Hello burkhar,
It's so nice to hear that someone is working on animation issues at last. I want to ask to review three very important animations which are not applicable on playable units atm - vehicle fixing animations. They could be so useful in PvP or TvT battles with use of vehicles. Here is a list of that animations:
- "InBaseMoves_repairVehiclePne" (60 seconds)
- "InBaseMoves_assemblingVehicleErc" (30 seconds)
- "InBaseMoves_repairVehicleKnl" (30 seconds)
Also it's nice that we can use last two animations together one by one getting combined one minute animation that could be used as alternative to the first 60 minute long animation. All we need is to have the ability to run them for players.
I would appreciate if you make them working on human player units. Thanks in advance!