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- User Since
- May 20 2014, 7:59 PM (565 w, 2 d)
May 10 2016
Yeah, the animals are quite rare (only saw 1 boar), but this could be an engine limitation on how many AI entities can exist at one time.
Confirmed. It also works if you just holster the flare or use something else from your inventory.
Awesome, thanks!
I just also wanted to note that I also got this 0% glitch when I ate some canned peaches, only happened one time.
Confirmed. This happens to me 95% of the time when exiting buildings. It is especially frustrating when it teleports you on top of a factory and you fall off and die. Sometimes I can't even leave the area and I am forced to change servers. Could be an issue with the server trying to "smooth" player displacement over distance, but instead reads that you are running into a wall even though the player left the building.
These objects do have some sort of collision model or navmesh because the player does not clip through them. The physics engine might not be checking for collision often, especially if the server is laggy. This is also very similar to the problem where dropped inventory items fall through the floor.
I tried it with a banana. The glitch works if the server is quite laggy.
Confirmed. I get this issue from time to time. This problem also affects items in your quickslots. I usually fix it by switching servers. This issue could be related to player desync. I noticed that when I desync from the server or experience extreme lag, this issue appears. Could be a coincidence, but it has happened to me several times already.
Confirmed. I get this issue most of the time when I connect to servers and there is a spawn timer. I get stuck on Please wait... for several minutes, but I always manage to enter the game if I wait long enough.
I had this issue with almost all the handguns at some point. It happened to me when I chambered a round and fired. Then the round was just stuck and I could not even drop it out of my inventory. I had this issue with the 1911 and the FNX so far.
This is an LOD issue. The bullet impact effect just needs to get its own level of detail setting that the player can adjust.
The bullet impact effect should get its own level of detail setting, so players can adjust to their liking on how far away hits should be rendered. Right now I believe the bullet impact is just grouped with all other effects in the game and fades at the same distance.
You guys just made my day!
Dual wielding bananas and weapon attachments. Need I say more?
I observed similar things as silencerx. I mentioned in a previous report that the server is most likely trying to smooth player movement over distance, but instead detects that your player is colliding with something. This not only happens in buildings, but also occurs with fences an sometimes even indoors.
Two ways to work around this issue (not 100% reliable):
- Move until you think your player is about to be teleported back, use an item in your inventory (this causes the server to play a different animation and most likely update your location)
- If stuck in a doorway, face out the doorway and move ~15m out; the server would have already updated the location of your player and detected no collision when smoothing movement (more reliable than previous method, but kinda sucks if you are stuck on a higher floor).
Character teleportation seemed to have gotten much worse in the 45 experimental release.
I barely experience this issue in 44 Stable.