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- User Since
- Jul 4 2015, 6:51 PM (504 w, 1 d)
May 10 2016
It actually is an issue with deadzone set to maximum (maybe over 50% is enough). Running is ok but running in tactical stance and walking is not. Here's video how to reproduce the issue:
I don't think this has anything to do with the bug since I'm not experiencing it.
I have no idea what could be the source of your problems. GPU drivers?.. Really no idea. Just in case try to update all software needed to run ArmA like DirectX, gpu drivers, net framework and stuff.
Vlad can you explain it again without imitating Christopher Walken? I have no issues with aiming deadzone since last update.
Works just fine, check your game cache integrity maybe.
Would ruin feeling of realism.
Agreed. New Full Body Ghillie suits are great and only thing that stands out is a weapon. I would say attachment in slot of Laser Pointer/Flashlight or maybe Bipod variants which adds ghillie wraps on a weapon.
Exacte. 1 of those spares probably land in a weapon.
Totally agreed.
You should contact creators of the mod not ArmA staff about that. Vanilla ArmA 3 has scopes with alternate sights.
Why are you referring to mod weapons? In ArmA 3 you can access iron sights by detaching the scopes.
AKM is a mod weapon, Breaking Point is a mod. If it's not a bug you have experienced in vanilla ArmA 3, you shouldn't even create a ticket about it.
Fixed in version 1.48 even though not mentioned in SPOTREP. Hoorah.
After further inspection I've noticed that weapons, even with weapon deadzone enabled do not retain that feature when running while binoculars do and that is the real problem. Running and turning with binoculars in hand and weapon deadzone enabled makes it impossible to properly move around.
Yes, vehicle steering overhaul would be much helpful, some vehicles are very easy to flip over and sometimes after entering the vehicle (happens with ATV all the time) the steering is locked to the right or left because you touched the mouse while entering the driver seat.
Double tap to speed reload seems a good idea.
May 9 2016
Just look how they have done it in Insurgency. Perfect. Would really like that in ArmA.