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- Mar 6 2013, 6:56 PM (628 w, 6 d)
May 10 2016
Yup, confirmed.
I'm interested if anyone else can reproduce this since I only can reproduce this sometimes.
I can confirm this.
Changed from 'game version' beta dev to beta, as it's still appears in 0.72.
Confirmed issue.
The right-hand light cone is always when it should be off. Turning on the lights makes it look normal again. However, the light also penetrates the hull, and shines light inside the helicopter (as if it's not directed light).
Collision lights are also on when it should be off, and they are flickering. I think it's z-fighting. Turning them on makes them look normal again.
Might just call this resolved now. Standard soldier now has both flaps retracted.
@boid I think you missed the point. It's about swapping the SF helmet with the regular helmet. I'll upload a picture to display the difference.
I've taken notice to that as well. I would prefer that they'd swap the helmets between Special Forces and regular Soldier(s), as the "two-flip glass helmet" looks more sophisticated then the one "one-flip glass helmet".
I mean, it's logical to think special forces gets the best gear.
I agree with metalcraze. The night isn't dark enough. I can kind of understand the current level of illumination for a full moon night - though I would like some tweaking - but on moonless nights it's still way too blue and bright. This also prevents other features, such as NVGs and flash lights, to be used frequent at night, as it's hardly needed for the player to see. At least, that's my current experience.
It doesn't take me too long to drive at an area where there are no street lights and little light-pollution from my town, and it's hardly this blue and bright for me as you'll see in the current build (alpha 0.60). On a side note, it would be interesting to see a more grainy effect when seeing with and without NVGs at night, but that's a different ticket.
Either way, current global/moon illumination and color settings at night is too bright and too blue. Somewhere in between ArmA 3 current and ArmA 2 (or early alpha build of ArmA 3) would perhaps be more suited.
Not sure you understand the meaning of gimmick, Veraxus.
Regardless, yes it's definitely one of those things that is in trend right now. However, I do not see that many developers, as you say, being hyped about Oculus Rift. I can see it has potential, but I do not think it will stick. That's my analysis of it right now.
The topic at hand is already been/being reviewed, so we'll just have to wait and see what BI's conclusion is. As well as the rest of the world thinks of Oculus Rift.
It would be cool, but I think the whole thing is a gimmick. So no, I don't think BI should waste time on implementing this. Global sales of this thing won't be very big, less then TrackIR even. But then again, TrackIR have been on the market for quite some time.
Still, I don't really see customers wanting to a have a big chunk of plastic strapped to their face for a longer period of time. VR won't be more then a gimmick until it's no lager then regular (sun)glasses, in my opinion.
Don't get me wrong, I like the idea of VR, I just don't think it's feasible at the moment.
I was hoping to promote this ticket, but unfortunately the relevant thread was closed (Probably for the best though). Still, the request still stands.
I think it's about high-time ArmA has an exclusion filter for both MISSION(S) and MOD(S). This way BI doesn't have to hide away DayZ, like they did for ArmA 2 (current version or beta build?), or any other mission(s) or mod(s) the client wants to hide.
May 9 2016
That is what I hope for as well, SGTIce.
I can confirm and recreate this bug. It also seems to affect "low-stand".
I agree. There should be some delay before you manage to throw the grenade as you need to take it out for use, pull the pin, etc.
But as far as I recall, the devs have said the feature is not quite done yet.
Not sure I need a 3D editor per se, but it would be nice to have some form of 3D editor JUST to get positioning (X,Y,Z) of objects and units right. For groups, triggers, sounds, and all that, I don't see why I would need a 3D editor for that.
I got to say I'm impressed how BI went to set up the post-processing settings in the beta (or soon-to-be beta). Separate options for a variety of PP effects and sliders to adjust the intensity of these effects.
This is much better then the usual on/off options most game has. Kudos to BI :)