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- User Since
- Feb 28 2015, 3:29 AM (522 w, 3 d)
Feb 23 2021
can reproduce, crashes game constantly until you power down or unplug the stick, something about force feedback that arma3 exe doesnt like
Oct 19 2017
@Wulf The issue no longer seems to be present, can close the ticket. Thanks for follow trough.
Aug 20 2017
Crashes on stable again, clean revalidated Arma3 without any mods or DLL's present. MSI Afterburner no running. No other overlay software loaded.
To test this out it would be best to test it with a pure Arma 3 game, not just with the mods disabled, to see if the issue still persists even with a pure install
Aug 10 2017
Crashes again on stable (didn't check on dev) with mods error is the same, w/o mods first time it didn't crash, and the last time it crashed with error 0x00000FF - Unknown with MSI Afterburner OSD or without it, so that is not the cause...
Exception code: C0000094 INT_DIVIDE_BY_ZERO at 02143A2C
Aug 9 2017
Another crash this time in 2d map mode.
Aug 7 2017
Forgot to mention that I verified game cache and tried deleting profile, none of that helped.
Jul 9 2017
Oct 25 2016
With fresh intel from @kju-PvPscene I got this resolved.
Sep 24 2016
Jul 25 2016
Hi. This seem to be fixed somehow as it is no longer the case for me. Launcher starts pretty fast now, after "Initializing" and then "checking for updates".
Jun 28 2016
May 10 2016
No sorry, I can't reproduce anymore. Possibly Steam overlay was causing this. I was trying to make it crash with procdump -e -me arma3.exe crash.dmp running in background and have caught two exceptions but not crash. I am going to try again with Steam overlay and FPS counter and procdump and will see what will I get. If it crashes I will link dump file here.
If you need anything else let me know. I can probably get full memory crashdump next time it happens so I will add it.
Nope. I have no idea why it crashed, and cant reproduce anymore, so its invalid I guess.
I am not aware there are any wind ambient sounds or anything related present in Arma3. If you think waves and stuff that comes from the boats config ( vehicles ) so that is not ambient. Even swimming comes from soldier config when interacting with water, so its the same as in boat example.
It does not make sense to disable ambient animals and have sounds related to them. However I do agree it is a dirty "fix" to disable some feature in this way, but in absence of any other sounds related to it, seems legit.
This needs a fix or be removed until fixed. Having objects spawning on the server without the possibility to reduce it or turn it off makes no sense. Like you forcefully made something and impose it to run on our machines without even asking or saying anything about it. I'd have a kiss rather before, if you know what I mean.
What sounds? Arma3 haven't got any ambient sounds.
Confirmed, very annoying. Affects Altis and Stratis, not community islands.
Can be disabled with
waitUntil {time > 0};
enableEnvironment false;
Note that this will disable all ambient life, so no snakes, no bunnies, no butterfly's, flies, mosquitoes and other pests etc..
While it is not critical it is certainly a long standing issue which needs to be taken care of. Maybe it would fix a problem with clipping trough rocks and getting players hurt from them as well.