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Dec 10 2014, 8:31 AM (536 w, 6 d)

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May 11 2016

LuisCyphre added a comment to T110036: Sudden death by walking or standing on stairs.

Might be related to this:

May 11 2016, 5:06 AM · DayZ
LuisCyphre edited Steps To Reproduce on T110036: Sudden death by walking or standing on stairs.
May 11 2016, 5:06 AM · DayZ
LuisCyphre added a comment to T109717: Lower body disappearing after rolling on the ground.

Thanks. May I add something.

This wasn't very hard to discover, it just came up with three machines reliably, and I suspect it will do for everybody.

IMHO, that kind of issue could and should be avoided by following a simple checklist of animations (or whatever a given change may apply to) on a few installations before pushing to stable. Same goes for a lot of other issues reported here, most notably game breaking stuff like the current loot distribution dysfunctionality.

Granted, you can't do that with everything, but at least some superficial QA for _stable_ releases is not too much to ask for anymore, is it.

May 11 2016, 4:55 AM · DayZ
LuisCyphre edited Steps To Reproduce on T109717: Lower body disappearing after rolling on the ground.
May 11 2016, 4:55 AM · DayZ
LuisCyphre added a comment to T109603: Zombies are running too fast / teleport.

I agree completely, making them a challenge is ok if implemented well - but as things are they warp all around you while hitting at the same time, attacks not in sync with their movements. Also they land hits when they appear to be well out of reach.

That's not a "challenge," that's sloppy programming. Or unfinished programming pushed to stable all the same, which is in view beyond acceptable alpha stage issues.

May 11 2016, 4:51 AM · DayZ
LuisCyphre added a comment to T109592: 0.55 Version Sucks Ass Becouse Of Zombies. You Motherfuckers..

Ah, so you're from Vulgaria?

May 11 2016, 4:50 AM · DayZ
LuisCyphre edited Steps To Reproduce on T109527: Rubber arms when throwing items.
May 11 2016, 4:48 AM · DayZ
LuisCyphre added a comment to T109526: Rubber arms when throwing items.

The reporting system created a double report due to rejection of an upload (file type not allowed). Complete report here:

May 11 2016, 4:48 AM · DayZ
LuisCyphre edited Steps To Reproduce on T109526: Rubber arms when throwing items.
May 11 2016, 4:48 AM · DayZ
LuisCyphre added a comment to T109286: Loot on floor after login.

It does. Because the positioning is simply not saved to the database, a vexing condition I must say (why not, that's not more than a few additional bytes if at all? While in-game, there must be some array holding that information), vexing because the arrangement of items has a lot more uses than just effectively using space. I think that problem only arose at about V .42, but I may be mistaken there.

I observed this very same problem yesterday, with a long range scope (that's just 2 slots) dropping to the floor on login, on experimental.

May 11 2016, 4:40 AM · DayZ
LuisCyphre added a comment to T108532: Application Error : The instruction at 0x00000000 referenced memory at 0x00000000.

Can someone confirm that please...

May 11 2016, 4:14 AM · DayZ
LuisCyphre edited Steps To Reproduce on T108239: Allow additional Experimental installation.
May 11 2016, 4:03 AM · DayZ
LuisCyphre added a comment to T107177: Fire pit bugged on backpack.

This has been the case for quite a while, you need to drop the backpack (or the clothing item in which you are carrying the fireplace kit), then you can drag it out.

Annoying, especially since it might screw up your hotkeys (or let things disappear completely, depending on where you drop it).

Given that in current beta you cannot attach anything to the fireplace kit, much less light it, and there's a new inventory icon, I'd say we're looking at an issue that may resolve itself.

May 11 2016, 3:27 AM · DayZ
LuisCyphre added a comment to T106184: Time of day or restart warnings.

Just to know the time, by looking at the sun for instance, is not enough for the purpose, because you don't know at what time the server will perform a restart.

Why not include a restart warning message by default in the server files?

May 11 2016, 2:50 AM · DayZ
LuisCyphre edited Steps To Reproduce on T106184: Time of day or restart warnings.
May 11 2016, 2:50 AM · DayZ
LuisCyphre added a comment to T106167: Military Toxicity (High-End Civilian Loot).

There should be high end civilian loot even in respect to weaponry. A good hunting rifle with next to no recoil and good optics in a common hunting calibre should beat any mosin as long as the target is not wearing ballistic protection.

As to the other discussion: The only reason people even think about killing each other, and on sight as well, is because the environment is totally benign. Zs aren't any danger once you've grabbed an axe, even a farming hoe will suffice if you're not stupid as hell.

If the environment was really dangerous, so people would actually NEED each other's help, things would be totally different. For instance, keeping a tide of Zs out of a house, and you can't do that alone. You need to find other survivors to help you barricade and defend the place. Now THAT would be awesome.

Of course none of that is feasible with the present, erm, zombie pathfinding.

May 11 2016, 2:49 AM · DayZ

May 10 2016

LuisCyphre added a comment to T87313: Player footsteps should make more noise.

Correctly implementating this would finally give looking for new or certain shoes (or even crafting them) a real gameplay-wise value.

Ever ran in heavy boots? Yup, you'll make a lot of noise, even if you try to avoid it. Jogging shoes or mokassins should have much better stealth capabilities, while providing much less of a warming factor than, say, combat or working boots.

Wellies will keep you dry, sure, but have you ever tried to run in some? They should squeak. Loudly. As should damaged shoes!

May 10 2016, 3:33 PM · DayZ