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Feb 26 2015, 10:52 PM (522 w, 4 d)

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May 11 2016

amask added a comment to T115604: Vehicle suspension bug - upon respawning, the suspension infinitely spasms out, making the car unable to move..

Yep, i dont know if servers restart for me but that happened on two servers after disconecting for a few hours.

May 11 2016, 2:01 PM · DayZ
amask set Category to category:structures on T114310: Floating structures.
May 11 2016, 7:26 AM · DayZ
amask set Category to category:weapons on T113311: Stoped while running when you aiming and zooming with right click.
May 11 2016, 6:53 AM · DayZ
amask set Category to category:inventory on T111820: green child briefcase turn into a red one..
May 11 2016, 6:05 AM · DayZ
amask added a comment to T111785: Items in hands occasionally become invisible.

Got invisible things in hand and it's impossible to switch.
Nothing to do except log out.

May 11 2016, 6:04 AM · DayZ
amask set Category to category:animations on T111246: Drinking animation could not be repeated [suggestion].
May 11 2016, 5:46 AM · DayZ
amask set Category to category:items on T111244: Refuel truck with a container does not refuel..
May 11 2016, 5:46 AM · DayZ
amask added a comment to T111241: Ash wood stick can be cut from most any tree!.

Not tested in 0.56 but with 0.55 i never get that from a pine, but from birch, oak (i think) and one other, a big bush. And ashwood tree.
I hope it's not a bug! Before i found that, crafting bow or fishing rod require a long road.

May 11 2016, 5:46 AM · DayZ
amask edited Steps To Reproduce on T110302: Cancelling a drink action at pump but being hydrated..
May 11 2016, 5:15 AM · DayZ
amask added a comment to T110189: Animals are very rare compared to 0.54.

Yeah maybe, strange because i think see more deer or chicken at the first day of 0.55

May 11 2016, 5:11 AM · DayZ
amask added a comment to T110084: Landmine Bug when taken into Hands.

Same with beartrap.

May 11 2016, 5:07 AM · DayZ
amask added a comment to T110074: Walking between tanks in krasno airstrip and loosing steps sounds..

I join a screenshot edition, no foot steps sounds on the red area.

May 11 2016, 5:07 AM · DayZ
amask added a comment to T110074: Walking between tanks in krasno airstrip and loosing steps sounds..

Hello, i join a screenshot with indication on it for now.

May 11 2016, 5:07 AM · DayZ
amask set Category to category:sound on T110074: Walking between tanks in krasno airstrip and loosing steps sounds..
May 11 2016, 5:07 AM · DayZ
amask set Category to category:controls on T110073: character stand up and crouch in action..
May 11 2016, 5:07 AM · DayZ
amask added a comment to T110065: Gathered apples are invisible within the backpack.

I can confirm and that happen sometimes with loot.

May 11 2016, 5:07 AM · DayZ
amask edited Steps To Reproduce on T110057: Character crouch then step over instead of jump.
May 11 2016, 5:07 AM · DayZ
amask added a comment to T109862: Character stands up to eat.

I saw same kind of thing in different situations like, searching for stones or activated landmine.

May 11 2016, 5:00 AM · DayZ
amask added a comment to T109757: Pressing "V" while sprinting makes character crouch instead of jump.

Yes, since 0.55.

May 11 2016, 4:56 AM · DayZ
amask added a comment to T109603: Zombies are running too fast / teleport.

Zombie are too fast.
Is not how are zombies, zombies for me, are slow and are dangerous because of their numbers. It's no so hard to kill one of Those with something like an axe.
At the same time they are more dangerous sometimes. But it must be other ways to fight against, as attract them with meat.

In fact they are faster than the players because they can run just as fast uphill.

May 11 2016, 4:51 AM · DayZ
amask set Category to category:general on T108591: Floating loot ( red house ).
May 11 2016, 4:16 AM · DayZ
amask added a comment to T108580: grille texture display.

I notice that sometime i can see the grille from really far BUT if i get a little closer it turn into a grey texture.
And as usual i have to get really close to display the grille texture again.

May 11 2016, 4:16 AM · DayZ
amask set Category to category:structures on T108580: grille texture display.
May 11 2016, 4:16 AM · DayZ
amask added a comment to T108570: Using/refilling water containers.

Canceling an retrying isn't work for me in most of cases. Canteen or PET Bottle.

May 11 2016, 4:15 AM · DayZ
amask added a comment to T108563: Holding a weapon in hand at the well causes a strange message.

I understand but the point is, if my memory work fine, that dosn't happen before the new update so maybe it isn't a normal behavior.
Also, drink from a water pump can't be canceled.

May 11 2016, 4:15 AM · DayZ
amask added a comment to T108563: Holding a weapon in hand at the well causes a strange message.

Not really important but i agree, it could shows that the objects are not properly classified by type.

May 11 2016, 4:15 AM · DayZ
amask added a comment to T108559: Flare.

Test it again, i find one in a vegetable store, throw it in a train station, work fine, then throw it in a empty wagon, flare get back in the Train station. So not the exact same place i found it at first.

I take it again throw it on the road, it dissapear.
I get back to the train station and nothing, i get back near the empty wagon and i think i saw it before the light turn off.

So i get back on the road where i trhow it and here it is.

May 11 2016, 4:15 AM · DayZ
amask edited Steps To Reproduce on T108559: Flare.
May 11 2016, 4:15 AM · DayZ
amask added a comment to T108532: Application Error : The instruction at 0x00000000 referenced memory at 0x00000000.

I use your launch option since today, i do a short session ( 30/45 minutes) and one 3 hours session and crash did not happen.
It's happened every hour before. Maybe it's related.

May 11 2016, 4:14 AM · DayZ
amask set Category to category:gamecrash on T108468: Game crash.
May 11 2016, 4:12 AM · DayZ
amask edited Steps To Reproduce on T108463: Splint, craft and use.
May 11 2016, 4:12 AM · DayZ
amask edited Steps To Reproduce on T108452: Drink All, with all buttles..
May 11 2016, 4:11 AM · DayZ

May 10 2016

amask added a comment to T100618: [SUGGESTION] Persistent Bodies.

I not agree but it should stay on ground more time.(How many? i don't know)
It's like zombie body, they dissapear too fast.

I have the feeling that bodyes dissapear faster since the 0.55.

But i think it's a really good question.
And the great idea is to be obliged to have a shovel to hide a body.

May 10 2016, 11:26 PM · DayZ
amask added a comment to T86782: quick swap 1-9 doesn't work correctly 100% of the time.

I don't know if somebody allready say that but the hotbar work fine 100% of time when you open your inventory first.

May 10 2016, 2:43 PM · DayZ
amask added a comment to T86571: [PRIMARY REPORT] Random Zombie and Character action noises.

I heard many random sounds but for zombies'sound that dosn't happened to me, it's an invisble zombie(or maybe unrderground,he can cause dammages) or a zombie stuck in wall.

May 10 2016, 1:55 PM · DayZ