ask if I'm friendly and have conversations with me lol.

Also have bandaged a bambi up that was bleeding alot then realized they were dead or unconscious as I can loot them.

May 10 2016, 7:56 PM · DayZ
dan00087 added a comment to T94480: Stable build 0.33.114926 No effect to character from high fall.

lordkalvaire what are you on about troll?

May 10 2016, 7:54 PM · DayZ
dan00087 added a comment to T94480: Stable build 0.33.114926 No effect to character from high fall.

@ lordkalvaire no problem mate :) thanks for having the decency to say sorry I have worked in QA for codemasters before so I wouldn't try trolling as its a pain for the devs to have to sieve through them and will waste more time on the game :)

May 10 2016, 7:54 PM · DayZ
dan00087 added a comment to T94480: Stable build 0.33.114926 No effect to character from high fall.

Issue has been resolved in experimental build 0.34.115077

May 10 2016, 7:54 PM · DayZ
dan00087 edited Steps To Reproduce on T94480: Stable build 0.33.114926 No effect to character from high fall.
May 10 2016, 7:54 PM · DayZ
dan00087 added a comment to T94469: Dead - Rooftop Tower Firehouse - NWAF.

sounds a mad one, ive been proned on top of the fire station roofs before but never double tapped alt before, have laid there before looking around using number keypad or turning mouse but never died.

With you being dead on the ground in front of the building sounds like it could be an issue with the locking off the character by pressing ALT to cause you to fall off the building whilst you see it as staying still on your screen, something like that, maybe get a friend to watch you doing this and record if they can then upload it on here, your POV and another players POV would help the dev with this issue

Hope this helps at all

May 10 2016, 7:54 PM · DayZ
dan00087 added a comment to T94469: Dead - Rooftop Tower Firehouse - NWAF.

no sorry can't say I noticed the jiggling happening but will have a look next time I spawn in, but my field of view was set quite high so will adjust it and see if I can reproduce :) will get back to you if I can see it :)

May 10 2016, 7:54 PM · DayZ
dan00087 added a comment to T94469: Dead - Rooftop Tower Firehouse - NWAF.

bug it up then mate :) didn't notice it happening with FOV set between half and three quarter

May 10 2016, 7:54 PM · DayZ
dan00087 added a comment to T94469: Dead - Rooftop Tower Firehouse - NWAF.

@ accolyte can you please tell me if fall damage has been disabled for this build or is it a bug, as i have bugged the issue but i did see a reporter on another issue state that its disabled, if its true I can close the bug so its one less to sieve through :)

this is the issue I put up #0008055

and quantum2k deffo not anything to do with your pc mines a old hunk of junk but has a goodish graphics card in so would of looked much worse on mine if it was anything to do with systems or graphic cards :)

May 10 2016, 7:54 PM · DayZ
dan00087 added a comment to T94469: Dead - Rooftop Tower Firehouse - NWAF.

Hi quantum2k6, I had a look at the jiggling and i did notice it slightly moving up and down but could only see it happening with field of view set to minimum. :)

May 10 2016, 7:54 PM · DayZ
dan00087 added a comment to T94383: Login location different to last logout.

I have had this a few times on the new stable build 114926, was at nw airfield at building with holding cell in and a upstairs room, ran over to the wooded area stopped and exited server. When I joined back in I was back in the building with the holding cell and had some random people standing there waving at me lol lucky he was friendly. It my be my internet causing abit of lag or desync as I'm with talktalk and they are not the quickest around.

May 10 2016, 7:51 PM · DayZ
dan00087 added a comment to T94201: Ladder glitching.

This is still present in experimental build 0.34.115077

May 10 2016, 7:45 PM · DayZ
dan00087 added a comment to T93995: DayZ Causing PC to fully shutdown.

I agree with erwin, most game crashes will never instantly shut down your computer, they either just freeze the screen leaving you unable to exit or do anything, hard reboot required. or they crash and go back to desktop.

But it could also be to do with that dayz in its current state at the moment is running on the cpu more then the gpu, where as finalized released games will be fully optimized to run the other way round hence why bf4 is not causing the issue, with each build the devs do, this issue will get better overtime as they optimize it more.

I did keep having an issue with my graphic card kernal a few builds ago where I would be in game running along or doing something then it would switch to my desktop error message would show up for kernal and the game would still be running in the back but will not display anymore so would have to alt+F4 it or task manager it to shut it down but I put my issue down to my pc being about 7 years+ with a goodish graphic card rather then the game itself.
Maybe your system has a sort of fail safe to stop the problem breaking something like your graphic card (I don't even know if computers do have that sort of setting or anything like that)

I am not an expert at this so it only possible suggestions for what is happening I may be way off the mark or could be near to it :)

May 10 2016, 7:38 PM · DayZ
dan00087 added a comment to T93875: Loot from military tents is missing..

This is still present in stable build 0.33.114926, all military tents on map have no loot in

May 10 2016, 7:33 PM · DayZ
dan00087 added a comment to T93867: Inventory rearranges every login.

I get this aswell, happens in my backpack, what it seems to do is move everything up to the top of the backpack when I have organised my items at top and bottom leaving a space in the middle area.

May 10 2016, 7:33 PM · DayZ
dan00087 added a comment to T92728: Fall Damage too high.

I was going to say that I am taking no damage from falling so the devs have disabled it have they as I have bugged it #0008055

May 10 2016, 6:48 PM · DayZ
dan00087 added a comment to T92666: Ruuning through objects.

This is still happening with most objects in the experimental build 0.33.114926, the only fence I can't run though is the ones in the middle of the fields when travelling through woods etc (thin wooden log type one that come up to about hip height, one log running along top then legs going down into ground)

May 10 2016, 6:46 PM · DayZ
dan00087 added a comment to T92571: I get unplayable desync problems..

I have had same issue on last build was not able to equip any items to my hands or pick things up or move them in my inventory or even open doors but noticed if I left then joined a different server the items I had picked up or moved in my inventory were there or moved to where I put them, but was still unable to put items in my hand, I was even waiting in a building to have some fun with someone when I suddenly died from something I couldn't see, then I heard someone looting my cold dead body lol (I would of said I was snipered but I was not in a shootable position from a sniper, was looking down at stairs so player would of had to walk in front of me and around me.) To me it was a major desync issue.

But since new stable build 114926 this issue seems fixed to me as I have not come across this issue again, all items are placed in hands and can be used and all doors open and people are visible again.

If I come across this issue again will add another note

May 10 2016, 6:43 PM · DayZ
dan00087 added a comment to T92559: There is no Police station... it add for the realism and another rare loot spawn place inside settlements.

If we are going to have a police station, I think they should add a prison into the game aswell

May 10 2016, 6:43 PM · DayZ
dan00087 added a comment to T87311: Loot falls.

This is still happening on the experimental build 0.33.114926, when at the north west airfield near Vybor I was in the building with the holding cell and office on the ground floor and upstairs is a room with 3 bunk beds and some lockers next to them, I was upstairs in the hallway and the room with bunk bed in, swapped some items or dropped them out of my inventory and they just disappeared, went downstairs and they had fell through the floor

May 10 2016, 3:33 PM · DayZ
dan00087 added a comment to T87311: Loot falls.

This is now seems to be fixed in stable build 0.33.114926 dropping items are on the floor in front of you

May 10 2016, 3:33 PM · DayZ
dan00087 added a comment to T86788: LOOT cycles.

I agree with a loot cycle as this would also stop the server hopping issue, they should set a time cycle so items will respawn around the area, not necessarily in exact same spot of the last item and do it so that it will be random items respawning aswell.

May 10 2016, 2:44 PM · DayZ