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- User Since
- Jan 4 2014, 4:27 PM (583 w, 1 d)
May 10 2016
Did you try returning the graphic settings to "default"?
The defib should work on "dead" characters (ones who's hearts have stopped). Not unconscious ones.
I would add that morphine should not be mending broken bones and that IVs should indeed be useable on ones self.
Perhaps you should have heeded the very first thing you are presented with when starting up the game, where you click the button. In fact did you read the big warning mesage as you purchased the alpha version of the game?
The fact that metal items like ammunition, metal boxes and firearms are damaged (many times straight to ruined condition) because a zombie touched you or you took a bullet to the head is why I find it very easy to forgive this "bug".
Once Rocket and company realize how unrealistic the damage system is for extremely durable items and fixes that aspect of the game, THEN perhaps this bug should get some notice.
Seriously, how hard is it to stop guests from posting?
This is so unbelievably out of control.
Rage reports like this really are not helping matters.
Deal or come back when game is released in full.
I too noticed you have to vault to get into the enterable tower.
"To be honest its their servers and their right to do what they want to with them so if u dont like it you should set one up."
Yeah, that's awesome dsmokey. However the gear they can obtain with practically zero effort can be used on other servers. Shortsighted much?
This happens IIRC every time you drop something when in the upper section of the military tent/bunkers.
This may be a bug, but folks should know that a suppressor is not a "silencer" like in the movies and on TV. It dampens the sound somewhat but it is most certainly not a mouse fart.
What is the point of the idiots on the bug forum whining about bugs that are being reported?
"A man needs about 1500 calories and 1.5 liters of water a day in order to be "improving his health". I think they should take that into consideration."
You need to take into consideration that is not counting jogging/sprinting several miles every so often during a play session.
Here's what works for myself:
Eat everything you come across as soon as you can do so safely. Having food in your inventory allows it to be damaged, takes up space, and is lootable if you are killed by others. Eating/drinking everything you have (as long as you do not eat till you vomit) saves pack space, removes potential damage, and keeps you healthy and regening if you need to.
Again: there is absolutely zero reason to have food in your pack unless your character is already full.
Your gut is packspace for your food/water. Use it as such.
When using the client running from my hard drive, I recall having bouts of HD accessing in more "complicated" areas. Which would cause the game to all but lock up. Moved the client onto my SSD and when able will go poke about the cities again to see if things improved for me.
I suspected that some (partly) of the slowdown in cities was simply more elements being loaded from the HD.
Note that I am on a very non-typical setup:
Mac Pro 2 x 3GHz Quad-Core Intel Xeon (no spring chicken)
ATI Radeon HD 5770 1GB (running at 1600x1200 @ 60Hz, 32-Bit Color)
124GB Solid State Drive
(Bootcamp) Windows Vista 32-Bit OS
I can see Rocket's POV, but at times it is making me literally nauseous.