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- User Since
- Feb 21 2017, 9:43 PM (418 w, 1 d)
Apr 2 2017
Mar 24 2017
The buss can drive up to 50+ km/h without a single wheel on it.
Mar 22 2017
This issue has happened to me as well. Even more-Sometimes when im in my inventory I see the items assigned to the hotbars, and when I close the inventory-some slots or all 10 are empty.No icon of the item assigned to the hotkey is present. If I use the hotbar though, it works as normal.
Mar 17 2017
Hello! The server population was from high to full.
Player bodies were not on angled terrain.
I can confirm this issue only for private servers.
(maybe someone else looking at the topic can confirm for public)
Mar 16 2017
Mar 14 2017
I can confirm this issue too! It happened to me twice.
Mar 4 2017
I cant seem to reproduce the bug as well. Sorry for the trouble :)
Mar 2 2017
Mar 1 2017
I experience this problem approximately two-three times in a 3 hour gaming session.
It takes longer to finish the animation due to the low fps.
This has happened to me as well. Unconscious players do seem to take reduced amount of dmg and regarding the head shots- I have had two happenings since the last patch that I survived head shots from unknow guns. I regained consciousness only to see nothing but my motorbike helmet ruined.
It could be an entirely different issue from the one reported by me for all I know.
Have you tried memorising the exact place they died at? If you prone on top , you maybe able to see the loot by pressing tab. That works for me sometimes but is a bit tricky. If you are even half and inch off, you wont see the items.
Feb 25 2017
Yo you can check out my report on this bug. I know how to do it but its a little bit different.