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- Mar 12 2013, 8:27 AM (628 w, 1 d)
May 10 2016
I love the chance to attack large ships and oil platforms, from the sea by boat and divers and air by releasing men from the helicopter with the rope. Absolutely +1. I suggest if it is possible to add the release of divers from submarines. Currently, the mode of infiltration for divers involves the release from submarines positioned at a depth of about 50 m.
Duplicate of 0000678: Clear visibility in water
You do not understand what I wrote. I never talked about blood spatter and dirt permanent glasses. Oh maybe you looked at the photos and you thought I wanted as they are the usual effects. "THE PICTURE THAT I HAVE SET BEFORE ARE EXAMPLES FROM WHICH TO TAKE INSPIRATION AND NOT TO BE COPIED, BUT RATHER TO IMPROVE". These effects should only occur only in certain circumstances and not permanently. For the dirt on the glasses there is a limit, they can not become so dirty you can not see anything -.-" and also the dirt will be seen only by looking directly at the sun or some angle, as braids happens in reality. It's up to developers to choose the right compromise. I can only give my personal opinion. And if you do not like the effects you can simply turn them off (please add this ability so that everyone can be happy). If you can not see the enemy, well, equip yourself with a scope or use binoculars or buy a bigger screen;) however, regarding the effects of water and rain I think we all agree :)
I can't see why you shouldn't develop something so simple. I think if we are here, we are because we want realism, not only by simulation but also by the look and feel. I'm really tired of games where the player is totally unrelated to the surrounding environment effects as if it were in a glass sphere.
During a storm, if you try to look at the sky I doubt you will be able to keep your eyes open and not have blurred vision from raindrops. Same thing when you comes out of the water while wearing a diving mask. And when there is strong light and you are in a dusty environment wearing ballistic glasses, is inevitable that they get dirty creating reflections. The pictures I have set before are examples from which to take inspiration and not to be copied, but rather to improve. I think that DICE and Crytec did a great job in this regard. Let us learn good things from others too and not just by ourselves
I think the problem is with any type of glass. See the picture below
sorry I did not see that the problem has already been reported.
View : 0000309
I would also add that rabbits can walk through walls and open doors
24h analogic watch would be nice. Divers and soldiers in submarines during the 2nd world war used this type of watch to know if is day or night when they are underwater. here an example
0004411: No Rain Sound in vehicles
Already proposed. Please check the previous issues before creating new ones.
However, you brought some very good examples, stick it in this issue.
0003481: Missing realistic effects to weather elements
May 9 2016
Must do. CryEngine 3 is able to do these things! As the raindrops on the HUD of the player, on the water surface, on buildings, on the ground and all the surfaces of objects. There's more! Rain drops are also influenced by gravity and slide along the surfaces downwards. The rain and the waves are influenced by the wind. and when i diving I can see the rain drops on the surface.
im running Arma 3 with a: I7 2600 and a Radeon HD 6950 2GB. Cant see lightning and sound. Settings on ultra and 6000 m of draw distance.
Confirmed. Doesn't work