"That being said, one very important factor to keep in mind is that from a mission scripting and addon modding perspective it is infintely easier to handicap or otherwise restrict the AI's abilities than to work the other way around. " I agree one hundred percent, and have voted this down. I don't see any problems, after all when they are set to be skilled they are supposed to be highly trained recon killing machines.
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May 10 2016
May 9 2016
Have had some personal successes, inspired by reading of successes others have had, by laying a narrow road under the bridge from end-to-end to trick the AI into seeing a path.
Not a perfect fix but might help improve the results if something like this is done to the release maps.
I have found maximizing the smoothing and enabling acceleration mitigates this problem somewhat. Perhaps that should be made the default setting, if the engine cannot otherwise be made to reduce this problem. It is kind of something that's always been around in these games, but it seems the more stuff the computer is doing the worse it gets.
I have seen this on H-barriers, scaffolds, and even rocks as well. The feet aren't clipping properly from a visual perspective, and the game seems to have issues holding the unit above ground. Can make maneuvering through some areas, i.e. the buildings/structures at camp maxwell, very difficult.
In my opinion the mass on the vehicles is too low, and the engines are too weak. You'll notice the offroad is actually capped at 3500 rpm, which is ridiculously low. I hope this is all changed as PhysX development progresses, but it's always been a stumbling block of the engine on the previous physics system.