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- User Since
- Mar 6 2013, 2:19 AM (626 w, 4 d)
May 10 2016
I experience the same problem. To fix this, I had to unmap Brake (analogue) from the throttle. Only use the Thrust (Analog).
A footage from DCS A-10C showing an F-15 taking down a Hind I believe.
at 1:24, an F-15 fired 2 short bursts within a time period of 1 second. I understand the independent fixed-wing jet has a gun that fires at a slower rate, but 10+ seconds is way too much for taking down another aircraft. Those things are fragile.
At least decrease the stopping distance. I play a lot of racing simulations, and it takes a lot less distance to go from 300 km/h to a complete stop. For example, it takes 30m for a modern Lamborghini to go from 100 km/h to a stop. It should probably take about 150m to 200m to go from 300 km/h to 0 assuming deceleration is constant. Currently, it takes about 370 - 400 meters to stop the hatchback from top speed.
Also, fix the turning radius. Its way too high at 150 to 180 km/h. I feel like those sports cars are just death traps at the current state.
ArmA 2 never had those features. What you're referring to are all features from the ACE 2 mod. I'm pretty sure ACE mod for ArmA 3 will be made, but it would be nice if Bohemia could include those features into the vanilla game.
I think I'll be okay with this if it takes 10 seconds or more for the whole procedure to complete.
May 9 2016
I think the FPS drop happens when you're looking through thick foliage. If you're looking at areas without any vegetation, the FPS will stay the same.
Seems like a hard problem to fix. This was around ever since ArmA 1.
I thought you can set all this in the Game Settings menu. I haven't really tried tweaking it though.
Not an issue anymore. This was fixed a week back.
Been a problem since ArmA 1. I occasionally play ArmA with my X52 Saitek - and I have to rebind my joystick every time I launch.
This also happens when using the car's mounted turret monitor zoomed in and then switching back to the standard view.
You could also press step back to stop walking.