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Jan 3 2014, 10:24 PM (582 w, 2 d)

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May 10 2016

AdamStone set Category to category:sound on T92489: Sound from the front.
May 10 2016, 6:40 PM · DayZ
AdamStone added a comment to T91911: Bloodbag followed by uncounsciousness glitch.

Yeah I read the information regarding the blood bag and blood types too late. I see that it was a mistake on my part.

May 10 2016, 6:22 PM · DayZ
AdamStone set Category to category:items on T91911: Bloodbag followed by uncounsciousness glitch.
May 10 2016, 6:22 PM · DayZ
AdamStone added a comment to T91898: Running, freeze glitch.

This seems to have been patched completely now. Thanks Day Z Dev team. You guys are awesome and your game is shaping up to be a massive success.

May 10 2016, 6:22 PM · DayZ
AdamStone set Category to category:gamefreezes on T91898: Running, freeze glitch.
May 10 2016, 6:22 PM · DayZ
AdamStone set Category to category:animations on T91897: Clipping.
May 10 2016, 6:22 PM · DayZ
AdamStone added a comment to T91883: Character wipes.

This happens very often and I think in the last 3 hours of game play it occurred 5 times. Trying to play with friends and the character gets wiped after a freeze.

May 10 2016, 6:22 PM · DayZ
AdamStone set Category to category:aibehavior on T91827: Invisible Zombie.
May 10 2016, 6:20 PM · DayZ
AdamStone added a comment to T91825: Disconnecting and Character save loss.

This seems to have been fixed for the most part. Only lost my character once when switching between servers.

May 10 2016, 6:20 PM · DayZ
AdamStone set Category to category:server on T91825: Disconnecting and Character save loss.
May 10 2016, 6:20 PM · DayZ
AdamStone added a comment to T87203: Night doesn't need to be black and white colouring.

As much as I like the darkness of night, Day Z is much too dark. You can't even see anything on normal video setting even when you are outside. Some light is still present from the sky, stars and moon. It is much too dark and makes the game almost unplayable.

May 10 2016, 3:25 PM · DayZ
AdamStone added a comment to T87203: Night doesn't need to be black and white colouring.

I have to add that night time sees a lot of players leaving because they are turned off by it. It shouldn't be that way, making it brighter would keep players on the servers and then it would get more interesting.

May 10 2016, 3:25 PM · DayZ
AdamStone added a comment to T86974: Door Open Toggle on Wrong Elevation (Title Edit).

Yes, this certainly seems to happen in a few types of houses as well.

May 10 2016, 3:11 PM · DayZ
AdamStone added a comment to T86874: Losing all your gear and spawning on the coast after changing server/relogging..

Happens a lot less frequently now. Although if I join a server that, for some reason or another, does not seem to load for me, the risk of losing my character is more present.

May 10 2016, 3:04 PM · DayZ
AdamStone added a comment to T86874: Losing all your gear and spawning on the coast after changing server/relogging..

I lose my character in the same server many times. This problem seems a little deeper then just a server change.

May 10 2016, 3:04 PM · DayZ
AdamStone added a comment to T86615: You Are Unconcious... Forever [PRIMARY REPORT].

Very popular problem as well. Get punched in the head, fall unconscious, never wake up and when you decide to re spawn it works some of the time, other times it leaves you at the waiting screen.

May 10 2016, 2:04 PM · DayZ
AdamStone added a comment to T86579: Random Zombie Sounds [PRIMARY REPORT].

Definitely not the most game breaking glitch but it does throw you off your game which for some takes away the immersion. Bigger problems are around but this will need attention later on. Also notice I hear people talking at the same tonality at varying distances where I should not hear them nearly as much.

May 10 2016, 1:57 PM · DayZ
AdamStone added a comment to T86573: [PRIMARY LADDER THREAD].

I usually avoid ladders completely if I don't absolutely need to use them. I use them when I need to get away from a bandit and can use a different route for him not to see me leave a building. Besides the animation still looks very clunky as it teleports you to ladder.

May 10 2016, 1:55 PM · DayZ
AdamStone added a comment to T86495: Zeds clipping through objects [PRIMARY REPORT].

This also happens with human controlled characters clipping through floors and fences.

May 10 2016, 1:15 PM · DayZ
AdamStone added a comment to T86467: Pushed through walls by zeds.

A good way to get out of this when it pushes you through a locked room is to rename your character account on steam, it seems to reset everything on Day Z and thus you must re-organize your key assignments and video adjustments but it worked for me.

May 10 2016, 1:10 PM · DayZ