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- User Since
- Jun 7 2013, 6:55 PM (612 w, 3 d)
May 10 2016
hey man the same,ineditor etc all is ood,but wehn i join a miltiplayer server,doenst matter with wich framret,than the frames go dow to 5 :(.
hha nahw sorry,i overreacted :)yeah that would be soo cool,well youre right,uhm its kinda loong ago but i once could open the doors with the scroll down menü but as i tried it the next day it wasnt possible anymore so :/.
okay hang on,now turn your brain on,still confused yes?okay i'll help you,but first finish your baby meal okay,done yes?cause i dont know there was a forum -.-
Sad to hear that,thanks guys.
really?but i cant choose them.
I'd think its a real good idea.
ups,fuck,i meant glass and yeah R3vo that right,same with planes and helikopters :)
oh,thats it i guess,i accidently crushed the first into a house,as i flew low :Dthanks :).
hahah :D; nope,i didnt,
original one is closed,so,that wont matter anyway,but here
have fun with it :D
It was a vanilla vehicle :),he closed it :D
well,anyway,i should go now,cya,or not,do whtever you do,take care
oh,okay,that dont works with me mm,well,i kinda think so yes,cause small is good,etc,but,seeing it from the logistic side it is a biiig change and very expansive,+you need to teach them how it works and so on :).
@AD2001 wow,but i cant use it no matter what,there are 2 oppurtunitys,1st,im doo dump,2nd it just dont works,i kinda pretend to 1st but thats hwo you look on it,mabe you tell me how it works?,with carry arround i meant,like on the bag back such big ones :).
well,anyway,i should go now,cya,or not,do whtever you do,take care
and i came back -.-,nope,not at all,does it seems like?
@ AD2001 yeah,whatever
Nope,not even a little,is it tht hard,to go out and care about your own life?
You wehre provokating, ''junk'' well,if that is so,than go and pointing somwehre else,
@Semiconductor,1st of all,im not your pal,2nd,you started provocating,3rd,what do you think who you are?,do not call me pal,you dont even know me,youre definitly sick.
@Semiconductor, NOOOOPE i cant,fuck off jerk-.-
That would be really cool
upvoted,cuz awesome
hey man,thank you :),im sorry for my bad english,i wrote this issue too fast :)
May 9 2016
hey man the same,ineditor etc all is ood,but wehn i join a miltiplayer server,doenst matter with wich framret,than the frames go dow to 5 :(.