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- User Since
- Dec 17 2013, 8:33 PM (585 w, 5 d)
May 10 2016
Renders the game almost unplayable.. Rubberbanding and lag way worse than I've ever experienced in the game, me and my 6 teammates had to stop playing last night cause of this
I am about to remove myself from the dayz feedback process if this is not fixed.
Had 25 emails this morning from this spam its absolutely ridiculous.
Why are guests without accounts able to add notes....???
Pretty unprofessional.
should be a quick fix no??? how can you allow guests to post comments its lucrative.
Happened twice in the last two days, once in the hospital once in the high rise apartments.
plus... a school in a lumber yard.... come on guys berezino needs attention. Should be one of the best cities and its shiat.
Confirmed on multiple occasions.. think corpses disappear more than they stay corpses
It sometimes happens so bad now it's not just "blurry" it gives me just a blank red and black screen until I go into video options
Also if you use the sit function while holding out your weapon, he seems to sit then stand up again right away.
Confirmed.. never used to do it. started happening yesterday out of nowhere...
Just happened to me ... Sucks
I think it was a sweet feature in the mod, however after playing without it now I think it would be unrealistic without some sort of rare gps that you had to go along with it.
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Friend dropped unconscious from dehydration, his body slid along the ground only stopping momentarily when it would path into a building or object until it slowly inched past it to keep going.
Did this for 10+ minutes until i hacked my poor friend to death with an axe.
the initial title of this thread is whats throwing people off
ive said it multiple times but no one seems to understand the real issue at hand.
its the fact that 1 can of food does not = enough ML of food as so many of you have pointed out.
4000ML is approx 135oz, so since the average stomach can hold less than 4000 lets say for simplicity sake you can hold 100oz in your stomach.
a can of beans is approx 10 oz.
that means at most you can eat 10 cans of beans IF your going from absolute zero to full.
this is currently not the case.
also the fact even if you did eat 10 cans of beans, within a couple hours you need to eat again.
if i played dayz for 24 hours straight, Id guess I would have to eat 4-5cans every 3 hours which works out to over 30 cans of food in a 24 hour period.
This promotes map exploration, makes it more realistic, and just makes sense.
And for the love of god add a Drink until full at watersources. Having to spam your drink key is also very unrealistic and silly. Also a eat all option for food.
People saying this system works are driving me crazy, YES it works, but NO its not what we want in a polished SA.
I shouldnt say we, but anyone who wants a realistic sensible food/water/energy system should agree.
People who keep saying it's fine are missing the point. also people who are saying it's broken and stuff is too hard to find are missing the "how the whole system works"... the only problems with the current system are
-It takes way too much food to fill yourself to 100%.. Instead of 6-7 full cans of food it should he more like 3-4
-There needs to be a "drink until full" option at water pumps... and a "fill all water bottles" currently it's a tad ridiculous and I keep laughing at the people who write "it's fine just drink like 20 times and your good".. I hope you guys know how ridiculous you sound when you are part of developing a game into what you want and say stuff like that..
-A clear differential needs to be made between thirst and hunger.. meaning I should noticeably see that im thirsty more often than hungry
-Fatigue needs to be more of a factor specifically with thirst
Making food and water harder to find but allowing you more time to do so not only makes more realistic sense but encourages more scrounging and exploration of the map.
When I come across an unlooted town I can find way too much food.. but it doesn't matter cause I need 7 cans every few hours..
Bottom line is its unrealistic.
Yes you can "eat more until your overfull" or whatever but that still makes no sense.
Im pretty sure a starving person couldnt eat 10 cans of beans in a couple hours even if they tried.
I understand how the system works, think of it like a gastank.
We start at say 20% full. We have to eat enough to get to 100% point to be completely full.
As it is right now, you have to eat at least 7-8 cans of food to get to that point. Which clearly is not realistic. (I ate 2 pieces of fresh fruit, 2 cans of tuna, 2 cans of pasta, and an entire thing of powder milk)
Still didnt receive the full message after all of that yet must have been very close. Considering when I did this I was at say 30-35% "Full", I was not a fresh spawn.
Either way it requires too much food to fill up to 100%
It should be realistic, not just "work and be fine"
I am all for having to find food\water first thing, and for it to be something you need to constantly be worried about, but again it needs to be tweaked so its harder to find but you only need it within appropriate time frames.
@blackburn - Wow very constructive.
The point here is that no human being should have to eat 4-5 cans of beans in a few hours no matter what the conditions.
Id be surprised if anyone could eat that much even if they tried.
The system still needs tweaking there is no doubt.
@GameTests If that is true then somehow this system is not working properly either server to server or player to player
I never sprint, EVER, unless im being chased by a zombie, in my OP I jogged the entire time most of it crouch jogging.
For my character at least I have to eat an INSANE amount to keep fed.
Like I said 2 cans of pasta 2 tuna and a bunch of rice didnt keep me out of the starving phase for longer than an hour at a time at BEST. Id say more like every 20-30 mins of jogging.
I ran from Balota to Kamenka to Zelengorsk had to eat ;
2 cans pasta
2 cans tuna
30% of a bag of rice
That takes what? 30mins tops?
I think either its messed up altogether or just the food consumption for my guy at least seems extremely excessive.
I eat a full can of pasta for ever sip out of a water bottle i need.
Makes no sense no matter what "conditions" you toss in there...
I would like to also add that when your inside a building the fact that the flashlight does not light up a good chunk of the room like it would if you were in RL really is depressing. Having a "spotlight" basically that will disapear completely on you if you are looking at the wrong angle is extremely frustrating. Especially since we are forced to play at night more often now.
Would this be the reason when I load up dayz on my laptop which is connected to my monitor via hdmi, it closes the video on my monitor and only plays it on the laptop screen?
This is the only game it does this for.
Dont understand why you need more information. Even if you sprinted for the 30 seconds the notification stays active on your screen, your telling me that from a fully quenched thirst no matter what the conditions you should be thirsty again?
And this drink more stuff is garbage. If your at a water pump, and thirsty. I should be able to drink once until my thirst is fully quenched... not this over and over bs until I am "full"
Its not like filling a gastank, if you have an unlimited water source you should be able to drink once, and be full.
What I have found is when you get that message and your trying to eat say a can of beans, hit the eat option 2 more times and it will work on your 3rd attempt every time.