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Unable to pickup loot from dead bodies. Dead bodies still disappearing on stable.
Acknowledged, NormalPublic


When you kill a player and you TAB in order to loot him, you cant drag the items out of his body on the ground.
You also can't drag the items directly from his body to yours and replace them directly.
For example.
1.Click on the killed player's pants with items in them and drag them towards your pants.
2.Confirm that you can't replace them.
3.The only possible way to loot the player is to pick up his pants(from his body) in your hands and then replace them with yours. That works with all his gear (I think the gun as well)

Additional note: Yestarday (15:03:2017) we killed a player and we couldn't take his B95 gun from his back. We tried double clicking, dragging, taking to hands.

Notes: I think this issue might me related to the killed player alt+4 the game.

When I played with my squad, one of our members died and I could pick up/drag his gear normally without the need of putting it in my hands first. My squad member never left the server while I was looting him.

Yestarday (15.03.2017) my teammate shot 2 guys whose bodies disappeared INSTANTLY upon after the bullet dmg was registered and the player died.
We couldn't see the body in the vicinity and loot him as previous similar occurrences but this time my friend quit the server, then entered again and could loot their bodies. I did the same and the body showed up for me as well.

Off-topic.- There has been an increased amount of ONE-SHOTS where me and a friend of mine die instantly or fall unconscious from a single hit with a weapon while we have protective gear (ballistic helmets, gorka E, motorbike helmet), vests full of items, gorka jackets etc. I am not sure if it is a bug but I think its worth mentioning because I could get more info on whats upsetting me atm.


Operating System
Windows 7
Operating System Version
x64 Ultimate

Event Timeline

Geez changed the task status from New to Assigned.Mar 16 2017, 11:12 AM

I have also witnessed this issue. When you can't drag the items off of a dead body, you need to take the items to your hands, and then it will allow you to drop the items/loot the items.

This issue happens pretty often. Sometimes I can drag things off of dead bodies, but most of the time, I have to take the items to my hands.

Geez changed the task status from Assigned to Need More Info.Mar 16 2017, 4:59 PM
Geez added a subscriber: Geez.

Hello BugReporter00 and thank you for the report.
We have been testing this issue thoroughly but unfortunately we were unable to reproduce the issue so far. Do you remember what was the server population at the times this issue has occurred? Have you experienced the issue on private / public servers or both? Were the players you have killed on an angled terrain? And can you try to relog and check if anything has changed about the behaviour of the issue if you experience the issue again in the future?

Hello! The server population was from high to full.
Player bodies were not on angled terrain.
I can confirm this issue only for private servers.
(maybe someone else looking at the topic can confirm for public)

As for the reloging part- I will investigate today.
All I know so far is that when a dead body becomes invisible, reconnecting makes it appear as normal(only to the player reconnected to the server).

Geez changed the task status from Need More Info to Assigned.Mar 17 2017, 10:34 AM

Thank you BugReporter00.
We will continue to test the issue internally, let us know in case you come across any information which could be related to the issue.

Geez added a comment.Mar 20 2017, 4:02 PM

Hello BugReporter00.
We have confirmed that the issue can occur if player leaves the game through alt + f4 from unconsciousness and has been scheduled for a fix.

Geez changed the task status from Assigned to Acknowledged.Mar 20 2017, 4:03 PM

Hello BugReporter00.
We have confirmed that the issue can occur if player leaves the game through alt + f4 from unconsciousness and has been scheduled for a fix.

Did you confirm items that cant be picked up from dead bodies or the dead body disappearence?

Geez added a comment.Mar 23 2017, 9:46 AM

Hello BugReporter00.
The issue that has been confirmed was the issue with character corpses being unlootable. As for the issue with disappearing corpses, we are aware that such issue can occur under certain circumstances and we still are testing internally for other reproduction methods.