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- User Since
- Dec 18 2013, 2:11 AM (587 w, 6 d)
May 10 2016
Yeh I managed to Ninja some guy yesterday an had blood pooring out of him after I hit him 30 times with my Axe, I was waiting for him to fall over feeling like a boss then he's body dissapeared, he had really nice gear aswell
This has happened to me about 4 times now
I think the issue is people don't know how to setup their Monitors or TV's properly, it's quite laughable how many of my friends alone don't know how to setup the settings.
Turning up brightness of your screen will only reduce the dynamic range of lights and blacks. Almost all Digital TV's you want your brightness around 48% - 51%.
You turn your Backlight Brightness up to 92%-100% brightness an that will Illuminate the dark scenes but the black should still be rich, the lower the quality screen the less range your TV will have causing dark screens to look grey or glowing.
You should also have the option in these image settings to change the (Black/White levels) it will come under all different names an you want that on High to give you maximum range.
I can't really tell you what the contrast settings should be because they differ between TV's (experiment)
Then go to your Nvidia/AMD control panel and also in game settings and readjust your image settings accordingly to suit these new (TV settings )
If you do this Night time will look perfectly fine as it is.
I'm finding it really hard to put things in people's back packs, the symbol isn't coming up an would make trading so much easier.
I've noticed fruit and Soda Pop drinks spawn instantly when you drop them but everything else takes about 10-12 seconds to appear on the floor.
This has to be my biggest problem with the Game atm, when your being Chases by Zombies they just run straight through the building, through doors and fences.
Sometimes they just unexpectedly just ambush you inside a building an I've nearly died many times like this.
A separate issue is occasionally zombies won't make any noise until they've hit you catching you completely of guard, you can't even hear their footsteps.
I think the action radius needs to be increased, so when your hovering over an item you can pick it up from about 15% further distance would be nice.
The best tactic I've found is stand still whilst the zombie runs at you because then they run slower, and when they are 3-4 metres away just sprint at them whilst attacking an you should most defiantly get the hit first due their delayed response. Then step back or out the way at quickly as possible an they should miss you 70% of the time.
Hopefully this isn't too exploitative a tactic.
I Don't think 3rd person necessarily has to be removed to satisfy a certain portion of people but other methods can be used to nurf people from exploiting it's offset from the character giving a greater view than 1st person.
This is how I would address this, tell me what you think.
- When Player's Character approaches obstacle/object from 1.2 metres breaking vision either cause 3rd person camera to be locked above character or Lower the 3rd person Camera height and distance stopping player rotating to an exploitative extent.
- The harsher method is to lock the players ability to rotate camera independently around, and is fixed directly behind character, panning with players' direction changes. (3rd Person Only)
You don't, it's a stupid idea
To me 3rd person seems very much a part of DayZ, and I like being able to see my character at times.. but in saying that I wouldn't mind it being taken away an it'd be interesting to see how 1st person only would play out.
I can defiantly see drawbacks on 1st person also, but I can see where your coming from where people can abuse it.
Are people still commenting on this, you know they have a big match coming soon that's really overhauled a lot of the food system, capacities, rates, items spawns ect which should make a big difference.
When it comes out shortly everyone will be happy it's a compromise done really nicely so it's still going to be pretty hardcore but the concepts behind it are better so it's not over the top.
I agree with @Lemoussu, I've think you've got it spot on an I said the same thing basically above.
I think it should be "harder" but I think your player should need less food requiring you to look longer for food when you need to but not constantly.
For everyone coming to complain here, I'm afraid it's falling on deaf ears because the people making DayZ intended it to be this way, aimed at people that desire more realism and as they've said if you don't like it I'm afraid this game isn't for you.
Can you guys tell me what you think of these solutions, this is what I would experiment with if I was making DayZ,
After Eating and Drinking I would Create script pause timers which essentially stop the hunger and thirst decreasing and the time would be based around how much you've eaten/drunk (drank) so for instance 25% Tin of beans = + 2:30 (2 minutes 30 seconds) to {Hunger Pause Timer}
Where as if you ate 50% Tin of Beans it'd be + 2:30 to the existing 2:30 in the Hunger Pause Timer = 5:00
That's just an example, if you hopefully understood me. Thirst should have its own Pause Timer and should have shorter delays obviously than hunger.
Also you could either Increase Loot a lot more but decrease the value it adds to your total hunger/thirst forfillment a lot
Or you decrease loot to make people search more but give them more time to do so decreasing thirst and hunger rates.
I'd just like to add I want survival to be hard and I like that you can eat portions rather than all at once, it's added depth. Also Full Hunger/Thirst capacity need to be tweaked in relation to how much those Items add, however all items are supposed to be based on real calorie amounts
Our characters are essentially running marathons around the map, also with a big back packs and heavy gear. I'm really interested to know if weight comes into the Equation.
But a Marathon Runner can burn through 3200 Calories doing 26 Miles, sure you could survive on a Can of beans if your sitting around doing nothing because your burning very little. The average person takes about 5 hours 15 mins to complete a full marathon.
I don't think the rate is to much of an issue an I think it could be tweaked a bit, a good idea would be get to get physically slower the more hungry you are.
You could divide hunger into 2 data sets which is Hunger then it switches over to starvation which is essentially your body burning through your muscle and fat reserves with can take 2-3 weeks. I think for it to be fair Starvation mode should take longer than it currently does before you die.
This game should be hard! You have to compress real life into a manageable gameplay time frame, I think some people want it changed to much to the point it would become far to easy and would make the aspect of survival pointless.
I think sparce loot in certain regions need to be addressed
I found this game tough for the first 2 days an thought it was completely over the top, I've now learnt the map enough to quite easily stay alive.
I do find a fair few of the inland buildings completely bare an seem pointless to search. Like barns seem to be always bare, so do the farm huts. Almost every building in Dubky is empty an it's a waste of time searching there seeing as they're all tower blocks.
Personally I've found it quite rewarding learning the map, and loot routes. When ever I'm going to be travelling far I always completely quench my thirst and collect enough food in the bigger cities. It's not overly difficult an I'm not sure changing it would benefit the game, possible tweaking Food slightly but thirst is not an issue.
My Advice would be when you spawn is go straight to a water well as there's one in every town nearly. Drink until you are bloated an you won't need water for a while.
There should... be more than enough loot in major towns on the coast, an try an find yourself a water bottle. There's more than enough streams and Pond's all over the map to keep thirst quenched.
Sometimes towns are too sparce of items, I think a good idea would be to repopulate item spawns nearest to a spawning player would be helpful for people starting out.
I find it really annoying when people speak arrogantly enough to think their general experience represents everyone else's on the game, as those who haven't played DayZ before will struggle a lot more.
I think that your initial survival needs like thirst and hunger should be delayed slightly on first spawn in so you get a chance to collect enough stuff to aid your continued survival.
Also me an my friend thought it would be a good idea to have some natural resources placed around like berry trees, I dunno if this is in the game already, but it'd make sense these give you little calories
For me I've very excited about DayZ and can see it's full potential, but these particular issues of hunger, thirst and exhaustion are the biggest drawbacks currently to the Alpha an ruins the enjoyment of playing almost completely.
As soon as you spawn in your character is thirsty and 10 minutes in your character is tired. Marathon runners run for 3-4 hours without eating, on DayZ I can't currently stay alive longer than 30-40 minutes because I can barely find any food.
I'd just like to see the game survival aspect not dominate the experience so I'm able to enjoy other aspects.
I think you should need to drink every 2.5 hours and should need to eat every 4 hours where the demands become critical
Also, this is just a personal opinion I would guess but when your feeling Ill, exhausted, dehydrated or starving, the amount of screen blur is a little over bearing to the point where I'm unable to find food for myself or see where I'm going lol
They've made compromises for loot now, they've reduced a lot of the loot items like clothing, backpacks and M4's to make them more desirable and less overstated I guess.
Also they've added loot spawns which I suggested, which basically spawns loot in the spawn areas when someone spawns to make it easier starting out to motivate players that are less familiar with the game. I think this is a compromise that is fair an hopefully it satisfy people in this forum enough.
Also they've reduced the stomach capacity, meaning you'll need to eat less food to fill up. These features are being trialed on private beta servers at the moment and are soon to be released in a patch for the main servers
I agree with the loot not re spawning it's really annoying, I certaintly don't want to be able to find everything I need straight away but the vitals like loot need to re spawn because if a small group go to a town they can easily go through all the loot an other passers by won't find anything.
I do find nice gear a little to easy to find though.
It is quite clear that you have to type of Gamers on this both demanding different things. You have the Gamer who want's a hardcore simulation and take the whole simulation thing a little to far if I'm honest.
Then you've the players who want to play DayZ for the fun Game play elements and may play after coming home from school or work an haven't got a great deal of time to commit hours apon hours on DayZ.
I think 4 hours of Day/Night is perfect because you get exactly 3 days out of 24 hours.