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Reload weapon with another mag with "hold r" keybinding problem
Confirmed Internally, NormalPublic


When you have 3 mags and want to reload your weapon with the "hold r" keybinding - this is broken when the char is cycling through all 3 mags.
Even after a relog reloading with "hold r" is not possible anymore till you reload the weapon with "drag and drop" in the inventory.


Operating System
Windows 10
Steps To Reproduce
  • Find a weapon
  • Find 3 mags for the weapon
  • Load the mags with bullets
  • Place mag (2) and mag (3) in player inventory
  • Load one mag (1) in the weapon
  • "Hold r" to load cycle mags

When mag (1) is the weapon again "Hold r" to load a mag is not possible anymore with this weapon.

Additional Information

At this point I was on the UK 03 Exp Server v 1.12.153904.
I could not reload my weapon with the "Hold r" keybinding. So I was doing a relog (and starting to record).

0:45 - Im trying to reload the MP5 with "Hold r". It is not possible.
Im trying to recreate the problem.
3:30 - the bug is present again and it is not possible reload with "Hold r".
Switching the gun and trying to recreate the problem.
4:40 - Same problme with the AKM. Reload with "Hold r" is not possible.

Is related to T153569

Event Timeline

There are a very large number of changes, so older changes are hidden. Show Older Changes

Same issue is on console aswell

Geez changed the task status from New to Assigned.May 12 2021, 11:48 AM
andro_dawton updated the task description. (Show Details)May 12 2021, 2:31 PM
andro_dawton edited Additional Information. (Show Details)May 14 2021, 5:31 PM
Geez changed the task status from Assigned to Acknowledged.May 19 2021, 3:28 PM
Geez added a subscriber: Geez.

Thank you for the report andro_dawton.
The issue has been confirmed and scheduled for a fix.

andro_dawton added a comment.EditedJun 23 2021, 4:04 PM

Cant reproduce now in 1.13 exp. But there is no entry in the changelog. Does this mean it is still reproducable in 1.13? @Geez

Maybe it fixed itself 😂 but i played yesterday had no issues with it anymore aswell on (PS4) SEEMS TO BE FIXED

andro_dawton added a comment.EditedJun 23 2021, 5:24 PM

Is 1.13 experimental on PS4?

No but as far as i got told there was a smaller update and since then it didnt happened to me anymore.

@Geez Hi, the issue is still present on todays experimental version. It appears that the bug affects the magazine, that is attached to the gun when logging in.

  1. As long as that magazine is in the gun, the holding "R" to reload keybinding is NOT functional.
  2. The gun CAN however be reloaded by manually dragging another magazine onto the COMBINE section.
  3. The gun can then be reloaded by holding "R" UNTIL the "cursed magazine" has been cycled back into the gun. At that point Step 2. has to be repeated.

Hope I could clarify things
Best regards

this issue still persist in 1.13

Still persist in 1.14 but i found a way to fix atleast the mag when it happens.

Fix: Drop the "cursed mag" on the ground, look at it and reload with R2 on PS4 or left mousbutton on PC. For me that fixed the mag and i could reload normally again. Will do this in the future.. To avoid this bug from happening

@KingSize Will try that, thx for the tip :)

I can confirm that the workaround works, thanks again @KingSize! And I can thus confirm that the bug also still exists @Geez

@Geez The issue is present as of 1.17.154657.

I want to suggest setting the severity to major, as this issue can easily get you killed in a firefight and thus lead to the loss of your character.

Geez added a comment.Mar 28 2022, 2:45 PM

@Geez The issue is present as of 1.17.154657.

I want to suggest setting the severity to major, as this issue can easily get you killed in a firefight and thus lead to the loss of your character.

Hello freerider3434.
The severity column on the bugtracker does not reflect our internal priority system.

Hey @Geez thanks for taking the time to let me know.

In 1.18 this bug happened again. No matter wich gun.. It is happening to me always when i have excactly 3 mags.. 2 in my inventory 1 in the gun.

Slivo added a comment.Aug 2 2022, 12:50 PM

I don't know if I'm getting unlucky but this is getting out of hands lately
Any chance to have someone looking at this ?

@Geez This bug is still present as of stable game version 1.19.155390, meaning that the core mechanic of gunplay has now been suffering from the same bug for 7 patches straight (since 1.12). There is a workaround as has been described in this ticket, but every DayZ player who doesn't know it, is at a severe disadvantage. To reiterate, this bug prevents you from reloading via the R-key.

You said that the severity column does not reflect your internal priority system, but given how long this bug has been present now, I'm sure it's safe to say it isn't "major", which is what I was suggesting.

This bug leads to losing gunfights due to bugged gameplay mechanics and thus to losing characters, so I don't think I am wrong in my assesment.

Best regards

Slivo added a comment.Feb 7 2023, 6:44 PM

Hi. It's been almost two years and this bug is as critical as ADS bug
Please fix!

Slivo added a comment.EditedMar 24 2023, 4:19 PM

Could we have bit of an update on the topic ? (@Geez or whoever is around handling the reports in 2023)

@Geez This bug is still present as described above in Experimental Game Version 1.21.156073

I will add that after logging in the reload might still function normally, but as soon as a round is fired from that mag or another one, the mag that was in the gun upon login, will now have the bug, where while the bugged mag is in the gun, you cannot reload anymore holding "r".

The workaround, of dropping attached mags on the floor and then loading them with left-click after logging in, still works.

@Geez Bug tested and confirmed to STILL be present as of Stable Game Update 1.21.156201

Geez, could you please provide us with a short update as to the state of this problem or whether you require any further information? I will try to answer any questions as precisely as possible.

Best regards

Geez added a comment.May 24 2023, 10:35 AM

@Geez Bug tested and confirmed to STILL be present as of Stable Game Update 1.21.156201

Geez, could you please provide us with a short update as to the state of this problem or whether you require any further information? I will try to answer any questions as precisely as possible.

Best regards

Hello freerider3434.
The ticket is still set as acknowledged, there have been no fixes for this deployed so it is expected that the issue is still present in this update.

As for any progress info, there is nothing I can provide besides the fact we have the issue logged in our system and it is going to be worked on.

Thanks for the update !
Any chance the priority of this bug could be rechecked ? It feel like it's lost at the bottom of the backlog

Geez added a comment.May 24 2023, 10:58 AM

Thanks for the update !
Any chance the priority of this bug could be rechecked ? It feel like it's lost at the bottom of the backlog

The devs would like to address this for the 1.22 update.

What a great news! Thanks a lot! :)

Geez added a comment.May 24 2023, 11:03 AM

no problem! :)

Thanks Geez! Great news.

Not fixed I guess.

Slivo added a comment.EditedNov 7 2023, 3:30 PM

Hi there, hello!

This issue still occurs on 1.23

It's now 11 patches old ! 🎂

Thanks for the update !
Any chance the priority of this bug could be rechecked ? It feel like it's lost at the bottom of the backlog

The devs would like to address this for the 1.22 update.

@Geez Hi Geez, could you pleaase tell us if this issue might finally be on the menu, now another 2 patches later? I really find this to be quite a severe bug, as it has direct and constistent impact on the core mechanic of gunplay.

Geez added a comment.Nov 24 2023, 11:12 AM

Thanks for the update !
Any chance the priority of this bug could be rechecked ? It feel like it's lost at the bottom of the backlog

The devs would like to address this for the 1.22 update.

@Geez Hi Geez, could you pleaase tell us if this issue might finally be on the menu, now another 2 patches later? I really find this to be quite a severe bug, as it has direct and constistent impact on the core mechanic of gunplay.

Unfortunately no Info I can publicly share. We did not forget about the issue however.

@Geez Thanks for the update!

Slivo added a comment.Feb 21 2024, 9:33 PM

Still happening on 1.24 stable

freerider3434 added a comment.EditedFeb 24 2024, 12:02 AM

@Geez The bug has been in the game for 3.5 years now. It affects the core mechanic of gunplay and can lead to loss of character. Could you please bring it to the dev teams attention once more and/or give us an update? Would be highly appreciated. Thanks, best regards!

Geez added a comment.Feb 26 2024, 10:11 AM

@Geez The bug has been in the game for 3.5 years now. It affects the core mechanic of gunplay and can lead to loss of character. Could you please bring it to the dev teams attention once more and/or give us an update? Would be highly appreciated. Thanks, best regards!

Hello freerider3434.
The dev team is aware of this bugs existence and unfortunately I have no estimate I could share as to when the fix could be released for this.

@Geez Hey Geez, thanks for the update. This is getting a bit frustrating, but I understand, that there's nothing you personally can do about it. Best regards

Annual Report: Same Char, same Bug.

Geez closed this task as Resolved.Jul 25 2024, 11:14 AM
Geez claimed this task.

Resolved for 1.26 update.

Resolved for 1.26 update.

Fantastic news, thanks for the update Geez! Finally! Reading that this problem was fixed made my day. Do you know what caused this issue, as it seems to have been quite a tricky one? Just out of curiosity. Thanks again!

Geez added a comment.Jul 26 2024, 10:34 AM

Do you know what caused this issue, as it seems to have been quite a tricky one? Just out of curiosity. Thanks again!

Unfortunately I do not possess the information what caused the issue :)

Do you know what caused this issue, as it seems to have been quite a tricky one? Just out of curiosity. Thanks again!

Unfortunately I do not possess the information what caused the issue :)

Alright, thanks. Again, super happy that it's fixed :)

Super cool. Thx Devs and @Geez :)

@Geez I unfortunately have to report, that the bug is still present as of experimental game version 1.26.158551, so I'm asking you to please reopen this ticket. Steps to reproduce are as follows:

  1. Login to the server and equip a gun with attached magazine that you have at least another magazine for in your inventory.
  2. Hold R and note that the reload does not occurr and the hotbar does it's 'flashing' thing.
  3. Workaround I: Attempt to drag a magazine from your inventory onto the gun, which does reload and occassionally 'uncurses' the mag that was in the gun upon logging in, meaning cycling through mags via holding R is possible afterwards.
  4. Workaround II: Drag the magazine out of your gun into the vicinity and click 'attach', while looking at the magazine on the ground with your gun in your hands. Has always worked 100% and still does.

Best regards

Geez added a comment.Aug 13 2024, 12:27 PM

@Geez I unfortunately have to report, that the bug is still present as of experimental game version 1.26.158551, so I'm asking you to please reopen this ticket. Steps to reproduce are as follows:

  1. Login to the server and equip a gun with attached magazine that you have at least another magazine for in your inventory.
  2. Hold R and note that the reload does not occurr and the hotbar does it's 'flashing' thing.
  3. Workaround I: Attempt to drag a magazine from your inventory onto the gun, which does reload and occassionally 'uncurses' the mag that was in the gun upon logging in, meaning cycling through mags via holding R is possible afterwards.
  4. Workaround II: Drag the magazine out of your gun into the vicinity and click 'attach', while looking at the magazine on the ground with your gun in your hands. Has always worked 100% and still does.

    Best regards

Thank you, we will check

Geez reopened this task as Confirmed Internally.Aug 13 2024, 2:30 PM


This comment was removed by freerider3434.


@Geez Hi Geez,

do you know, whether this is still planned for 1.26? Would be cool, as gunplay is a core mechanic of the game and encountering this bug can lead to very bitter character loss.

Best regards

Geez added a comment.Sep 9 2024, 9:32 AM


@Geez Hi Geez,

do you know, whether this is still planned for 1.26? Would be cool, as gunplay is a core mechanic of the game and encountering this bug can lead to very bitter character loss.

Best regards

Unfortunately I cannot provide any estimates in regards to this issue.

Geez closed this task as Resolved.Nov 13 2024, 4:03 PM

Resolved for the upcoming patch for 1.26.

@Geez Thank you, amazing news! Fingers crossed!

Good morning!

It indeed solved the deathmatch after "spawn with gear" reload
It however still happens on regular servers, on char that log in with their gear
Could it be because the char is from before the patch and the save was somewhat corrupted ?
If it's not related to char data itself, then something is still wrong.

I'll confirm if It happens again

@Geez Sorry to say, once again this issue was said to be resolved and once again it's still present as of 1.26.159040. Please reopen the ticket accordingly. @Slivo Happened with a fresh character on official server. The old workaround still works and the issue reoccurs after relogging.

Slivo added a comment.Nov 22 2024, 1:45 PM

So it's definitely not fully fixed for "regular" cases
It did fix it on my deathmatch server that spawn people with gear however so it's already one step in the right direction

Geez reopened this task as Confirmed Internally.Nov 27 2024, 2:34 PM

@Geez Sorry to say, once again this issue was said to be resolved and once again it's still present as of 1.26.159040. Please reopen the ticket accordingly. @Slivo Happened with a fresh character on official server. The old workaround still works and the issue reoccurs after relogging.

Thank you, confirmed that it does indeed still occur unfortunately :(

@Geez Thanks for comfirming!

hleV added a subscriber: hleV.Feb 1 2025, 1:06 PM

When can we expect a fix for this? The bug has been around for years and it's quite game breaking when it comes to PvP. Holding R should reliably reload the magazine as long as you have one in your inventory.

When can we expect a fix for this? The bug has been around for years and it's quite game breaking when it comes to PvP. Holding R should reliably reload the magazine as long as you have one in your inventory.
