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- Mar 7 2013, 8:11 PM (625 w, 4 d)
May 11 2016
"""""the server should be offline right now 'cause of weekly maintenance, so the central hive is down, no zeds, no loot no save character... Strange that you can find server at all...""""
Just the usual stuff, flashtlight and battery. But your post mist3r sounds reasonable.
thanks lets all hope
I have had the same problems this week 6-8 times, Day-z Stalls so you (freeze-ed screen) cant move, I turn of my comp as I cant exit normally and hey-presto I come back in and I have nothing. It's really F'in annoying after I have just kitted up to the max. Please fix
May 10 2016
Don't you think that maybe the ground around the water is saturated and damp?! You're obviously walking through wet/damp ground otherwise there would be no trigger to activate the change in sound.
The dynamics of the game will change greatly once more is added, such as tents and vehicles and more of the group-based aspects. Right now it is very much-so a KOS fest because there really isn't much to do except right around and get in to fire-fights.
A thermometer would be helpful if you find one that isn't damaged, but a weather station doesn't quite seem viable as players wouldn't know how to operate the equipment or read the data (for distant forecasting), as well as needing to power the station.
A weather station, however, would work (if able to get up and running) to just see any storms/precipitation in the immediate area (within a number of km) of the station on a display of green/yellow/red/magenta, which could maybe forecast for the next 30-60 minutes (not days).
I have not had this issue. Are you aiming down the sight with right-click or with numpad 0?
I have noticed that right-clicking with a weapon at the low ready will raise the weapon and aim down the sight, while pressing Numpad 0 with the weapon at the low ready WILL NOT raise the weapon up, and instead has the character look down through their own body.
It only sometimes doesn't work. They also do work and illuminate rooms when laying on the floor without a gas canister.
This was a server setting in the mod... which may very well be a server setting now and not exactly a bug. This may not be on purpose, although it may be to make you think twice or take precautions before swimming.
Were you wearing gloves? Disease (such as brain flu or infected wounds) can be transmitted from person to person and has a lot of variables to it which determine the likelihood of it happening; One of the things that matters is gear. It makes plenty of sense for someone with infected wounds to pass the infection to someone else that happens to be touching the wound. I don't know if you played the mod, but you could pass infection via coughing (airborne) near other players.
This is due to the server desyncing itself, not so much the individual player desyncing. This mostly happens on lower-end servers that cannot properly keep up and process data with the number of players on at the moment, or which have been running for too long without a restart.
This is something that has existed since the mod on Arma 2. It isn't so much a bug as it is just unoptimized servers.
@ Biceps: They also hit spacebar so they raise the flashlight up in front of them so it's pointing straight.
The servers each have their own specific configuration files for connecting to the hive, as well as setting a time offset to get them in sync with the appropriate local time. Most likely, the current issue is that all of the servers had one blanket config used across all of them. This isn't a public hive issue.
That is a texture issue. I suggest you guys look in to updating your gfx drivers, as I (nor any of my friends I'm playing with) have had this issue. If you're using current beta drivers, then I'd recommend you roll back to the most recent stable build.
Also, try turning your post-processing down all the way and lowering bloom in your gfx settings in game.
i5 4670K @ 3.4GHz
GTX 770 2GB
Win 7 64bit
All settings on high with post-processing on low and ambient occlusion disabled.
No problems looking in to or being inside of a city at all. Frame rate does not drop.
I have put all of them together here, the ones above are also in the link...I hope you can resolve my issue.
Thanks for taking the time to try help me,
May 9 2016
Yeah, but I just took this as an exapmple.