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- Mar 6 2013, 5:37 PM (625 w, 5 d)
May 10 2016
I realise that haha, I have played the older games so I get how sensitive they are, but they seemed to have turned the sensitivity up, I find that even when it's getting dark and the sun is quite low that they still struggle to work at all.
In all fairness, I've just watched a lot of videos on youtube haha. I just feel that right now they're not as ive seen, and most of what ive (ive looked more for military ones) that they're a bit busy with noise and there can be a bit of blurriness. They also need to do something about the horrible reaction you get if you put them on if it's not quite dark enough. They whole screen goes white even if it's dusk ive found sometimes. Not sure how correct that is.
May 9 2016
Yes, I think that'd be for the best. It is very unlikely that UW combat will be a huge component of Arma 3, and if anything, extra mags can be retrieved from dead divers.
My only other query, what are you going to do, if anything, about the Ai coping with the switch between magazines. At present, they will not switch from UW to STANAG mags, making them combat ineffective.
Yeah, just tested this, the Team Leader is fine. This really needs more attention.
Been reported already. Without sounding like a douche, check the forum before hand to see if things have been reported already, otherwise we end up with lots of the same problems being reported.
I swear I remember hearing something about this actually being added to the final version of the game. I'm not entirely sure.
I really hope they add this in for 3. I was so disappointed to find it wasn't in 2. This is there chance to make it happen, rather than it be a mod. Please BI, please include this at last, it's such a needed feature! You've added divers, now add the ability to at least shoot from the MH-9!
This games focuses on realism, therefore, following the rules of the Geneva Convention is realistic. Look, personally, im disappointed this feature was tweaked as I was quite looking forward to the possibilities of it, and I can imagine it will be modded to work. Don't hold your breath but by the time of full release I suspect there will be a working mod allowing you to use enemy uniforms.
Yeah but they changed it because it breaks the Geneva convention, that video is quite old now, and they've even said they're not having it work like that anymore. You'll still be able to use your own sides gear.
Attached tags for you, and I agree, although I think they need to try and resolve unrealistic player damage such as falling from such a small height.
Totally agree with this. I realise it's not a stealth game but I reckon this is something that definitely needs fixing.
They definitely need more weight! The worst is when they fall off a littlebird after being killed, they just sort of glide down. It reminds me of skyrim, the ragdolls in that game are pathetic! I really hope BI notice this and at least tweak them.
I've also seen the broken leg thing happen with ragdolls. It seems like a really silly request but for the sake of immersion, I honestly think this needs fixing, they really need better collision detection.
Added screenshots of examples of what I mean.
Yeah I understand that, but the way it's modeled in game doesn't quite feel right, their arms shouldnt snap to the side like i've seen them do, and they're crumpling into positions that don't make sense as well.
That's one of the more grating parts, the whole, going limp thing.
My apologises, I shoulda checked first to see if there were any topics already on it, I hadnt seen any after checking a few pages.
Yeah, I do relise that GTA 4 used Euphoria. GTA had my personal favourite ragdolls ever. I just hope really that they can be slightly improved, nothing massive. I just feel that right now it's a bit immersion breaking.
It's quite jarring isn't it? Too much force from a gun and they go flying backwards. Other times they just freeze and fall over. I've also noticed that sometimes they'll stop to die? You shoot them, and then they stop running, stand still, and just die. It's quite comical watching them switch from the animations to ragdoll!
I've just managed to do this again, by flipping a heli into the ground from the landed position. I also now have screenshots, this can be reproduced indefinitely.
This is not a bug. You are in the wrong forum.