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- User Since
- Mar 7 2013, 9:30 AM (625 w, 5 d)
May 10 2016
This Feature has already been scripted and used within Missions...
And what if the Gunner shot someone by Mistake? Not a good Solution on Public Servers I guess^^
It does not help monitoring Teamkillers by Admins on the Server!
That's pretty logic.
But if You shoot someone, YOU killed someone, not the other one sitting at Base commanding.
We're speaking of a Public Server here anyways :P But well, I think it needs to be fixed!
The Server crashes randomly.. It can reach from 1 hour to 6 Hours. I had the Server running once 6 Hours then it crashed again with the Faulty Modul. I don´t think that fixes it. I hope your Server lasts longer than this now with constant player counts!
Uploaded another Crashdumppack from the 3rd of July.
The Problem with the PhysX3_x86.dll crash still occurs.
I´ve seen reports for Invade & Annex (Domination) and like wise Missions that it crashes the dedicated Server + Clients. I have the same Problem lately (since Beta release) and the Mission really didn´t change.
I´m running a Windows Server 2008 R2 and the System specs are more than fine!
Good idea!
Updated Youtube Links.
Added more youtube links...
A player ( [APS]Gnat ) said, that this Feature already Exists in VBS so this would be mainly possible!
Minor, but still very helpful! Upvoted!
anyways, Upvoted.
so best workround is o update the Server to Devbuild and to force everyone connect to the server with a dev build?
May 9 2016
Thanks for the Reply!
I know what this Animation is good for. But Still I´m wondering if there could be such glide option, since sometimes you just hit the wrong action menu entry and fall off.
It should be actually just an overgaining Problem.
I doubt that you´ll go full volume.
Plus your sound gets balanced by surround technologies which normal stereo headset don´t do by default.
Onboard sound (Realtek) has a 'Subwoofer' feature which can be an issue for this aswell.
I did notice the same.
However, when checking your Sound Options, you´ll see that Every Sound Option is on maximum by Default.
Try lowering Effects to 50% or less.
This Feature has already been scripted and used within Missions...
Dude...yea I found that already, though
"I´d like to see seperate bipods and foregrips for Weapons which can be attached.
I think that would be a good feature!"
Dude :D
Pretty helpful in Urban Combat so I hope we get more Upvotes!
Seems fixed. Can be closed!
Reproducing steps:
1.Start Teamspeak 3 and connect to
- Start the game with the parameter -window
- Play the game and after some time Microphone stops working
Note: It´s NO USB Headset.
Or is there some problem with the Pipeline ArmA uses?
should be fixed by now. Still not sure what was causing it.
I can NOT reproduce the ntdll error. It sometimes appears when just
- Start arma3.exe with "C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\SteamApps\common\Arma 3\arma3.exe" -server -bepath=C:\BattlEyeTEST -profiles=C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\SteamApps\common\arma 3\users -name=server -config=server_coop.cfg
- Start Steam in Offline Mode
- Start arma3.exe as Admin with the Parameters:
"C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\SteamApps\common\Arma 3\arma3.exe" -server -bepath=C:\BattlEyeTEST -profiles=C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\SteamApps\common\arma 3\users -name=server -config=server_coop.cfg
(Server_coop.cfg provided in ZIP!)
- Run the Mission "TDNL_co80_Stratis_Slaughter
- Play, and see how it randomly crashes
(due to much AI I believe)
I am not sure how to reproduce this as this happened randomly.
The PhysX Error could be because of too much AI on some Mission..
I did add an exception to my Antivirus (Avira) so it does not monitor arma3.exe and it seems the Crashes are less happening.
Uploaded DxDiag and rpt files.
Please verify you are using your latest Graphic Drivers!