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May 9 2016

ShotgunSheamuS added a comment to T59450: Primary Weapon put on Back first when switching to Backup Weapon.

Last night played a little, was blowing shit up with my RPG and when took fire i wanted to duck, and for God sakes, i died because of this. O couldn't go prone, because it was more important to put RPG on my back, and take primary weapon before going prone! WHY!?

I just wanted to throw my shit down and go prone you know! We need a solution!

May 9 2016, 6:56 PM · Arma 3
ShotgunSheamuS added a comment to T59450: Primary Weapon put on Back first when switching to Backup Weapon.

Well I am sure there can be work around's for the issues, after all, the weapon on the back is not the problem per se, but the slow switch between rifle to side arm for defense purposes, and if the speed difference is a fraction of 1/8, it is still that 1/8 that could get us killed, op save us. Speeding the animation up though would work, but could look very wrong and out of place, and at the same time would still feel like it can be done faster by dropping the rifle to chest.

only thing I can think of at this point, is perhaps a dedicated hot key for fast switching at least in terms of self defence, and not to be used as default for swapping weapons.

This can work in the sense that it is faster to switch and draw your sidearm but may have to have have a negative impact, in order not to get hurt or damage weapon, the following can be applied:

  1. Your stances will be limited, for example, no crouching with a sidearm if you have a rifle in your active inventory (on your chest), to prevent damage and injury or,
  1. By fast switching, you drop your rifle, throw it to the ground. I dont know if thats even allowed on the battlefield, but it could overcome the damage and injury issue.

orrr alternatively since this is animation related:

alter the animation, so by default switching to sidearm will drop the rifle to chest, however if you are sprinting and going prone to hit the dirt, the prone animation is altered if you have a sidearm equipped and rifle to chest, animation will then be to dive down on your left hip side, and swing the weapon towards your back as you hit the ground, then roll flat on your stomach.

And then here is something I would suggest will work too, not so sure how anal other players would be about this.

Since there are no animations for opening and closing doors on buildings or vehicles, or even mounting, or jumping off roofs and knee high ledges, everything seems to be magical and leave room for the imagination to complete. Why must there specifically be a very detailed (and annoying) animation for switching weapons? Why not just cut the animation and focus on the time it takes to really switch the weapon by an average trained soldier, since that really is what matters here, and then have the weapon magically appear on the players back, or drop to chest, but when you go prone, have the weapon magically appear on the back shoulder?

May 9 2016, 6:56 PM · Arma 3
ShotgunSheamuS added a comment to T59450: Primary Weapon put on Back first when switching to Backup Weapon.

Well, we can only hope they love us =) fingers crossed

May 9 2016, 6:56 PM · Arma 3
ShotgunSheamuS added a comment to T59450: Primary Weapon put on Back first when switching to Backup Weapon.

Guys, they going to sit and talk about it. let's be grateful they even acknowledged this ticket. But i will be honest, if this doesn't make it in game, i will have very little hope for other features. I think the biggest issue with features and changes are time, and since they have a target release date, time is somewhat of a big deal... Unless we can all come together and tell them we don't mind waiting if it means more features =) which i don't, but i can't answer who's gonna pay for the time. Personally i already paid more than adding price by getting digital deluxe edition, so they have my extra money.

May 9 2016, 6:56 PM · Arma 3
ShotgunSheamuS added a comment to T59450: Primary Weapon put on Back first when switching to Backup Weapon.

great idea, i think it can go further than just for fast switching, it could allow to temporarily switch out primary weapons without having to drop your current weapon and magazines, and then switch back again after use.

a simple example would be sneaking up on a sniper, take him out, and only be able to pickup the enemies rifle with current magazine, thus temporary use. Once you switch to either primary rifle or sidearm, you will drop the weapon on the ground.

Think other situations where a specific weapon could be very useful at a particular moment, and without the need of using the inventory, you can just quickly pickup an enemies primary, be it a rifle for sniping, support gunner, RPG, etc.

This way you do not need to go into an inventory to manage your gear in critical moments where the inventory could just be what gets you killed.

May 9 2016, 6:56 PM · Arma 3
ShotgunSheamuS added a comment to T59222: [Feature request] Really need a running vault.

MulleDK is see your vid, and I raise you this vid:

May 9 2016, 6:44 PM · Arma 3
ShotgunSheamuS added a comment to T59106: Stuck running.

It is a bug if it just happens by itself without you directly commanding that action to take place, it should be fixed.

May 9 2016, 6:39 PM · Arma 3
ShotgunSheamuS added a comment to T59083: Low CPU/GPU Utilization.

Well I have noticed pretty solid FPS count recently, SP im at 60fps almost always with HIGH preset, and online MP it fluctuates between 40 and 50fps.

So I think you could BI are getting serious =)

i3570K @ 4.2Ghz
GTX 660(non Ti)
8GB DDR3 Corsair Vengeance

Still, I notice that GPU and CPU utilization is low. GPU now sits around 70% and CPU around 60% for one core, the other 2 sit around 10-30%. BI could definately do work more on it.

May 9 2016, 5:55 PM · Arma 3
ShotgunSheamuS added a comment to T59083: Low CPU/GPU Utilization.

Well I have noticed pretty solid FPS count recently, SP im at 60fps almost always with HIGH preset, and online MP it fluctuates between 40 and 50fps.

So I think you could BI are getting serious =)

i3570K @ 4.2Ghz
GTX 660(non Ti)
8GB DDR3 Corsair Vengeance

Still, I notice that GPU and CPU utilization is low. GPU now sits around 70% and CPU around 60% for one core, the other 2 sit around 10-30%. BI could definately do work more on it.

May 9 2016, 5:55 PM · Arma 3
ShotgunSheamuS added a comment to T59083: Low CPU/GPU Utilization.

I feel highly disapointed. I built a rig that supposedly is just above BIS recommendid setup. and yet I still battle to run comfortably on overall high setting.

I Have:
i5 3570k (overclocked to 4.5ghz)
GTX660 (non-Ti)
8GB of DDR3 ram

3570k CPU is suppose to be better than the recommendid CPU, yet it isn't at it's 3.4GHz stock core, and even after over clocking to 4.5ghz I am still struggeling!

The GPU however, I am surprised, it isn't really bad, if I run Arma3 at overall Ultra setting in editor with no scripts or AI etc, and set object and terrain detail to low (no CPU intensive tasks in game) Then I achive over 60-80 frames easily. But as soon as I start increasing the object/terrain quality, I see leaps of frames dropping. Right down to about 28-32 frames. Then I still have to play a showcase where there's actually shit going on, frames drop to 15!

The game is seriously too CPU intensive. Need more efficient coding, and perhaps some work arounds to lower the stress, see my l;ast comment here on a way to improve performace regarding object quality.

May 9 2016, 5:06 PM · Arma 3
ShotgunSheamuS added a comment to T58953: Terrain transforms when moving prone.

You know ii totally agree,.. You know what would be a great fix? Getting rid of parallax mapping, and replacing it with tessellation. Not only would it do a better job at achieving the same goal, but it could also be applied as a great alternative to dynamic LOD, which would solve the popping of models.

But at this point i guess its too late to implement that now -sigh-

May 9 2016, 4:09 PM · Arma 3
ShotgunSheamuS added a comment to T58953: Terrain transforms when moving prone.

Exactly phal, they should just break up all the graphic settings and isolate them so that we can enable and or disable any settings that bother us, for example for me to get rid of this, i have to scale my terrain settings down to standard, unfortunately that impacts other things like the view distance of grass, and unusual geometry on terrain, creating flouting objects and trees in the distance.

There already is a ticket to break up and isolate these settings as a form of advanced tweaking, i really do hope they implement that.

May 9 2016, 4:09 PM · Arma 3
ShotgunSheamuS added a comment to T58953: Terrain transforms when moving prone.

I agree, really does look retarded for this game, and it is equally distracting as the popping effect of models switching between LOD. The parallax mapping does do wonders to give depth to textures, but with the current distraction, I'd say not worth it. If extending the parallax mapping does fix it, id be greatful, how much of an impact it will have i don't know. Perhaps BIS will need to look into tesselation to replace parallax mapping?

Anyways, I'd like parallax making to be a selectable option independently, in fact I'd like all configurable settings to be adjustable independently to better fine tune, i think there is a ticket for that though.

May 9 2016, 4:09 PM · Arma 3
ShotgunSheamuS added a comment to T58951: Bad positional audio makes it nearly impossible to estimate distance and direction by sound.

Well bez, it was mentioned else where that the cry for medic in domination is not content provided by BIS and that the modders are responsible forimplementing it bbetter.

But that said, i do agree about the modified engine, i too was hoping a whole new engine, completely redone and built from scratch to suit the modern tech better... Can only hope they consider this for the next iteration of virtual reality engine.

May 9 2016, 4:08 PM · Arma 3
ShotgunSheamuS added a comment to T58951: Bad positional audio makes it nearly impossible to estimate distance and direction by sound.

and i thought i was the only one!


Sound really needs improvement

May 9 2016, 4:08 PM · Arma 3
ShotgunSheamuS added a comment to T58713: Black screen after 3-4 minutes.

I actually had this issue Sunday evening, joined a server and it was just black. When i hit escape, i can see the menu and in game picture, but if i resumed, it went black again. Not sure if it's the same exact issue, since i also run msi after burner, but the problem can be resolved by restarting ARMA.

May 9 2016, 3:27 PM · Arma 3
ShotgunSheamuS added a comment to T58713: Black screen after 3-4 minutes.

I had this twice, and I just thought i clocked my GTX660 too far that caused this. Then again, after downstepping my clockspeed back to 10% I havent had this issue again.

Just my 2cents worth.

May 9 2016, 3:27 PM · Arma 3
ShotgunSheamuS added a comment to T58680: Shadow floating / misalignment.

think BIS might need to start working on building a new engine from scratch for the future ARMA4

May 9 2016, 3:25 PM · Arma 3