just like my other ticket.
a simple waypoint where you would only need to place once.
acts like a dismissed waypoint but they do not sit down and vice versa.
so they literally patrol that area.
really useful and really simple :)
just like my other ticket.
a simple waypoint where you would only need to place once.
acts like a dismissed waypoint but they do not sit down and vice versa.
so they literally patrol that area.
really useful and really simple :)
Place move waypoint, set radius (and other parameters as you wish), place second cycle waypoint - should do the job you need.
So every time the unit goes back to the first waypoint with the radius, he will be random every time?
So yeah... It will be technically patrolling around a radius.
I will try this but still would be a nice addition something little and useful to make it that much easier for people
so will the "cycle" waypoint have to have a radius too? so when they loop both waypoints be random?
ive tried what you said and it doesn't work to how i was hoping.
i placed 2 waypoints literally on top of eachother, 1 was move (safe, limited) and a cycle waypoint.
i watched the unit literally walk to a position and walk to another and he REPEATED the same path over and over.
he did not randomly patrol that radius. (i.e. not in a single line but all over)
hmmm :(
The random position factor for any object placed in the editor is determined only once at mission start. This is why it cannot work just like that.
Voting up, I also wish there was a truly random patrol waypoint.
^ yep you are correct there, it only chooses the random pos once at mission start.
even if it was able to re calculate the waypoint over and over would be enough for me