User Details
- User Since
- Sep 19 2016, 1:18 PM (444 w, 3 d)
Jul 12 2018
Apr 16 2018
Actions added to some objects, such as the info stand are now very difficult to activate as you need to adjust your cursor on a certain position for it to show up on your screen. This is mainly noticeable while in third person. If you are in first person, it is a lot easier and the issue isn't as prominent.
Mar 26 2018
Mar 16 2018
Are there any updates on this issue? Hopefully this issue can be fixed for the next update.
Are there any updates on this issue? Would be great if it could be fixed for the next update.
Feb 19 2018
Jan 30 2018
Jan 25 2018
I can confirm this is still an issue as well, and has been for a few months now. Same as my ticket
Dec 12 2017
I can confirm that this is still an issue in 1.78. It is very annoying as people can easily exploit channels that have voice disabled with enableChannel.
Dec 4 2017
Considering it's been an issue for several major updates now and was originally broken in one, hopefully it can be fixed soon as it is quite bothering. Appreciate the response though.
Still an issue with 1.78. Has this been looked into yet?
Oct 24 2017
This would be very handy. I have had issues with players exploiting it with the ENDMISSION command on my server, and I know other people have had concerns about it too.
Oct 11 2017
Sep 26 2017
This is still an issue and has been around since Arma 3 was released. Any news on this getting fixed?
Sep 9 2017
Sep 5 2017
Jul 24 2017
This is still an issue, and very annoying. Fills my logs with information we don't need to see.
Jul 10 2017
Jul 9 2017
May 27 2017
May 26 2017
I have also noticed this issue. I understand that it might have been removed for certain objects that don't need the option, such as objects with no physics, however on my map I have previously made many objects simple objects and now I can't change them back if I want to.
May 19 2017
I think the idea suggested by @Gnashes would be a very good solution to this issue. This would allow for more than 1 admin to access the debug console at a time, and I doubt it would pose any security issues as well.
May 17 2017
Apr 25 2017
I can confirm that I am experiencing similar issues with this command, as well as canAddToUniform, canAddToVest, and canAddToBackpack. I am unsure of the cause, and I can confirm that it is not only an issue with the Bergen backpack. It seems to report inaccurate results for other clothing items as well. I read another feedback ticket regarding a similar issue as well, which you can see here: I hope that there will be an update to this issue sometime soon as I would love to be able to use these commands.
Mar 3 2017
Not sure why these weather issues still haven't been addressed. It's been so many years since they've been reported.
Any updates on this issue? Several years later, and weather commands are still buggy and an issue.
Feb 8 2017
I believe this issue may have something to do with the audio side of the game. The reason I say this is because ever since I lowered my ingame audio sources value in the settings to the lowest value, I have not experienced a 4 frame glitch since. Despite this however, I do still get out of memory crashes, but no where near as regularly. Prior to changing this setting I got 4 frames constantly, usually at around 100 minutes of my game running.