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- User Since
- Oct 4 2013, 2:20 PM (595 w, 6 d)
May 10 2016
Thanks AD, I didn't know that... at any rate it seems the AI can't even open doors. I've got many of them stuck inside small huts and they can't get out whatever order I give...
Good one Ceeb, voted. :)
As a sidenote, when a soldier puts his eye in a zoomed sight, it is OBVIOUS that if he has the light behind him, such light is shadowed by his head.
NO LIGHT REFLECTION IN ZOOMED OPTICS (and that's a nasty problem which is to be solved).
Picture shows how the light is hitting the optics, how far the eye zooming is actually is from the optics as well as the fact that when the optics is up, the whole world is zoomed and not just what the optics sees.
When you bring the sight up what you see is what the sight sees and what the sight sees is something like 5cm above the muzzle.
This is a matter of proximity, does any of you remember how Pterodon fixed the "clipping" and "shooting from behind obstacle" in their game "Vietcong"? The soldier leaned and put the rifle ABOVE the rocks when bringing up the sights.
I say we need something like that and it would be useful for close quarters in buildings. Definitely...
... any solution as long as it's not the way it is now.
I saw the review of an Xbox game where soldiers were automatically lowering their weapons when a friend was in their sights (it's the standard USA regulations).
Provided the automatic motion is *very quick*, it's the solution I would adopt when rifle is in proximity of an obstacle. If this was coupled with an optional visual cue that would be candy.
This is also true for drones and visible in the final showcase missions.
Sorry just learning :)
If that was not possible (and of course it's not), then the tgt can't be in the sight. The tgt is in the sight because the muzzle is clipping... if it wasn't clipping the ground would push the rifle up and the sight up and you would be unable to put the sight on that target.
Alleluja someone who finally understands. :)
Pretty annoying to me that I am aiming at a target and my bullet hits the ground. At ELITE level it means you're dead.
They either fix the clipping or this game goes to the shelf. Try to believe, eventually there's too few playing the hard core thing but this is a game breaker to me.
Just merely seeing 5 votes no and 4 votes yes tells me these people better get to Battlefield, coz ARMA is not for them.
Creating new ticket with correct issue name and closing this one:
- Me thinks votes are different when proper terms are used. I forgot "clipping" that's why you guys didn't understand what I was saying.
This is very serious.
- Look at where the sight is and look at the pieces of rock being hit by my bullets.
- Look at each recoil how the rifle goes up and how further "up" it must go before the bullets don't hit the rock anymore.
- By the end of the video look at how I move the rifle THROUGH the rock.
The change I am requesting is that when I move the mouse downwards (as in 3) ) the rifle can't go through the rock anymore exactly as if I hit the "W" key I can't walk through the rock.
Major consequence is that 1) won't happen again.
I am claiming that the rifle is no physical entity in this engine and can go through objects and that's why a sight 25cm behind a muzzle sees a target while the muzzle doesn't.
This is what happens when going prone and shooting downwards:
AI is clearly in my sights but my bullets are hitting the ground because the muzzle is beneath the ridge line.
I don't think there's need of further evidence about the rifle not being a physical entity in this engine. If it was, I could never be able to align the sight to the target because the ground would block my rifle.
And this is what I've been saying all along: the ground MUST block my rifle.
Feral, if the optics is not 1 meter above the rifle itself you will see the obstacle that lies in front of the muzzle.
I keep telling you that this is an ENGINE problem and not an optics/sights problem because it happens all along, with any rifle and not just with rifles.
Do a test:
Get behind a rock and shoot an enemy with IRON SIGHTS. You will see there are many cases in which you're perfectly aligned to the enemy but he won't die. It's not that you're missing... you're hitting the rock you're hiding behind even though that enemy is in your sights.
*This would not be possible if the rifle was a physical entity that gets BLOCKED by the rock when you move it through it. What happens instead is that nothing gets past that rock (you don't and the bullets don't) except your rifle.
Your sight is behind the rock and clear but the muzzle is INSIDE the rock. *
Do you understand what I am saying now?
BIS has chosen to highlight this with the crosshair. What I want is for the objects (trees, bushes, walls, vehicles, etc) to BLOCK the rifle.
The issue is: since the SIGHT is GEOMETRICALLY aligned to the muzzle (LOS = LOF) when your sight is on the target, NO OBSTACLE between you and the target can interfere with the bullet if it doesn't interfere with the sight as well.
Look at the video.
Lean behind a rock, any rock, and target a tree somewhere else. IF you can find the tree in the sight but you hit the rock, you know it's happening (LOS <> LOF).
The mouse must not allow you to move the rifle in a place where it would hit an obstacle (and this is the change I am asking for).
Get away from the screen and stand by the wall at 5cm distance in the real world.
Could grab the pistol from the socket on your thigh and use the sight to aim? No... because you can't extend your arms and you can't make the pistol pass through the wall.
Now THIS is what's happening in the engine: SIGHT sees target but muzzle points at the wall.
IF wall EXISTS between you and the target how can the sight see the target!?
Do you understand now?
Summarized: if the sight sees the target then so does the muzzle but this doesn't happen in ArmA 3.
The image you posted explains perfectly what happens in the engine: The line from the sight looks at the target while the muzzle is not looking at the target.
The line of sight and line of fire, displayed in the image, are parallel but this is NEVER the case. Even shooting a target very far away means an adjustment of a few cm in the optics as those 2 lines are NEVER parallel (you'd never hit anything if they were).
In real life, in the situation described by the image, your optics would see the wall because that's what the muzzle is "seeing".
It's not "my problem" it's a problem of the engine. It's the *bug* I am trying to have fixed.
Test on balcony with sniper rifle. Notice the bullet hole in the fence ahead of me:
I say again: If sight is on target it means the line of fire is on target. Bullet cannot hit anything else between shooter and target.
Now this is what happened with the sniper rifle... when it happens with a standard submachine gun with iron sights it feels even worse.
You are ducking behind a rock, you aim at the target and put it in the sights. You shoot... and hit the rock.
If the sight is on the target how can the line of fire be on the rock?
Simple... the engine is bugged.
Engine must PHYSICALLY taking objects into account so that if your motion of the rifle puts it against the rock the motion is BLOCKED. It's the same as trying to walk through a wall. YOU CAN'T. The movement of the rifle with the mouse must reflect this. If you try to put the rifle up and hit a wall the rifle goes down. If you try to aim at a target and a rock blocks your rifle you CAN'T physically put the sight onto it, you understand now? :)
Again and final: If the sight is on the enemy the tip of the rifle must be on the enemy as well. If some obstacle intervenes, the sight can't get onto target, it will get onto obstacle and no further than that.
Get to the Showcase Armed Assault at the final part, after clearing the industrial complex of AT soldiers and get the sniper rifle with the ultra zoom optics (I think it's thermal 20x, the one with the MG version).
There's a building on the left side of the road just opposite to the fixed titan launcher position where you can go on top floor and see the road block. You are supposed to snipe that titan fixed emplacement and you can see 2 soldiers in a watchtower.
If you lie prone and aim for the soldier in the watchtower (the leftmost soldier), you'll see you hit the fence of the balcony. So you see... the sight is aimed on a spot but the rifle is shooting on another spot.
The engine is RIDDLED with these instances. It's a very serious problem.
Do another test in the same mission, this time before clearing the industrial complex. You'll climb the hill to take cover behind a rubbled building to shoot a fixed titan launcher on the top of a high tank. Further on the right below you there's a flat ridge which overlooks the industrial complex from the top.
Lie down there and you can see CLEARLY that the AI is shooting THROUGH the ridge and killing you.
Repeat: you can't even put your rifle past the ridge to aim because you're lying prone. The enemy is below and is shooting THROUGH the ridge to kill you.
Again: the engine is FILLED with these instances. Putting the rifle through an object or a bullet through an object must be fixed. That ridge is an object and by lying prone I must not be allowed to aim downwards. Same goes for the AI below, that ridge is an object and those bullets can't kill me. I am in hard cover to them... right now... I get killed and this is unacceptable.
Can produce videos if you need. I am absolutely sure of what I am saying.
The engine must take into account physical impossibilities.
If the sight is on the enemy the tip of the rifle must be on the enemy as well.
point is with a real no clipping system you need function to be in cover or to shoot from cover. Switching that on and off is "lowering weapon" but also "adjusting stance" so that weapon may come around the corner, above rock, through window, etc.
Without that, everything is messed up not just the CQB but also the AI which is forced to use powerful aimbot since it's obliged to shoot from the open.
This issue is of critical importance, a lot underestimated by DEVs imo.