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- User Since
- Dec 18 2013, 1:17 AM (584 w, 6 d)
May 10 2016
Yeah it appears that using alcohol tincture will make you sick regardless of whether you've ever been wounded by zombies or not. Luckily it's the 'stage IV' sickness which will cure by itself in about 25 minutes.
Doesn't mean it shouldn't be reported to the feedback tracker.
Actually in real life this depends on the season and your location on the globe, during winter the sun does indeed rise in the south east, I assume this is a part of the weather simulation in the game as the location of the sun in the game is appropriate for the current time of the year.
Been having this issue ever since the game updated to 113860.
1 stomach unit does not necessarily equate 1 energy/hydration unit, these are three separate units, some foods may take more stomach space then others while providing different amounts of energy or hydration. So in general losing 600 energy and 1000 hydration doesn't really mean you should also empty 1,600 stomach capacity.
As for not being able to digest food while having the vomit status effect, it might be intentional, how long does it take for the 'vomit' status effect to disappear? Does vomit induced from different sources incur different penalties? i.e, I can understand why vomit induced from food poisoning would keep you nauseous for a while after you've vomited however this shouldn't apply to vomit induced from over-eating/drinking.
Just my thoughts on the matter.
Duplicate of:
0000830: Bodies Disappearing after being killed
0000662: Some spawned gear is unreachable
duplicate of:
0000662: Some spawned gear is unreachable
0001730: Torch Light needs to follow head tracking, not direction 'body' is facing/walking
I think I should clarify that I never meant 'eat until full' consuming all available food until you're stuffed but rather than when clicking a single food item your character will not finish it if it gets stuffed.
I,e if you eat a full bag of rice you might eat too much, get stuffed, and vomit. what I suggest is merely that you have an option for your character to stop eating (the singular food item) if you get the 'i'm feeling full' message.
Quote: No! Just stop being lazy we don't need a button like that
I hope that one day someone creates a mod for the game that adds timers to every single action you take and requires user prompts for absurd things like making sure your character successfully inserts the food to its mouth rather than spilling it all over his shirt (which would of course ruin the shirt and increase the likelihood of contracting cholera, can't have it any other way) then I would point at you and mock you for being lazy for not relishing the joy of waiting for 45 seconds while your character applies the can opener to its beans.
It's a video game, being more tedious does not make it any better. But I guess every opportunity to be condescending towards 'lazy CoD noobs' or whatever must be seized.
boredsam: You know, I don't even see how this detracts from realism, in real life a person knows rather well how hungry or thirsty they are. Today I've spent 5 minutes in game eating every single food item I had (to kick off passive healing) and didn't get any message of any kind, that's unrealistic.
If the devs are concenred with realism they should think about emergent conditions such as gorging yourself with 5 cans of tuna after you've spent the last 30 minutes in a starving condition, in real life that could induce vomit and sickness, same for drinking too much after being dehydrated. In those scenarios your meters could report false information to 'mess with the players head' as your senses would in real life, but otherwise there's nothing unrealistic about having some 'vague' metrics that show your general degree of hunger, thirst and 'health/pain'.
Closed duplicate report at
Adding the following picture here to demonstrate how a flashlight should be held for improved usage:
I didn't survive the wipe but have the same issue. I don't think it has anything to do with the wipe.
Dear App0815, your reading comprehension is laughably poor. If you have anything pertinent to say concerning this issue that hasn't already been said before please feel free to add it to the discussion, otherwise you can go back to reddit or to the official forums to rage at people whom you think are exploiting the game by using features that were placed there intentionally by the dev team.
FYI, in one of the streams Rocket was made aware of this subject and agreed with the interpretation I presented in the original report wherein the magnification provided by weapon optics should not be a factor of the user's FOV but rather a fixed amount representing its actual optical capabilities. So we should expect to see this issue fixed sometime in the future.
If there's an FOV slider in the game configuration options it shouldn't screw up the way scopes work, as I said earlier the tradeoff for high FOV is the fact that your image is zoomed out and possibly distorted when you're moving around, when you use a scope your scope shouldn't be more distant from the screen and occupy a smaller portion of it, not to mention that changing FOV should most certainly not screw up your mildots/ACOG markings. And LASTLY, you guys do realize that using a lower FOV will make your scopes even more powerful allowing guys to lower their FOV when they move into a sniping position and get turn every scope in the game 2-3 times more powerful.
None of this is a trade-off, a scope is an optic instrument that provides a specific level of magnification, the FOV slider is a usability config. The solution is simple instead of having scopes change your FOV by a multiplier of your current FOV they should change it to a fixed FOV based on the scope's properties, thus preventing both the issues born of low FOV and high FOV as well as fixing mildots/ACOG alignments, regardless of zoomed out view FOV.
I hardly think that's relevant. The tradeoff for 'larger FOV' exists in the zoomed out view in that it's harder to parse information within a wider FOV. When you switch to scoped view your view should correlate to the view through the scope.
It's not really a duplicate, I reported both issues. One refers to the fact that higher FOV will make your scope smaller and have lesser Zoom, the other refers to the fact that when FOV is changed (either higher or lower values) the scope or ironsights are not zeroed. I.e place the center of the scope on someone 100 meters away when your rifle is zeroes to 100m and it will not hit.
Sure, fixing one issue might fix the other but as you can see in the other report, there are certain people who think it is not a bug, this issue however is 100% a bug and cannot be considered 'a tradeoff of having higher FOV'
FYI guys this issue has already been adressed and supposedly fixed by Rocket himself, source:
Expect to see it resolved in next update.
Every single player I've killed today didn't leave a corpse behind, in one occasion I've been looting someone and as I was going over his items his corpse disappeared.
The only source right now is the screenshots released by lame-o ESP cheaters that show that the client only receives information on objects within a 600m radius.
I never saw a player or a zombie from considerable distance in this game.
With the new network bubble the maximum drawing distance for players and zombies is 600m, kind of low by mod standards.