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- User Since
- Jul 15 2014, 12:18 AM (557 w, 3 d)
Jun 2 2018
Apr 28 2018
I can confirm this bug.
I can confirm this issue. Interrupting any emote animations with the F12 key will trigger the bug. Not only you won't be able to interact with doors, but you won't be able do any action requiring the 'F' key (picking up items, opening doors...).
I can confirm this bug.
I can confirm this issue. I would also add that some action must break the alignment (between the crosshair and the ironsight) because when you start a fresh game both are lined up.
Jul 2 2017
Jun 1 2017
I noticed that too. This is annoying and should be removed IMHO.
Apr 24 2017
Hey Geez,
Apr 23 2017
Apr 21 2017
Apr 2 2017
Aug 23 2016
Same thing happend to me and my friend last Sunday night.
Jul 24 2016
Hi Aleks,
Jul 17 2016
Jun 27 2016
Alright, so when you drive on the tisy ramp your framerate goes instantly from 10-12fps back to 70fps ?
Please accept my apologies, you are totally right! I even read that tweet but forgot about it... I feel kinda dumb now ... ^^
Jun 26 2016
I can confirm this issue.
I believe I experienced this bug aswell. I saw two trucks next one to each other (coords : 059 105 by the beige house and the dirt road), they didn' t look ruined but they were not enterable. After a while, one of the two trucks despawned.
This video should help you to stay cool :
I can confirm this issue. I was driving by Vybor in my Lada, then I tabbed out of the game, when I got back to it, there was this really loud noise ( The noise didn't stop even after getting out the car. I restarted my game, got back to the server where I was and I heard the same noise again (the engine of the car was turned on). I got in the car again and
- switching camera from 1st person to 3rd seemed to fix the bug sound.
My assumption is that all this is just related to collision detection.
Jun 25 2016
I can confirm this. A truck and my car despawned while the server was operating. (That happend on the official server FR-2-9)
Jun 19 2016
I can confirm this issue. Happend to me with an offraod and multiple trucks. As @Scoopy said, it seems that vehicle persistence gets randomly wiped after a server restart/crash.
I can confirm this issue. After two days not playing DayZ, I logged back in and I was naked with my M4 in my hands. That bug was already a thing in the experimental version thought.
May 11 2016
I can confirm this issue but I haven't found any temporary fix :/
This bug has already been reported and resolved.
I can confirm. It happens to me twice with a sedan and a truck. It came unstuck after restart.
I can confirm this issue but I haven't found any temporary fix :/
I got the same issue , but please, make a research before posting a new issue because this one has already been reported several times...
I have the same issue. I found a way to temporary fix this problem : When it happens, Go to your "video settings" and change for example, the "Anti-aliasing" value.
May 10 2016
Walkie talkies are not working in 0.47 (which is currently the stable version)
Happened to me too, several times these very days...
-Once in the jail building, while looting the dormitory at 1st floor.
-Once in the fire station's tower.
-Once at the top of the big building (in stairs) in the Novo's town center.
-Once at the hospital while watching at the window in the stairwell.
Each time, I had first status "My legs are broken"/"My leg is painful" and then "You are dead".
This glitch is really frustrating... Hope this will be resolved.