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- Mar 5 2013, 6:45 PM (625 w, 6 d)
May 10 2016
Place move waypoint, set radius (and other parameters as you wish), place second cycle waypoint - should do the job you need.
should be random, that's the point of this radius thing
breathing should be changed:
but not movement speed, personally i very much like current speed, limited sprint and pace of the game
"In all cases" - i meant only repro.steps in ticket description, but anyways it doesn't matter i've just tried and it makes no difference (which is common logic).
It auto-loads magazine only if magazine exists in inventory (any free container) at the time of adding weapon, for example:
player addUniform "U_B_CombatUniform_mcam_tshirt";
player addMagazine "30Rnd_65x39_caseless_mag";
player addWeapon "arifle_MX_F";
This is major issue with terrain rendering since... forever :(
duplicate for
duplicate for
duplicate :(
any, at least approximate, ETA?
I like movement speed how it is right now, slow paced, I slowed down a2 animations and thought, that I will need to do the same for a3, but devs surprised me :)
Although I also think, that breathing sound is overdone, your character really breath as if he will go unconscious or die :)
Any chance of at least investigating this issue?
I've just checked - everything is fine!
Killzone_Kid you're absolutely right in all cases, except, that removeAllContainers itself suggests, that it should literally remove all containers, but instead previously it didn't remove uniform and made a bug, so it's not right to simply "let it be"
I support addition of another separate command for you case.
i don't understand what's the problem, simply remove everything except uniform, there is no logic in your words
haha :)
this command is on the wiki:
Problem still exists in latest stable.
May 9 2016
try -noPause (parameter for exe)
Even in arma3 this basic stuff still not done :(
It would be great to make this feature from scripting standpoint. I don't care if it is possible or not to attach/detach it in the game, but I don't understand, why I can't do it via scripting, why there is still separate models for the same weapon? If BIS goes "attachment-way", then it should be 1 weapon model and everything else as attachments (addPrimaryWeaponItem). Don't understand why it is "half-way" implementation right now.
Island editor is different from mission editor. Also any internal development software is not appropriate for any public release, unless it was specifically developed for that in mind.
where to throw money to get this feature?
By the way you could always set "setViewdistance 12000" since OFP and no issue with grass (setTerrainGrid), most other options, though, are an issue...
Why post processing is important? Such mods as ACE or any other mods can use postprocess for creating immersion effects, for example the state of suppression or fatigue or injury, BUT anyone can simply disable postprocessing, that's why there is only one way to create some obstruction effect in any state - to use some static image overlay or titleCut cutText, which is not very diverse...
Of course I agree, that motion blur or anything similar can be annoying and I personally always used "PROPER" addons for arma2 which disable such effects for weapons and vehicles, BUT I can't for example make any addon which uses postprocessing simply because anyone can mitigate any such effect :(
Practical example:
such addon must use postprocessing or it would not be possible to have such effect as blurred view and/or desaturation, but imagine if this addon would be used in multiplayer and anyone can disable this effects, which are the core sense of addon...
Main point of all this:
either postprocess or shadows are enabled/disabled via settings/scripting/addon it should be THE SAME for everyone in multiplayer, at least there should be necessary administrative controls for achieving it