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- User Since
- Feb 12 2014, 3:50 PM (576 w, 5 d)
May 11 2016
I had this problem several times when tried to get better spawn place. I was killing myself some times then when got better spawn place I started to eat and drink. My status was not changing, but after relog I started to vomit immediately.
I think there is a bug with spawning. For example, I spawned in Kamyszowo (sorry, writing on phone and don't remember English version) and was running straight to Elektro. When I was near I was dying of starvation and dehydration. Didn't manage to reach water pump near school. I'm gonna open new ticket with this if I don't find one exists.
May 10 2016
Some cheats are caused of client-side things. Till they are dropped for server-side they cannot be solved.
Hello, how about that one report I asked for? And I'm sorry, can't check this on experimental because my character gets reset every time I log in and can't find proper items in that amount of time.
Is it happens every respawn you do or just every join a server?
Guess its part of your cloths, but It really annoys. It also happens to me with SKS with PU Scope.
I have the same. Now my character is unconscious and naked in main menu.
This has been reported several times. Please use search function.
I think the issue has gone (one I said in report), but sometimes game crash while joining servers or even in game.
It still happens.
I have uploaded an archive in *.rar as you requested.
I can also add it happens to me with latest stable and experimental branch. I am even able to upload a video showing this issue if it helps.
It also happens on experimental. What logs should I upload here?
I had similar issue. When I closed game I had a transparent layer on my pulpit and couldn't click on anything. I just could use keyboard and some 'windows logo+m' solved my problem.
Yeah, I have the same issue. I thought it's due painted, but had no chance to confirm.
Did you lie?
No, no, I meant were you crawling? You could "shoot floor".
Isn't it reported several times yet?
It's all because your language.
Same for me. I was respawned and my friend not.
I think it's more proposal than bug report.
I was playing today morning around 1h. After taken whole gear I changed server and noticed I am fresh respawned. Evening I was playing 1h+ on one server, when changed it with my friends I was respawned again, nobody expect me was wiped.
It happens with every food you try to feed. I think it's normal.
When the sound is stopped, can you open any music file in player and see if it goes*? I have similar problem, but not related to DayZ. Sometimes it just stops and as you mentioned everything with sound card looks correct, but you can't hear anything.
*progress bar of track
I have the same issue. Lost character yesterday and today twice. Fist today I was running like 2h for loot and having good time with friends, then I had to relog to the same server and my character was vanished. Second time I was playing like 30min, manage to kill a bandit with only hands and taken his stuff. Recently server went down so I joined similar server one more time and I was respawned.